Pretty disgusting. Sieg Hiel here we come!
]]>I have been told by Manning supporters that his attorney, Coombs, is restricted by military legal process from forcing changes as to the conditions in which he is kept.
Indeed, I can’t help wondering whose side Mr. Coombs is on given an apparent lack of legal action to change those conditions. From what I can tell Coombs is still connected to the military himself and generally respectful of it.
Military legal process is not above constitutional law. Constitutional law governs all aspects having to do with prosecution of alleged violators. The military cannot violate the legal edicts on what is proper treatment of those accused.
If Manning were being accused and held in civilian facilities under those he is experiencing as a prisoner of the military there would be any number of motions put before judges demanding changes and perhaps even recompense. It matters not, one excuse offered by the ignorant, that a military judge has not yet been assigned to Manning.
Coombs, in the absence of such an authority ought to be bringing a habeus motion before a Virginia Federal District Court demanding the necessary changes to ensure Manning’s well being.
The fact that he has not should lead to a confrontation with him.
Yes! I know about Manning having chosen him as his attorney. That raises questions about Manning’s own legal competence to function in his own regard. It is rare that an accused has the competence legally to deal with such matters themselves.
My point is the legal technicalities and rules, designed after all by the ruling class itself in its own interests, be damned. Somebody has to step forward and present these issues to a Federal judge, the legal basis for standing to do so being the responsibilities cast on individual citizens by both the Nuremburg edicts and as well the Geneva Conventions.
I live in Atlanta and am an old man. Nonetheless, if I had the resources I would myself, if I could not find a sympathetic attorney to do so, walk into the Federal District Court in that Virginia venue and present a set of demands in proper form on paper and insist that a judge order that the conditions under which Manning is held be changed to be no more restrictive than those accorded any civilian prisoner accused of high felonies.
Somebody with a modicum of the legal knowledge I am here addressing ought to do just that after first warning, out of fairness, attorney Coombs.
Jack Jersawitz
[email protected]
You have not been forgotten. I am only one of the millions of Americans who believe your treatment has been barbaric, unconscionable and illegal. It is a shameful chapter in the history of our beloved country.
I look forward to the day when your courageous act of informing
the taxpaying public of its goverment’s wrongdoing is universally recognized for what it was. I look forward to your freedom.
David P, Kozinski