Comments on: Online, a huge movement has sprung up demanding Bradley’s release. Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cynthia Morse Cynthia Morse Fri, 06 Aug 2010 18:13:41 +0000 To all of you in this thread–

I’ve already written to Bradley Manning and told him what I think of his actions.

What I think is that he has sacrificed his freedom (and surely more will come) to awaken America to the reality of war. Dustin and others know. I’m someone who’s been very, very close to veterans since Vietnam, and by now they tell me “You were there.”

What they’re saying is that the nightmare of combat has been made clear to me. What happens is not a principled fight for the Constitution and the American people. What happens is a confusing, terrifying struggle to stay alive and keep your brothers and sisters in uniform alive as well. The military does a good job of training soldiers to do that, and to have thick skins when it comes to doing things they’d never have imagined they would do, before becoming soldiers.

The only way to save them from the terrible experience of war, and to save the morals and conscience of this country, is to NOT participate in war. War by definition destroys all it touches–civilians, soldiers, money that should be going to help instead of hurt, and the souls of those it touches.

Manning’s actions have gone a long way to make that clear to Americans, who have never experienced war outside their homes, threatening their children, cutting off their food and water, killing their loved ones. Never.

It’s time that was clear, so clear that the U.S. will not go so easily into destroying another country–and into self-destruction at the same time.

By: Thomas Thomas Tue, 03 Aug 2010 00:05:56 +0000 It would better if those of us here to give support don’t get into squabbles with other comemnters. Better to give Dustin benefit of the doubt. The war was based on lies, but it wasn’t those sent to do the fighting that told [those] lies. Everyone wants to be doing the right thing and it is a good and bad thing. Good in that people aspire toward good intentions, bad that they turn a blind eye toward their own actions that result in harm. People like Dustin may actually limit the harm caused by the actions of the political leaders who make war…

We can concentrate our efforts toward supporting Bradley Manning the man with the kind eyes who exposed the terrible people that war makes us all.

Thank You Bradley Manning for manning up to the war machine.

By: Gary Woodhouse Gary Woodhouse Mon, 02 Aug 2010 08:54:46 +0000 Dustin. I’m not going trawl all over your comments as after reading the first I saw a point that you made that is a little contradictory to what I know myself, from fact.

I quote you; “I assume you haven’t actually been in Iraq or Afghanistan and most likely not to the Middle East at all, so I’ll tell you that it is an oppressive, dog-eat-dog place where we still exercise extreme discipline and restraint when making the call to fire on any target.”

Given the above and your declaration of restraint. Would you care to explain what 360 fire means?

For those that don’t know what it is I’ll put my spin on it.

It’s when you shoot at everything that’s moving…

Now… Would you care to explain where the restraint is in these particular orders…

By: Thomas Thomas Mon, 02 Aug 2010 02:59:54 +0000 He has been manning the tower in watch of America’s freedom…..

A real man like him has the guts, would take the risks he took

Man up and support Bradley Manning….

By: Dustin Dustin Tue, 27 Jul 2010 07:16:01 +0000 CQ, do you listen to yourself? hahahaha “A bunch of war criminals” because we have opinions that we’ve posted on a website? Babykillers? What are we in the 70′s? You’re crazy man!

ps Free speech is so important to you guys, except for that which differs from your own. Food for thought. Have a good one!

By: Dustin Dustin Tue, 27 Jul 2010 07:12:16 +0000 Guy –

I agree with you on some points and disagree on others, but I appreciate your largely objective views. Way to go, bud. As for the guy who said that he got two sentences in and decided you were irrelevant, who really cares about the opinion of someone who is driven by such blind passion and bias that they can’t even hear what a person says before losing it. Take care.


By: Dustin Dustin Tue, 27 Jul 2010 07:06:22 +0000 A leech? Really? Do you know how much I made when I was in the Marine Corps? Do some research. And I find it ironic how you praise dissenting ideas but when I provide my contrary view point the insults come flying my way. You stay classy, boys.

By: CertainQuirk CertainQuirk Tue, 27 Jul 2010 03:00:30 +0000 GUY, it’s funny how you show up all of a sudden after all the WAR CRIME evidence starts coming out. You and TravelGirl and Red nose 6, you all work for the Government, don’t you?

You are all a bunch of WAR CRIMINALS and what you’re afraid of is everyting that you’ve been wishing on Bradley tonight.

Get your stinking government asses out of here. BABYKILLER

By: Guy Guy Tue, 27 Jul 2010 02:37:23 +0000 Ok… I am glad that I am irrelevant to you but my answer is not “kill more” or any right-wing rhetoric that you are accusing me of saying. As an American it is your responsibility to seek the truth and learn as much as you can and make informed decisions.

I am not angry at Manning and I do believe what he did can benefit America and it’s foreign policies. Why is it that you assume that anyone who does not agree with you must be instantly deemed a stereotype.

Simply put, I pride myself on being objective. If you would rather live in ignorance and assume that those on the other end of the argument must be crazy then you are not deserving of the title “good American.”

By: CertainQuirk CertainQuirk Mon, 26 Jul 2010 22:22:22 +0000 Guy: Just so you know, I only read two of your sentences above. I got as far as “are not good Americans”

I’ve heard that from your kind one too many times, buddy. I’ve heard your fallacious arguments for at least the last ten yrs. Your conclusions are always to kill some more. You are now irrelevant to me.
