I really feel sorry for Bradly. I have no trust in a fair trial for him. We can only let him know that people care about him. So me as a Muslimwoman, can only help him by calling the muslimcommunity to support Bradly. I did it by writing to cageprisoners in the UK:
Assalamu alaykum,
I want to inform you about a recent cage prisoner: Bradly Manning; former US soldier who’s held in custody for leaking information about US forces in Iraq to the wellknown Julian Assange.
Even though he is not a Muslim, he did support the Umma by letting the world know how the US military treat fellow muslims in Iraq. His punishment for this couragious act, is his inhumane treatment in a US prison. He has already health problems.
So I want to ask you, please inform your visitors about him and let them support him too by sending letters:
Bradley Manning
c/o Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave #41
Oakland CA 94610
Síť podpory Bradleyho Manninga – Veškerý materiál na tomto webu je zveřejňován na veřejné doméně, pokud není uvedeno jinak. Děkujeme za šíření odkazů a uvádění zdroje. – Osvoboďte Bradleyho Manninga.
I really feel sorry for Bradly. I have no trust in a fair trial for him. We can only let him know that people care about him. So me as a Muslimwoman, can only help him by calling the muslimcommunity to support Bradly. I did it by writing to cageprisoners in the UK:
Assalamu alaykum,
I want to inform you about a recent cage prisoner: Bradly Manning; former US soldier who’s held in custody for leaking information about US forces in Iraq to the wellknown Julian Assange.
Even though he is not a Muslim, he did support the Umma by letting the world know how the US military treat fellow muslims in Iraq. His punishment for this couragious act, is his inhumane treatment in a US prison. He has already health problems.
So I want to ask you, please inform your visitors about him and let them support him too by sending letters:
Bradley Manning
c/o Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave #41
Oakland CA 94610
I would also refer you to his support network: http://bradleymanning.org/cs/
Thanks in advance for your attention
kind regards,
The Netherlands
I refer you to: http://www.cageprisoners.com
I wish you good luck with your actions. May God help Bradly!