Comments on: Call General Linnington – Tell him to drop the charge of ‘aiding the enemy’ Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Earlywine Larry Earlywine Thu, 02 Feb 2012 23:18:26 +0000 Even during wartime no one has a right to abuse anyone including the so-called enemies family, innocent civilians and the country’s infrastructure. Were all accountable for our behavior and actions. I’m vet from the Vietnam era and I would turn in anybody for atrocities or barbaric and brutal behavior, if there were more Bradley Manning’s in Vietnam, brutalities like the My Lai incident would probably not have occurred. It takes more courage to speak the truth and not go to war, and not listen to politicians,the military industrial complex, corporations and assorted war mongers who make all the profits but never die on the battlefield,I agree with Smedley Butler and have my own quote on a t-shirt that says, “war is legalized murder for profit”

By: Neil D. Hunt Neil D. Hunt Thu, 02 Feb 2012 20:20:13 +0000 Wow! Thanks Heidi! ;)

By: Heidi Lucken Heidi Lucken Thu, 02 Feb 2012 14:31:13 +0000 Here’s some more numbers in Linnington’s office if the ones above are full:
Major General Michael Linnington
103 3rd Avenue
Ft. McNair
Washington, D.C.
Executive Officer.–LTC Michael J. Snipes, 685-2817.
Aide de Camp.–MAJ Timothy R. Garland, 685-2807.
Secretary.–Kai Brown, 685-2808.
Deputy Commander.–Egon F. Hawrylak (SES), 685-0641.
Executive Officer.–Bill Hegedusich, 685-1949.
Secretary.–Kai Brown, 685-2808.
Congressional Liaison.–Darrell E. Adams, 685-4940.
Interagency Officer.–Arnaldo Claudio, 685-4928.
Strategic Planning Officer.–Lee C. Campbell, 685-2933.
Chief of Staff.–COL Jerry L. Blixt, 685-2812.
Executive Assistant.–Sherri Williams, 685-4926.
Secretary of the General Staff.–Corey Langenwalter, 685-0640.
Protocol Officer.–Susan Jones, 685-2803.
Command Sergeant Major.–Michael W. Williams, 685-2923.
Administration NCO.–SGT Twanica Nelson, 685-2923.
When I called the 202# for Linnington the Operator shared she’s receive the letters as well and all they do is take our name and that we called regarding Bradley Manning and for ward that information. Who she forwards that information to is unclear.

By: Heidi Lucken Heidi Lucken Mon, 30 Jan 2012 20:19:13 +0000 Contact Us
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By: Karen Rebb Karen Rebb Thu, 26 Jan 2012 23:18:33 +0000 I am speculating that because this government, administration and military have been illegally and mercilessly punishing whistleblowers, they now have to cover-up these violations of law. A most effective way to do that is to legalize that which was previously illegal. Therefore, they are using Bradley Manning as a scapegoat; they will probably find him “guilty,” and by doing so, they will send a forceful message to any future whistleblowers, activists and protesters: Watch out, or you could be next!

Has fascism come to America?!

By: John Goss John Goss Thu, 26 Jan 2012 11:40:03 +0000 Poetry24 has already published a poem of mine in support of Bradley Manning. This one shows the duplicity of the US in the way it pardons soldiers involved in the massacre of civilians. With Poetry24 there has to be a news link which is after the poem. Feel free to leave comments which are welcome.

By: Gabrielle Gabrielle Wed, 25 Jan 2012 23:59:19 +0000 Good point. By now it’s all pretty much theory and speculation.

By: elemetrics elemetrics Wed, 25 Jan 2012 22:33:30 +0000 Please don’t acknowledge the allegations as if they are fact. Third party influence matters a lot in Manning’s prosecution. The government is prepared to use anything to make Manning the fall guy… At this point, speculation and innuendo will be treated as fact by the government.

By: Ümran Ümran Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:25:15 +0000 According to transcripts of meetings that Manning allegedly had with hacker Adrian Lamo, he reveals that he had unrestricted access to a US Military Database of classified documents. Then, in one of Manning’s later accounts, he confesses that he has become disillusioned with the dominant military practices in which he was directly involved. This also happened to be around the time Manning was going through a period of emotional distress; having broken up with his boyfriend and contemplating gender transition (as acknowledged by facebook status updates)…The formation of his ultimate view of the military culminated in contemplating releasing the vast libraries he had downloaded from servers belonging to a top secret Military Network to which he had legal access. Then he went to WikiLeaks, and for a test, released documents detailing the profile of an Icelandic MP made by the US government. This made the US a subject of considerable scrutiny by the Icelandic government for a time, and upon seeing the effectiveness of the documents, believing that they might or might not deliberate a change for the better, Manning decided to release the rest of the cables. Also covered in the transcripts are Manning allegedly confessing to Lamo of the leak.

These transcripts blatantly reveal Manning’s true intentions and it was never to cause harm to the US or anybody for that matter… It was just an attempt by a law abiding citizen to hold the institutions accountable for their mess and to empower democracy by ensuring cognizance to the electorate. Even if he had released the documents genuinely to “aid” the US’s so called enemy, then statistically, it has been an EPIC FAIL, because who on Earth has been aided in doing anything to the United States of America?? No, seriously, what in the world has anybody done so far since cablegate to the united states that would classify them as an enemy of the US?? I’m sorry the US Military, I’m afraid the facts are just not with you this time. But then again, who needs facts right?? after all, you are the UNITED STATES military! bleh!!

By: Betty Betty Wed, 25 Jan 2012 02:38:39 +0000 I did contact the DOD…Here is a copy of their response:

Response (Public Communication Responder) – 01/24/2012 03:51 PM
Dear Betty:

We have received and read your inquiry concerning PFC Bradley Manning and have forwarded your message to the Military District of Washington Public Affairs office for appropriate action.

If you have additional questions or concerns, you may contact their office at [email protected]

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with the Department of Defense.

Public Communication Section

Auto-Response – 01/19/2012 07:33 PM
Title: PFC Bradley Manning’s legal proceedings

Title: Text Congressional Joint Resolution to Authorize Use of Force Against Iraq

Title: Smallpox Vaccination Program

Customer By Web Form (Betty Weber) – 01/19/2012 07:33 PM
Please drop the “aiding the enemy” against Manning! It’s more of a comment really.

Question Reference #120119-000319
Topic Level 1: Department of Defense
Topic Level 2: Military Justice and Courts
Date Created: 01/19/2012 07:33 PM
Last Updated: 01/24/2012 03:51 PM
Status: Solved


Thought you’d like to know just what they said.

Keep up the GOOD FIGHT…Tell Bradley to remain STRONG.

