Comments on: Nobel Laureates salute Bradley Manning Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Judy Judy Fri, 10 May 2013 00:09:19 +0000 Lets keep the protesting momentum going. I will be out there (in Australia) on June 1st while you guys in America are at Fort Meade. What is happening with Bradley & Julian is an insight into what will happen in the future if we don’t protect our rights.
Like an onion, our civil rights are peeled away layer by layer under the banner “Excuses for security since 9/11″ ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

By: George Johnson George Johnson Thu, 11 Apr 2013 23:05:39 +0000 Blair and Bush should be in trial while this guy be free. the world works backwards as it should. I’M BRADLEY MANNING TOO.

By: Paul Smith Paul Smith Thu, 11 Apr 2013 19:29:14 +0000 I agree Bush and Blair should be on trial, while this fine young man should be set free and be treated not only as an American but as a true humanitarian international hero. a grotesque and terrible war based on lies that make the American and British people being hatred around the world and due this a terrible discredit to western democracies. the ones who should be on trial should be the “architects” of this war. FREE BRADLEY MANNING NOW! incarcerate Bush and Blair and his accomplices (the worst war criminals since the Nazis we deserve better than this for a better world.
We deserve better than this for a better world
We the people of the world deserve better than this

By: john john Wed, 10 Apr 2013 20:41:19 +0000 free manning icarcerate bush and blair

By: patricia ann williams patricia ann williams Fri, 18 Jan 2013 10:14:43 +0000 Yea!!Actually anyone who would take a year upon them selves to serve is a wonderful idea. There are so many of us for Bradley that I think probably 2 wks would be enough for each person to stand in. How can we stop this government from overrunning us persons in Justice like this. Bring a Halt to all transportation, public offices, stores gobaly,send in special forces of our own to capture all congressman, senators, governors, who go along with this Bull to make them sign a petition to Free Bradley Manning, also all police forces and lock up those prosecutors for the rest of their life and the ones who are responsible for keeping him involved for almost 1000 days without trial.We the people need to take action not talk once and for all.

By: patricia ann williams patricia ann williams Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:58:51 +0000 our government is slowing taking away your rights, and let us see where you the coward will stand, you are excuted when we have no freedom, big taxes, no job, this is where this war has gotten us deeper in dept,and they want our eyes closed. Thank God for Bradley Manning ,he,s opened our eyes big and wide,for us to live in peace.The only thing wrong here is Denise holds all the cards, ask yourself is that right for a justice system to put one person in charge of someone,s life, now how would you like to be in his shoes?We all actually are with a system like this.

By: Tadd Feddupp Tadd Feddupp Wed, 09 Jan 2013 04:03:30 +0000 I’d give the snivveling little coward a fair trail AND THEN execute him

By: Valerie Valerie Sun, 06 Jan 2013 07:05:10 +0000 Dear Mr. Manning,

I hope you’re getting to see, or at least hear about, all of the support you have from around the world. I know you must be very frightened, and I’m so sorry you’re suffering. I don’t know if you regret telling the world the truth or not–it’s cost you very, very dearly–but … the world needed your honesty. You ended a war that had no business even starting. You’ve saved thousands of lives. You’ve exposed a corrupt government. You’ve had courage no other member of the military or government has shown or possesses. I am deeply proud of you. You are a true hero, a true patriot, and a real man.

I pray that you feel the love, comfort, strength, and peace of our Creator embracing you as you walk this brutal path of nobility and courage. Dearest Bradley, whatever happens, you’re an immortal Soul, and you can be proud to know that you’ve changed the face of the world forever. You’ve inspired many of us to be braver, too. Thank you for being you.

Every blessing,

By: Darker Net Darker Net Sun, 16 Dec 2012 00:30:00 +0000 The best Christmas present that Bradley could receive is if Archbishop Tutu, Mairead Corrigan and Adolfo Esquivel were to award him their own Nobel Peace Prize medals. Such a gracious act would hit headlines around the world and undoubtedly affect the fate of Bradley – possibly a game changer. If they announced this before Christmas a follow up ceremony could then take place in January or February at which the three laureates could present their medals to Manning via Ellsberg, for example, and with invited guests such as Nash, Moore, Jonsdottir, Loach, Pilger, Stone, Chomsky, etc, as well as Assange via videolink. I am sure the three would give serious consideration to this proposal it just needs putting to them.
Thank you.

By: Green Green Mon, 10 Dec 2012 15:20:28 +0000 Bradeley appears to be a highly intelligent, highly skilled, and perhaps even highly strung young individual – given his inner struggles. i think this is a modern day story of David and Goliath a truly reflects the sad story of a young persons struggle to find, courage and his patch on this planet. Bradeley has taken on the worlds strongest superpower. …the American Government, who as we can see will stop at nothing. I feel as Bradeley was under the constant pressure of his private life and bullied by his colleagues, perhaps if he wasn’t so fed up with life, he may never have found the strength to leak information about the awful attrocities on file – stress dictates how we deal with things. In other words he may have just kept in line with his military duties. I think he took a big risk, but stood up for right and humanity and found the strength to say NO!!. Imagine having the weight of knowing what he knew. Perhaps his young life was meant for this purpose. However I hope he gets the help that he needs. Best Wishes Bradeley. ENGLAND
