Comments on: 12,000 signatures and counting on the petition to free Bradley Manning Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Mckee Mike Mckee Fri, 10 Aug 2012 20:42:39 +0000 Hi Beverly, Maybe a letter-to-the-editor or op/ed piece? Or, paint “Free Bradley Manning” on all Cedar Rapids’ stray cats so it suddenly IS local news? (note: Please don’t really paint any cats, … unless they’re totally into it)

By: Beverly A. Hannon Beverly A. Hannon Thu, 09 Aug 2012 23:01:49 +0000 I have contacted a public “overseer” of our local newspaper, the Cedar Rapids (IA) GAZETTE about why nothing has appeared in the GAZETTE about Manning’s case, which is the biggest Whistleblower case since The Pentagon Papers & Daniel Ellsberg. She wrote back that probably the reason is because it’s not local or regional news. she assumes they will mention it as part of their national news after Manning’s court martial.

Now what do I do?

By: Kenneth Robinson Kenneth Robinson Thu, 09 Aug 2012 21:45:50 +0000 Surely the US government will wake up, we have been here before, as a 78 yo Viet Vet I am disgusted in our Australian government for supporting the US government, our government is ready to crucify Julian Assange for publishing the war crimes, which are as bad or worse than what happened in Vietnam.
Anyhow he has been tortured enough, give him a dicharge and let him go.

By: Frank Blackstone Frank Blackstone Thu, 09 Aug 2012 17:03:43 +0000 If and When the Military get through with Bradley Manning Those that have suported him will have forgotten who he is and what he did and standed for in trying to disclose the coruption of the Amerikan Military . The Amerikan Military is the most corupt ofensively blatently Criminaly out of controll organization in the History of the Planet . Politicaly fueld in there beleif they can and do anything they like and no one can stop them ..And the majority of the people they are suposed to be defending know this in there hearts and do nothing ..To see a crime and do nothing is a crime in itself , But to constantly falsely suport one is far worse , as in suport the troops and suport the military and constution and bumper stikers suporting the verry coruption going on daily in this Military and political nightmare is the people of a country that are responsable for judging the ilegal acts comited by there Govt and they have the power in there numbers to stop it , BUT they are blinded by the political Military Propogandizing goes on all around them in Media and there tv sets …turning a Blind eye to anything they do not want to beleive …Sad Amerikan Way……Frank Blackstone

By: Patricia Silver Patricia Silver Thu, 09 Aug 2012 16:54:51 +0000 Bradley Manning is a young soldier working for peace, working to right wrongs, an example for us all.

By: patricia gonzalez patricia gonzalez Wed, 08 Aug 2012 18:33:01 +0000 EL NO HA MATADO A NADIE SOLO QUISO DENUNCIAR UNA ATROCIDAD

By: raye king raye king Wed, 08 Aug 2012 18:14:04 +0000 he’s an honest young man

By: amber Humphreys amber Humphreys Wed, 08 Aug 2012 18:05:33 +0000 Please free this young man who did the right thing.

By: Tim Hourigan Tim Hourigan Wed, 08 Aug 2012 17:54:54 +0000 After such a terrible long detainment, and no evidence of causing harm to America, rather than imperial interests, Bradley Manning deserves our solidarty.
