Comments on: Live-blog: updates from Ft. Meade where Bradley Manning to explain guilty plea and WikiLeaks releases Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maha Maha Fri, 01 Mar 2013 16:20:06 +0000 I wish more people would read about Manning and get involved . I am hopefully that th is will happen. I admire the courage of Manning and Wiki leaks

By: Bud Machado (@GeneticLiberal) Bud Machado (@GeneticLiberal) Fri, 01 Mar 2013 14:09:23 +0000 The Nobel Peace Prize should be unceremoniously taken away from Obama and given to Bradley Manning!

By: Katia Leitao Katia Leitao Fri, 01 Mar 2013 13:52:25 +0000 If Braddley had come across this evidence of war crimes and had not exposed it at all, he would have been a criminal. He would be aiding the Enemy! The ‘enemy’ being whoever committs war crimes, from whatever country, even if they happen to be our own country fellows.
Not so?
This is a man that had integrity and courage beyond belief, clearly a very honest man.
I am sure he broke secrecy agreements with the military, but it was for a greater cause. It is obvious he could not report this within the US military system, as it would not have come to this if it were not rampant.

Had he reported matters within the Army, most likely, he would have been silenced.
In fact he is being silenced even by the Government and the Justice System.
But his move put his problem in the public domain so he is, to that degree protected, as we are watching and supporting him.
We are all also seeing how his kind of justice is suppressed by our governments, which in turn exposes the magnitude of the situation he is exposing.
This is incredibly great. This man shows a love for Justice, for truth and for fellow man, which far exceed his need for personal security. He measured the terms of the situation and found that this was the only way out.
That was no small thing for a young man to face and deal wiuth and yet he has taken by far the most valiant and ethical route out of the situation.
The facts that he found should not exist in reality. He found they existed; the only thing to do was to expose the facts to the world so we can resolve it.
This i what a democratic citizen, a son of a democracy should act like.
My hat off to him.

By: Marzi Marzi Fri, 01 Mar 2013 13:02:50 +0000 Here’s part of the latest Guardian coverage:

“Prosecutor Capt Joe Morrow said during a pre-trial hearing Wednesday that the government plans to introduce evidence that al-Qaida members, including Osama bin Laden, saw the war logs and State Department cables Manning allegedly sent to WikiLeaks.”

So, Capt Joe Morrow, kindly prove this is so, especially the part about Osama “seeing” them since this was 2009 – the prosecution will not be able to prove this.

By: Private Investigator Private Investigator Fri, 01 Mar 2013 11:53:45 +0000 Manning is a hero, he has stood up to the might of the US government and military, in defense of the free world. Please see declaration of independence; he is simply conducting his patriotic duty to defend US citizens from a tyrannical government, and in doing so, the rest of the world. Give him a congressional medal of honor.

By: Mike O'Leary Mike O'Leary Fri, 01 Mar 2013 09:25:34 +0000 In truth there is success in a million aspects

By: Mary Mary Fri, 01 Mar 2013 06:10:34 +0000 Is Private Bradley’s statement available to read online yet?
I’ve searched everywhere with no luck.

Sending positive thoughts and well wishes, you sir will be remembered for your courage to stand up for what you believe in and that is really all that matters in the end.

By: Maja Verde Maja Verde Fri, 01 Mar 2013 05:04:26 +0000 The story behind the story. A wonderful news organization Democracy Now! has not ran a single story on Manning or Assange since early February.

What gives? Why has Amy Goodman removed the Manning heading from her Topics?

Not even an explanation. This on a day when Manning pleads guilty.

If she no longer supports Manning’s cause, shouldn’t she at least discuss why after carrying his story so thoroughly for years now?

It gives the appearance that one of her donors or the US government coerced her in some way.

By: Maja Verde Maja Verde Fri, 01 Mar 2013 05:03:51 +0000 The story behind the story. A wonderful news organization Democracy Now! has not ran a single story on Manning or Assange since early February.

What gives? Why has Amy Goodman removed the Manning heading from her Topics?

Not even an explanation. This on a day when Manning pleads guilty.

If she no longer supports Manning’s cause, shouldn’t she at least discuss why after carrying his story so thoroughly for years now?

It gives the appearance that one of her donors or the US government coerced her in some way.

Please call them to find out. I haven’t got an answer yet.

Democracy Now! +1 (212) 431-9090
Fax: +1 (212) 431-8858

By: Angelina Llongueras Angelina Llongueras Fri, 01 Mar 2013 02:52:17 +0000 I thank Bradley Manning from my heart for being the collective decency of the world, the truth who speaks to power, the courageous soldier who rebels against war crimes and genocides perpetrated for gteed and racism, he is our collective dignity, our collective wisdom and our ciollective honesty. And this, in today’s world, is no small feat!
