Comments on: Outrage over judge allowing Govt to reopen case for baseless slander Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Fri, 26 Jul 2013 19:40:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ronald McDonald Ronald McDonald Tue, 23 Jul 2013 15:31:31 +0000 Story is not getting much publicity in other US aligned countries.

This “war” by the US affected the entire world. Outside pressure is also needed, however they’re doing a good job at shutting it off.

Example there’s a news report recently of a white guy killing a black guy in self defence in the states he got off so the courts are racist apparently – ok, that’s bad, but not a single mention of Manning case.

By: Wei-Ting Chen Wei-Ting Chen Tue, 23 Jul 2013 03:46:47 +0000 Although I don’t think the helicopter shooting was a “mistake” or the killer was sick about it, it’s an intentional murder and the shooter apparently enjoyed it.

However, lets just assume that was a “non-intention mistake” for a while, and we look at what happened afterwards. It turns out to be that this kind of mistakes happened again and again. From drone killings, NATO air-strikes, and night raids, you can see all these kind of killing innocent people event happening repeatedly. There are never efforts of reducing these unjust killing and wars.

Also, war is not an excuse at all, and never can be the excuse. Otherwise, we justify doing extremely bad things under the name of war, and we will find there’s no reason to condemn Nazi at all. It’s world “war” II, isn’t it?

By: Jeff Paterson Jeff Paterson Mon, 22 Jul 2013 21:29:40 +0000 You would also have had to have been a career military officer, stationed in the Washington DC area, to have been part of Bradley Manning’s jury pool–if he had selected to be judged by such a panel. Instead, military judge Colonel Denise Lind will be “the decider” alone.

By: C. Burkey C. Burkey Mon, 22 Jul 2013 21:15:18 +0000 @Richard re: “War”

Thank you for saying that.

By: Stephanie Parks Stephanie Parks Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:14:48 +0000 The real shame about all of this is that he also had to exhibit great courage as well — the courage to speak up against the military is no small thing.

By: Janet N. Janet N. Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:09:56 +0000 Sorry but I thought that this had become a ‘Peacekeeping Mission’!! I feel sorry for all those who are away from their families and we know they are in danger but Manning showed everyone what is really happening, since CNN and Fox are ‘worried’ about other things!

By: premilla dixit nag premilla dixit nag Sun, 21 Jul 2013 23:18:53 +0000 I like the way artist Michael Daly puts it, (July 20). It is indeed, “very simple:

we the people hold Manning’s truth to be self evident.”

Now we just have to free him — and ourselves — from LAW in the hands of the lawless.

What sickens me most is that women — once fairly universal victims of laws and lawmaking that enabled tyranny on women’s lives; women who even yet remain embattled for our human rights — women, like the judge and the prosecutor’s witness, are wielding law for lawlessness and tyranny. This is clearly the case in the shocking treatment of Bradley Manning under a hammer RULE OF LAW that only tyrants and the lawless can mistake for justice. This galls my feminist soul and politics. Everywhere I see women seem to be taking the lead, speaking for and implementing tyranny, violating human rights wily nilly. As though the Western world’s early feminists and women’s rights advocates struggled merely to take their seat at the table of tyrants, not to dismantle tyranny! For this, the lives of Jane Adams, Emily Green Balch, the suffergettes? For shame! Judge Lind does women’s history a grave disservice and no woman worth her integrity should stand for it. I find this repeat feminine face of fascism (check out Nazi Germany, it is chilling) horribly troubling. I for one, encourage all peace women to petition and demand of the National Council of Women’s Organizations, a coalition of organizations which pool the activist strengths of 12 million American women, women’s rights advocates, to address these blatant violations of established humanitarian law in the Manning case, and to hold Judge Lind accountable to a feminist yardstick of justice.

Women’s rights advocates claim “women’s rights are human rights”, acknowledging implicitly and explicitly that human rights are universal. To remain silent when women in power/in office violate this inalienable principle of “rights”, is the height of irresponsibility. After all, women now hold public office on the strength of the women’s movement. Women must hold women in public office accountable. WOMEN are a political class; we are self-aware of this power when we wield our political voice for our HUMAN RIGHT to good health care, which includes safe abortion; surely then it is in our interest to wield this same power in every case, to drive human rights into the rule of law as inalienable and clearly differentiated and definable from the (lawless) rule of power (violation of human rights).

The silence of women as a political class in Bradley Manning’s case( as also Edward Snowden, and a myriad other whistle blowers) is a blind-spot in women’s struggle for human rights that needs to be gone, NOW. For all the individual women on the correct side of history, standing tall with Bradley Manning, leading the fray, if only we could manifest our collective political voice and demand Bradley Manning’s freedom under human rights law. It is only right.

By: patricia ann williams patricia ann williams Sun, 21 Jul 2013 20:07:30 +0000 this is what I mentioned earilier in my message was to give the unwarrented Medal of Honor to Bradley Manning, he is the Hero . What are Earth has Obama ever done to deserve getting a Medal of Honor does anyone know? Was he in the War? He was suppose to get them Home from any war. And Prosecutes them , Let him stand up to the Plate and Dismiss all charges against Manning , Bradley and before the Public and the World Give His Medal of Honor to Bradley knowing he will not tolerate anyone of Americans SHooting down our own Soldiers and our Military with their coverup Lies Hiding behind a defenselist young smart Soldier who let us know the TRUTH.

By: patricia ann williams patricia ann williams Sun, 21 Jul 2013 19:49:39 +0000 It looks like we the people could be the Jury for Manning all of us on Facebook , send it to President or to a Special Judge and overturn this kind of law that the military is using for the gov benifits and theirs to cover up their atrosities . I am so outraged I do not have patience to see this happening to someone else,s son, and maybe to my grandson,s one day . Seals go get the crew from the Helicoper and one who order the shoot , Do SOMETHING you know the truth, and why did the one say he found info in osama home ? That was not Bradleys fault, this helicoper thing has been going on a long time , no one reported it a cover for the gov again, We really need to get Obama out of the Office and Put Ron Paul in he know,s the suitation, you people who voted for Obama were looking thru rose colored glasses, thinking a black president who finally work, but you know he was really elected before you voted, by the Illumitatie. They all are hiding behind their Lies to over throw us all ,

By: patricia ann williams patricia ann williams Sun, 21 Jul 2013 19:38:21 +0000 I hope the star melts to her chest and emblasions her forever for the damage of Bradley,s Life Forever and the Damage she is continuly doing to our Country for going along with the cronies of the white house.
