Comments on: Incompetence or deception? Two years of evasion by the prosecution Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeffery Mullins Jeffery Mullins Thu, 07 Jun 2012 01:01:38 +0000 Bradley Manning,his actions say hero,the government and military well their actions only say one thing corrupt.

By: Denica Cassandra De Foy Denica Cassandra De Foy Wed, 06 Jun 2012 15:12:38 +0000 Thank you so much to everyone working towards getting Bradley Manning out of this horrible unjust system. He is a hero that -if anything- has given the USA an opportunity to now stop its own war crimes and start the process of diplomatic healing. We know that Manning has been called guilty by the President, tortured and denied justice for his alleged Brave acts. FREE BRADLEY MANNING!

By: Bo Bo Wed, 06 Jun 2012 10:11:17 +0000 In this disgraceful present time of Military/Industrial Complex , and Bilderburger
control of Washington, it is going to be very hard
for PFC Manning to get a fair trial. His brave display of conscience-over-dogma deserves a medal!

By: rondi spurling rondi spurling Tue, 05 Jun 2012 21:24:23 +0000 I am 35 yrs old. Not since Sept 11th have I been so disgusted with my country’s actions. I weep for what used to be “The Land of the Free, Home of the Brave”. We now live in a country governed by fear and terrorism at the hand of our own officials. Maybe it’s always been that way? But the actions of this country in the past decade have been so beyond blatant, that I am shocked beyond belief. We’re supposed to stand up for those who are persecuted, that’s what we’re taught as very small children. The US government has been very clear in it’s actions, if someone is a hero for truth, they will be prosecuted, for no other reason than to save face. I am a very sad American..

By: Ellen Mosen James Ellen Mosen James Tue, 05 Jun 2012 10:42:00 +0000 Many thanks to Nathan Fuller and all of the reporters and recorders and bloggers who have been working over the past two years to get out word of what is happening in the prosecution and defense of Bradley Manning. I’ve written to the NY Times and its public editor urging that the “paper of record” should be covering the hearings, preferably with a reporter who knows something about procedure in the military justice system. Since this series of wars began, there has been a great need for unembedded reporters and unembedded media. Now the secrecy of the court martial itself is driving the story. The legal action by CCR and others is right on point. A secret prosecution can’t be part of a fair trial.
