Comments on: Urgent call-in: demand Maj. Gen. Buchanan free Bradley! Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Sat, 03 Aug 2013 20:39:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: z z Wed, 31 Jul 2013 21:53:49 +0000 Why don’t you write a letter? Go on, I will too!

By: Mary Mary Wed, 31 Jul 2013 09:20:55 +0000 I pray in the name of Jesus that Bradley Manning will walk free as a whistleblower
for revealing to the American people in
the only way he had available what his
conscience required he reveal: The Truth
about things that happen in war time that
need to be known and brought to justice!

I saw that video online and it was unbelievable! The cameras did NOT look like
weapons!!! Not one bit!!!

I heard the audio when they ‘got permission’
to fire on the photographer and others.

Really strange and callous.

God have mercy on them because they know not what they do on some level. No one would do
what they did if they were in their right mind. This all needs to be brought out and
Bradley had the right mindedness to do it.

God bless him and take him out of this

By: dirck hagers dirck hagers Wed, 31 Jul 2013 09:04:24 +0000 America only seems to vote criminals into government. They all have been warmongers.Americans you have been in a slumber since 1913. About time you woke up!
You have failed a Free world and have directly and indirectly killed millions of people for greed. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

By: Terry Johns Terry Johns Wed, 31 Jul 2013 05:57:06 +0000 America has so much to offer our world, but instead its set the world on fire. From Reagan to the Bushes “along with Tony Blair” to Obama! along with the Israelis. hundreds of the thousands of innocent people have been killed for what? tell me why!!!!!.some of those are young Americans!!but For what? you have turned the world against you for your crazy logic of greed, power, and oil, More Bradley Mannings and Snowdens will come forward to expose you for your Crimes against us. Obama has failed us all. (a voice from the uk)

By: Lucette Smoes Lucette Smoes Wed, 31 Jul 2013 04:15:03 +0000 President Obama must return the Nobel Peace Price. Giving this price to President Obama was at best a ridiculous mistake. At worst it is a gigantic scandal.

By: Anthony Finfrock Anthony Finfrock Sun, 28 Jul 2013 06:02:04 +0000 Unfortunately the PAO will probably reply to those emails with canned responses, if at all. There’s a pretty good chance that they wont even read those emails. General Buchanan is even less likely to read or respond to anything.

The military answers to congress and the executive branch. A far more effective method would be to contact a congressional representative or senator. I know that may seem like a roundabout way to make your wishes known.

By: Aleksey Gurtovoy Aleksey Gurtovoy Fri, 26 Jul 2013 20:09:19 +0000 Called both numbers, got redirected to a voice mailbox both times, both of them were full! Sent this email instead:

By: Pete Knight Pete Knight Fri, 26 Jul 2013 20:04:00 +0000 Its tragic to see how USA became war criminals and global terrorists. The US militarys only intention seems to be how they can start a new war somewhere, their “intelligence” even helped thoose who lied about the IRAQI wmds. I belive that the real leaders of USA are their military generals. The Presidents are just a bunch of Muppets! To give Obama the Nobel Peace Price must have been the biggest joke of all time!

By: Jeff Paterson Jeff Paterson Fri, 26 Jul 2013 19:40:17 +0000 It does seem that the military is letting all of these voice and email boxes fill up today. Please consider trying again on Monday.

By: Justice Justice Fri, 26 Jul 2013 18:25:25 +0000 Hold out Bradley. We will free you. They are liars. The US Millitary was in “conspiracy with Al Kaida” in Afghanistan, what was the reason for the “attack on WTC”. This liars now will get the “international” response for this “war crimes” which are unbelieveable. They are the “snichters” and that will be “proofed” with mathematical analytics. The proof is the “Family Bin Laden” which had been the “business partners of George Bush”. The US Gouvernement is “forensic pathologial insane”, and they dont need to make bloody Hollywood Films, to tarn their unbelieveable crimes. They behave in a “pathological pervert insanity”. True is Fault and Fault is True. This cant be accept. We now “internatonal” will go on to get theese war criminals by law and sent them for “hundreds of years” to prison where they belong. We start reporting and sent the “murdered kids and murdered and tortured civilians” to absolutley every place on this earth so that the kiddies will know, what theese “baby crushers” and women rapers are for real. We’ll get theese “nazis”, this bloody pervert germs. They will not escape. We report until “Bradely is free”, on this planet, today there is not one person anymore, which believes in a “US americain”, at last they are only insane perverts, which kill in “amok” in school and murder on the streets, and their bloody “goebbels hollywood” will be smashed down, with their “profitating” perverts “madonnas” and gagas, which take all the money, bounce and bounce, they got billions, this “ugly not to describeable total perverts”, they are “the worst” what ever on this planet can ever be seen. But they think they “escape”, ha, Den Haag is waiting, they support Al Kaida, and the Wahabites in Saudi Arabia, when Bradley, our chiefconstable, trying to bring back, honelsty, trust into democracy for the arabian people. Shame this liars shame for ever, now the CIA will be called “Al Kaida CIA”, what is the fact and the proofeable truth. Time to make a “new entente cordiale with Hollande” which has so much “too much” with this nazi axis. The kidgasers rule the USA, and this can be watched everywhere, but its time to stop them, lets all stay togehter and get theese criminals to a “tribunal in Den Haag” where this “court which is not a court” its a “nazi german Schnellgericht”, here you can see them, the IG Farben and BASF, Standard Oil, Exxon Mobile, Monsanto, the pervertest crimes ever seen on the whole planet, but now they’ll get what they earn.
