10 March 2011
The U.S. Military is seeking to make an example of Bradley Manning, who is accused of releasing classified information about war crimes and government corruption to the WikiLeaks website.
We are here to say: We believe in truth and government accountability. We want real democracy. We are tired of perpetual wars and perpetual lies. We are Bradley Manning!
Click below for a list a actions to take to help save Bradley’s life.
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In: Activism, Updates
March 20, 2011. Congressman Dennis Kucinich told MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer during an interview today that Bradley Manning’s treatment at MCB Quantico raises serious questions about the Pentagon and US Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates.
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In: In the press, News
End the punitive detention of Bradley Manning. Send a message to President Obama and Secretary Gates via Amnesty International USA.
Stepping up its efforts after news broke last week of even harsher imprisonment conditions imposed on US Army prisoner Bradley Manning, Amnesty International USA has instituted a Take Action messaging campaign on Manning’s behalf. Messages sent via takeaction.amnestyusa.org will be sent to President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates.
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In: Activism, Updates
5 March 2011
March 5, 2011, by David Coombs, Bradley Manning’s attorney. The Brig has stripped PFC Manning of all of his clothing for the past three nights, and they intend to continue this practice indefinitely. Each night, Brig guards force PFC Manning to relinquish all of his clothing. He then lies in a cold jail cell naked until the following morning, when he is required to endure the humiliation of standing naked at attention for the morning roll call.
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In: Commentary, News, Updates
4 March 2011
March 4, 2011. Congressman Dennis Kucinich today released letters from the Secretaries of the Defense and the Army that respond to repeated requests to visit with Private First Class Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking confidential materials to Wikileaks. Kucinich is releasing the letters after new allegations emerged of Manning being stripped naked and left in his cell for seven hours.
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In: News, Updates
3 March 2011
Private First Class Bradley Manning, in detention at United States Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig in Virginia, was forced to strip naked on the evening of March 2nd, 2011, left naked in his cell all night and forced to stand at attention for the facility’s five a.m. wake-up call, according to his legal representative attorney David Coombs.
Coombs posted a report earlier today on his website announcing the humiliating and degrading treatment his client was forced to endure. Coombs added that Manning has been warned that he will endure the same treatment again this evening. He noted, “This type of degrading treatment is inexcusable and without justification. It is an embarrassment to our military justice system and should not be tolerated.”
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In: News
2 March 2011
March 2, 2011. After seven months of additional investigation by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC) and other investigative agencies, the U.S. Army charged Pvt. 1st Class Bradley E. Manning with 22 additional charges on March 2, 2011. Most significantly, the capital offense charge of aiding the enemy under UCMJ Article 104 was added. The Army claims that the prosecution will not recommend the death penalty; however, the Army’s Convening Authority, Maj. Gen. Karl R. Horst (Commanding General, U.S. Army Military District of Washington) will have the final say in the matter.
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In: News, Updates