Comments on: WikiLeaks’ Collateral Murder: U.S. Soldier Ethan McCord’s Eyewitness Story Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 21:33:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: BC BC Sat, 21 Aug 2010 14:21:54 +0000 Which part of America’s war on terror exactly is righteous? I fail to see it. There is nothing righteous about western civalisation. Nothing. A high price of life and a significant lack of respect for life are not righteous. Higher cancer rates certainly aren’t are they? And sure, maybe we can cure or treat most medical problems that humans have now, but what’s righteous about dribbling into a bib at age 90n in a nursing home.

Who are we, the west, to say that democracy must provial? our society is broken – riddled with corruption. Nothing about America or England is righteous in any way, shape or form. Far from it we are infact ignorant and arrogant enough to try and enforce our opinions based on our perceptions onto others, despite the fact that their worlds may be significantly different to our own. Alien if you will. How would you feel if the east invaded America and started to say no, you don’t have a vote anymore – like you’ve know all your life, now you answer to one man and his army? You wouldn’t like it and sure you may argue that this is because of ‘freedom’ and a fear of loosing it, but you’re not free in a democracy, democracy is just designed to make it’s people feel free.

When Manning leaked this, if Manning leaked this, he liberated himself from the constraints of western conditioning by deciding that what ever the consiquence, this was worth doing. He is right of course, people want to know, but now you all protest so that maybe next time the person acting righteous, like Manning, won’t be incarserated , however, you will probably just get the next whistle blower black bagged. It would save your government an aweful lot of trouble.

Akasha? it is Human nature to fight, we are animals. the heart pumps blood around the body, it keeps oxygen flowing to where we need it. Any other perception on its function is merely that. A product of social conditioning. What keeps us ‘REAL’ as you state so steriotypically is survival of our species and like almost every other species on the planet this involves staying alive long enough to reproduce. We are animals and don’t forget it, never forget that life is not nearly as complicated as we, Humanity, make it.

Stop wasting money to free Manning, he is a Legend now, a martyr of truth. He knew what he was getting into when he leaked the video and if didn’t expect to be arresseted the I imagine Darwin would happily watch him die as the fittest continued to survive.

By: akasha akasha Mon, 16 Aug 2010 20:44:45 +0000 the blunt truth here is that if people dont CARE-then we are in bad shape as a planet. This war-breaks my heart every time i see anything about it. The humanness-the heart-is gone.
thank you for sharing such a difficult piece-and for bringing the TRUTH forward. thank god you found your own heart……it is the only thing that keeps us REAL.xox

By: Tim Tim Mon, 16 Aug 2010 05:50:58 +0000 Let’s face it: despite the righteous mission the US forces are arrogant and stupid

By: Visitor Visitor Sun, 15 Aug 2010 18:25:25 +0000 Thanks! I am glad there are such videos out there and not just the regular articles on the internet.

The prolonged clapping did sound a little fake though when the credits ran at the end:) Maybe the video-editor wanted to synch the audio with the running credits?
