Comments on: Audio recording of Bradley Manning’s statement leaked Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrea Marker Andrea Marker Thu, 04 Apr 2013 20:55:36 +0000 America is not ‘home of the brave’. It was only until the 2nd world war. Then years later, the America the world once looked at through rose-tainted glasses, was suddenly filthy and stank of a big rat. Bradley Manning should not be imprisoned one more day for the ‘crime’ of justice he has committed. He was only exposing what the filthy U.S congress and government don’t want the rest of the world to see because they are dead scared the country will one day attempt to overturn them – And that is just what they deserve for not allowing good, brave soldiers like Bradley Manning to do his duty.

By: debbie hawkings debbie hawkings Wed, 03 Apr 2013 10:07:58 +0000 I can’t see that Bradley did anything wrong, so why is he being prosecuted? Why are the military going to all this trouble to prosecute a low rank soldier who told the truth? Why do they want to cover up this abuse? If they make an example of him, then maybe they think that others will be put off doing likewise? Their actions are not particularly in the best interests of the country they serve. The government exists to serve the people of the country, and are elected in to do just that. Is America a democracy? Does the voice of the people decide the actions of those who lead in their name? That can only happen when the nation as a whole, know and understand what is going on around them. The higher powers have a vested interest in keeping the people they serve ignorant of the real facts that surround them. Who gave them the right to act as God over the people, and decide what they will and won’t observe and hear. Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and unto God that which is God’s. There is a higher moral law here, in this case. America, or more correctly it’s leaders, are doing themselves no favours in the eyes of the world. They want to operate on a different level to the everyday people, and control what the nation know and think. My conscience would have led me to do exactly what Bradley did, and hang the consequences, because I prefer answer to a higher power than the US military or it’s government.

By: crumper crumper Fri, 29 Mar 2013 19:34:02 +0000 Bradley Manning is a true defender of all the U.S.A stands for (or should stand for), a hero unfortunately NOT being free in the home of the brave. If there were more like him, this worl would be a better place – a place the founders of the U.S. had in mind.

By: Ottmar Straub Ottmar Straub Tue, 19 Mar 2013 19:28:25 +0000 My god Jeff – wake up. Don’t you recognize the criminal energy of your own government. As a sane human Bradley had to act as he did.

By: uriah ouroboros uriah ouroboros Sat, 16 Mar 2013 17:28:47 +0000 Those of us (this includes myself) who took the oath to defend the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic probably did not know what we were saying. This oath is administered to all elected officials, police, and judges. If it were adhered too our country would not be in the shape it is in. Bradley Manning would not be in jail and the world would be a better place. I am with Bradley!!! stand up and be counted all you vets and active duty people. No more Melie massacres, no more 4 dead in Ohio how many more?

By: Carol Crown Carol Crown Sat, 16 Mar 2013 15:05:49 +0000 Why am I not surprised that we have someone saying Bradley as a soldier disobeyed orders. Soldiers are supposed to report war crimes. That is the difference between an army carrying out orders of a dictator where there is no rule of law and our gov’t. which used to be a country where the rule of law is observed. War crimes by anyone are an affront to humanity as is war itself actually. It is also curious how some don’t mind at all that the war criminal geo. bush and his underlings are not only free but very well treated by the new powers that be, yet Bradley is the traitor. How mixed up can we be?

By: Jim Jim Fri, 15 Mar 2013 17:29:41 +0000 ~Dragged up in explamentary pa portions through the Department of Defense justice system.

By: Rodrigo Flores Rodrigo Flores Fri, 15 Mar 2013 16:33:12 +0000 Bradley, desde Chile te apoyamos,te mereces la libertad, ahora.

By: Jim Jim Fri, 15 Mar 2013 15:03:21 +0000 Politicizing Manning isn’t going to help him in regard to the due process of law. Manning “himself” is deadheaded inability to a jury trial short a Presidential pardon, pleading guilty to all the charges or any plea agreement the prosecution council will accept; True? The Department of Defense could explore the the option of using abstract law but the direction of the trial would remain constant. Manning situation is unique in “itself” that it commingled the United States of America and the Department of Defense proprietary material. The scope of the attention seams to be directed at the Department of State cables and otherwise is unnecessarily being dragged up in explamentary pa portions.

By: Wendy J. Deshaw Wendy J. Deshaw Fri, 15 Mar 2013 13:29:21 +0000 AMEN! I stand with Bradley!
