November 30, 2010
This winter, millions of people will be sending cards to friends and loved ones filled with holiday cheer and warm wishes for the coming year. This is the perfect opportunity to stand up for Bradley Manning, imprisoned for almost a year for allegedly blowing the whistle on war crimes committed by US forces overseas. So add a few people to the list of holiday card recipients this winter. And if you’re planning a holiday party, get some colored paper and let your guests make cards, too! What better way to celebrate the season?Cet hiver, des millions de gens vont envoyer des cartes à leurs amis et à leurs proches leur souhaitant de bonnes vacances et de bonnes fêtes de fin d’année. C’est une occasion parfaite pour soutenir Bradley Manning, emprisonné depuis presque un an, soupçonné d’être l’auteur des fuites concernant les crimes de guerre commis par les forces américaines à l’étranger. Alors pourquoi ne pas ajouter quelques personnes à votre liste de destinataires cet hiver ? Et si vous prévoyez une petite fête, préparez du papier de couleur et demandez à vos invités de faire quelques cartes, également ! Quelle meilleure façon de célébrer les fêtes de fin d’année ?Ove zime milijuni ljudi slat će čestitke prijateljima i najmilijima pune blagdanskog veselja i iskrenih želja za dolazeću godinu. Ovo je savršena prilika da se zauzmete za Bradleyja Manninga, koji je u zatvoru već gotovo godinu dana zbog navodnog puhanja u zviždaljku i otkrivanja ratnih zločina koje su snage Sjedinjenih Američkih Država počinile u prekooceanskim zemljama. Dakle, dodajte još nekoliko osoba popisu primatelja blagdanskih čestitki ove zime. A ako planirate blagdansku zabavu, nabavite malo papira u boji i dajte da i Vaši gosti sami izrade čestitke! Ima li boljeg načina za slavlje tijekom ovih blagdana?
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In: Activism
November 10, 2010
Washington, DC, November 10, 2010 – Last week, David House, a developer working with the Bradley Manning Support Network, was detained and had his computer seized by the FBI when returning from a vacation in Mexico. He committed no crime, nor was he ever alleged to have committed a crime. He was questioned extensively about his support for alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, who has been imprisoned in Quantico for over 160 days.
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In: Activism, News, Press Releases
November 8, 2010
The Bradley Manning Support Network is calling on supporters to sign a public declaration of support for accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. Whistleblowers who speak out against injustice and tyranny make incredible personal sacrifices. Sign this petition and our partner, Courage to Resist, will mail your statement of support to Secretary of the Army John McHugh and Chief of Staff of the Army General George Casey.The Bradley Manning Support Network is calling on supporters to sign a public declaration of support for accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. Whistleblowers who speak out against injustice and tyranny make incredible personal sacrifices. Sign this petition and our partner, Courage to Resist, will mail your statement of support to Secretary of the Army John McHugh and Chief of Staff of the Army General George Casey.The Bradley Manning Support Network is calling on supporters to sign a public declaration of support for accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. Whistleblowers who speak out against injustice and tyranny make incredible personal sacrifices. Sign this petition and our partner, Courage to Resist, will mail your statement of support to Secretary of the Army John McHugh and Chief of Staff of the Army General George Casey.The Bradley Manning Support Network is calling on supporters to sign a public declaration of support for accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. Whistleblowers who speak out against injustice and tyranny make incredible personal sacrifices. Sign this petition and our partner, Courage to Resist, will mail your statement of support to Secretary of the Army John McHugh and Chief of Staff of the Army General George Casey.Le Réseau de Soutien en faveur de Bradley Manning lance un appel aux militants afin qu’ils signent une déclaration publique en faveur de Bradley Manning, l’auteur présumé des fuites de Wikileaks. Les auteurs de fuites qui s’élèvent contre les injustices et la tyrannie font des sacrifices personnels incroyables. Signez cette pétition et notre partenaire, Courage to Resist, enverra votre déclaration de soutien au Secrétaire en charge de l’Armée, John McHugh, et le chef du Personnel de l’Armée George Casey.Mreža potpore Bradleyju Manningu poziva pristaše da potpišu javnu izjavu o potpori optuženom WikiLeaks zviždaču Bradleyju Manningu. Zviždači koji dignu svoj glas protiv nepravde i tiranije čine nevjerojatne osobne žrtve. Potpišite peticiju, a naš će partner, Courage to Resist, poslati Vašu izjavu o potpori ministru Oružanih snaga, Johnu McHughu, i načelniku glavnog stožera Oružanih snaga, generalu Georgeu Caseyju.
The Bradley Manning Support Network is calling on supporters to sign a public declaration of support for accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. Whistleblowers who speak out against injustice and tyranny make incredible personal sacrifices. Sign this petition and our partner, Courage to Resist, will mail your statement of support to Secretary of the Army John McHugh and Chief of Staff of the Army General George Casey.The Bradley Manning Support Network is calling on supporters to sign a public declaration of support for accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. Whistleblowers who speak out against injustice and tyranny make incredible personal sacrifices. Sign this petition and our partner, Courage to Resist, will mail your statement of support to Secretary of the Army John McHugh and Chief of Staff of the Army General George Casey.
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In: Activism