Comments on: Speak Out Against the Inhumane Imprisonment of Bradley Manning! Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 21:33:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: ousamadidndoit ousamadidndoit Sat, 19 Feb 2011 22:41:12 +0000 If you can all spare a few dollars,pounds etc….get T-shirts printed up with a picture of Bradley Manning…make as many people aware as you can…make packs of playing cards with his face on the back…I hope to God these evil @ucks get a taste of their own medicine…peace to you all.

By: L.M. Marshall L.M. Marshall Fri, 11 Feb 2011 17:21:17 +0000 With Mubarik’s recent ouster by the Egyptian People, it must give other world ‘leaders’ pause. Perhaps this new tide of grass-roots (desert-sand) democracy will spread the world over. (Gosh, I hope so…).

We owe it to Bradley Manning to lift him up onto our collective shoulders and spread the knowledge of his courage and present confinement and punishments. It seems that only by more people the world over becoming aware of the positive stand Bradley Manning has taken for the (former American) ideals of justice, as well as his present incarceration without trial or conviction will perhaps come the pressure needed on our U.S. Government to free him.

Change is in the air right now. A fresh look at democracy for all peoples is being examined; including the rights of political prisoners, like Brad Manning. Help Bradley ride the wave of freedom
that’s coming.

By: Gust Verlinden Gust Verlinden Fri, 11 Feb 2011 07:24:37 +0000 They act like the Nazi’s : Befehl ist Befehl.
They are not better.
Let justice win.

By: Violet White Violet White Mon, 07 Feb 2011 22:29:27 +0000 Susan Lindauer’s recently published book: ‘Extreme Prejudice’ (2010)contains terrifying insights into the use of psychiatric abuse in the pre-trial legal system, especially re. political prisoners; it reads just like Soviet ‘re-programming’ – see Wikipedia ‘Punitive Psychiatry in the Soviet Union’. WE HAVE TO FIGHT THIS HORROR

By: L.M. Marshall L.M. Marshall Mon, 07 Feb 2011 05:33:06 +0000 What concerns me quite a bit is that Private Manning is being forced to take a number of psych meds. These could do him as much or more psychological harm conceivably than the time he’s spent in slitary confinement at the prison. Some meds can act like a horrible, internal ‘straightjacket’ once taken.

By: Stefanie Bielekova Stefanie Bielekova Mon, 07 Feb 2011 05:03:59 +0000 Yes, L.M. Marshall, I hope you’re right. I’ve been following Manning’s situation for some months now and just hope and pray that it improves soon. The latest we’ve heard is that his has been in a catatonic state of late. I just hope now permanent psychological damage has been done. He is truly a hero, and will hopefully get to see the positive outcome of his actions one of these days (hopefully sooner than later).

By: L.M. Marshall L.M. Marshall Mon, 07 Feb 2011 04:37:21 +0000 @Ed M:

Thank you very much for informing me of these developments concerning Bradley Manning. It seems like quite a positive and hopeful turn of events. Perhaps more ‘consevatives’ could be made aware of Pfc. Manning’s situation in order to speed up his release.

By: Ed-M Ed-M Sun, 06 Feb 2011 01:54:03 +0000 @L.M. Marshall, Yesterday I saw at The Daily Paul that libertarian-minded conservatives are taking note of Bradley Manning’s mistreatment and speaking out against it. Including Judge Napolitano at Fox!

Truly, this will take a left-right coalition against the authoritarian “centre.”

By: gloriana gloriana Sun, 06 Feb 2011 01:46:13 +0000 I applaud Mr. Kucinich. At least one member of Congress understands due process, although, let us be clear, the military has its own definition. Why is that?

A man has died in Gunatanimo: was he guilty? I don’t know, no one knows; he was never charged nor was he brought to trial. They are sending him home in a box. Nine years, no charge, no trial.

Bradley Manning’s friends were delayed and harassed when trying to see him. These soldiers harassed them for so long that they missed the meeting time. Yes, the mllitary seems to have its own rules. Why is that?

Bradley Manning, I am thinking positive thoughts for you, and negative thoughts of a justice system that is so UNJust. Why is that?

By: L.M. Marshall L.M. Marshall Sat, 05 Feb 2011 21:26:08 +0000 Today I saw in Truthout that Dennis Kucinich has gotten involved with finding out why Bradley Manng is not being released. I hope that this increases the pressure on the U.S. government to a positive outcome for Pfc. Manning.
