Comments on: Former Commander of Headquarters Company at Quantico Objects to Treatment of Bradley Manning Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 21:33:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rosalie Crispin Rosalie Crispin Sat, 14 Jan 2012 10:25:46 +0000 I find this very typical of the US administration. We only get to know the truth because of the courage of people like Brad Manning. The countries you have invaded is inexcusable. Why haven’t you gone through Mexico and cleaned up the war lords, or Africa where thousands are being murdered. You spend billions on warfare but yet your own people and so many of them are on and under the poverty line while your big companies line their pockets with gold. Shame shame shame.

By: Margaret Kennedy Margaret Kennedy Sat, 26 Feb 2011 04:10:18 +0000 Dear Mr Mac Michael,
Thank you for sticking your neck out and standing up for Bradley Manning and for what is right, however uncomfortable to Western governments.NO GOVERNMENT has the mandate from its people to torture ANYONE, let alone its own citizens in the ‘Land of the Free?’ Bradley Manning is a HERO in the true sense of the word. I am VERY PROUD OF HIM. I feel this is now the chance for all those in government to assess,what,how why they take ANY actions, passive, assertive or aggressive? Would they like THEIR son or daughter treated so cruelly? The answer to that will surly be a BIG NO. With that in mind, why not accept that rightly, we teach our children to THINK, ASSESS and DECIDE. Be proud that you have in your midst a young man who has done just that. Now is the time to learn from knowledge of the wrongs done in the past. There are MANY like Bradley Manning who wish a fair go in a HUMANE world..just talk to the young people of Egypt! My thoughts are with Bradley and those who have his fate in their hands who I wish the wisdom and compassion to learn POSITIVE HUMANE lessons as we are all part of this, it is OUR governments who support Bradley’s treatment We too can demand change for Bradley, for us all.
Well done to all those speaking out against the treatment of Libyan protesters, including Hilary Clinton. How about the treatment of Bradley a US citizen…I OBJECT TO THAT TOO!!
Love to all of you

By: Shelley Fox-Loken Shelley Fox-Loken Tue, 01 Feb 2011 18:27:31 +0000 This letter was inspirational…and Right On! I would also like to point out that in addition to Pfc Manning being treated “differently” due to his “side” of an issue (as in, North was on the side of the then administration) there are countless instances of people being treated differently NOT because their BEHAVIOR was different, but because their motivations or belief systems were different. We see this in who is prosecuted for crimes (especially victimless crimes) and who is given a pass. This is where bias based on race, religion (especially if you are openly Muslim) and class comes into play in the criminal justice system (which I retired from after 20 years). But I have seen countless examples of the strong arm of the law bearing down on people ONLY due to their belief or stand on an issue. This is most clearly seen in peaceful protests where leftists/progressives are dealt with harshly, often being gassed and assaulted, while their counterparts in the right/conservative protests and get a police escort (all while many in the crowd are armed in some of them) and are NEVER arrested or assaulted. And this is NOT because they are more peaceful…

We claim to have Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. But that freedom only extends fully to those who agree with the status quo. Those of us who disagree are shut down at every opportunity. Pfc Manning is but one (and one of the worst) examples of this. He is a hero, but he will be vilified by those who have a vested in keeping things as they are…a pro-war, pro-oppression country. This will soon loose for us what little respect we have left in the world.

By: Elsa Voelcker Elsa Voelcker Sat, 29 Jan 2011 03:51:16 +0000 It is this kind of treatment that makes us doubt that we live in a democracy. ThIs treatment of people gives us no right to condem other countries actions.

By: Gary Joseph Chandler Gary Joseph Chandler Sat, 29 Jan 2011 02:35:00 +0000 somebody could make a computer, put all of the writings of Franklin, Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, and the rest and ask them what They think of the Bushes, the wars, and all. I wonder what they would say about the Palin’s FCS!?

By: Gary Joseph Chandler Gary Joseph Chandler Sat, 29 Jan 2011 02:22:17 +0000 @ Peter, I would only change your last word from ‘principles’ to ‘ideals’, as this action followed the ‘standards’ of the America I have observed for 6 decades.
@ Nina, the children in that van are etched into my mind. The men who did that, how many more ‘notches’?
Gandhi also said, “It would be a good idea!” when asked what he thought of Western Civilization.
Clarence Darrow, “A real patriot hates injustice, foremost in their own country.”
Mark Twain, “True patriotism always supports its Nation, but its Government ONLY when it deserves it.”
I wish America’s founding fathers could be ‘polled’ on how succesful they would rank their DREAM/nightmare. They would be on Bradley’s side!

By: DOROTHY FILA DOROTHY FILA Fri, 28 Jan 2011 14:44:37 +0000 I am ashamed of our government over many things but the treatment of Bradley Manning is the worst. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? This has shades of natzi Germany, this is the change President Obama brought to our country? Shame on our country, no wonder the rest of the world hate us, guess they saw our country for what it is long before the people did. Why did the Bush administration walk away free?Why did Obama say he was not going to look back but ahead? Where does that apply to this young man, Bradley Manning?President Obama may enjoy high ratings in the polls but wait until the next election when the people speak up. FREEDOM OF SPEECH , yeah right! They spoke out ast the last election also.

By: Nina Kethevan Nina Kethevan Fri, 28 Jan 2011 03:34:41 +0000 Dear General Amos,

I find myself worrying daily about Bradley Manning.
He has become part of my life although I have never met him.
I cannot bear that he is being treated so inhumanely.
People like him shed light onto a very dark world.
Gandhi said: “There is no God higher than the Truth.”

Thank you for your consideration.

Nina Kethevan

By: Bruce Ewen Bruce Ewen Thu, 27 Jan 2011 21:13:56 +0000 The American people have a right to know what is going on all around the world, and the lies we have been told to justify the wasting of our taxes and the lives of our fine young people in wars that have violated the freedoms of so many people around the world, like on 9/11/1973 – the U.S. – sponsored military coup in Chile, the assassination of General Letelier by the CIA, putting the fascist Agosto Pinochet in power to lead the coup, guided by radio messages from members of the U.S. Seventh Fleet off the harbor of Valparaiso. This was followed by a 20 year reign of terror against the Chilean people – a regime led by Pinochet that was cited by Amnesty International as the greatest violation of human rights since Adoph Hitler. It took 25 years for this information to be de-classified. The de-classification of this material resulted in no danger to the national security of the U.S. It made it clear the Henry Kissinger is a was criminal, just like Richard Nixon. Where is the trial, the solitary confinement, the “suicide watch” for Kissinger?

Whatever the outcome of the trial, cruel and unusual punishment is not justified. I continue to be shocked by the inhumane treatment by the U.S. government of so many people. That is not what our country is supposed to be about. No fascism here! Justice for the real war criminals, the murderers, the torturers, and protect the rights of the whistleblowers. If it is found that a crime has been committed, let the court system determine the punishment, not the pre-trial officers.

I tell you this, fellow Americans, if we do not stand up for what is morally right, we will pay dearly for this some day, when we will all be called to account for our crimes and our complicity in it, by the world court.

By: Jim Jim Thu, 27 Jan 2011 21:05:31 +0000 I support Mr. Bradley Manning and his actions in exposing the murderous and illegal actions of the Officer’s corps of the u.s. army and marine corps. Manning is the HERO and his commanding officers are the Villains in this case and many more like it. Enlisted soldiers need to REVOLT against their officer corps and form ‘SOLDIERS COUNCILS’ like their British and Russian comrades have in the past!

u.s. airforce veteran,…Jim
