Comments on: Army SPC Ethan McCord on media coverage of Bradley Manning
Exposing war crimes is not a crime!Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000hourly1 Cathe Carlson
Cathe CarlsonWed, 20 Mar 2013 16:46:58 +0000 sit here reading your letter and am overwhelmed with admiration and heartfelt appreciation for both you and Bradley Manning for your courage, transparency, and resilience. Thank you both.
]]>By: Sara M.
Sara M.Sat, 23 Feb 2013 04:32:38 +0000 McCord and Bradley Manning are heros in a shameful war that we should not be waging. Thank you Ethan, for sharing this with us.
]]>By: Rachel
RachelFri, 15 Feb 2013 08:50:56 +0000 an incredibly articulate and moving letter.
Thank you, Ethan McCord.
]]>By: Phil
PhilMon, 19 Dec 2011 07:05:41 +0000 the day that the US officially leaves Iraq I came across this video and learn about Bradley Manning. What a disgrace. Why has nothing been done about those in helicopter based on the transcript of there actions? George W. Bush and Dick Chaney should be charged and in jail rather than PFC Manning.
]]>By: jonathon conrad
jonathon conradThu, 15 Dec 2011 18:16:04 +0000 you for giving us your view of what happened on that day. I am a VietNam vet and come from a long line of war vets. I wont allow my children to serve in the military. Until we can be honest and acknowledge the mistakes we make in war we will only make enemies of those we are told we are fighting for. I am ashamed ! It is a part of the code of military justice that we do not follow illigal orders. Had Bradley or Ethan gone through chain of command this story would have been surpressed.
]]>By: trish
trishSun, 04 Dec 2011 23:38:05 +0000 you, Ethan, for following your own conscience and speaking out on the truth of US crimes in Iraq, and for your support of Bradley Manning’s actions. You are both heroes to me.
]]>By: Lisa Mayhugh
Lisa MayhughSun, 04 Dec 2011 18:03:39 +0000 all know about the appalling things that take place in the military. Quit making him suffer for your lack of ethics and morality. If you can’t find a way to win a war without hiding the way you do it, then do it openly and deal with the repercussions of those who you want to think of you as heroes.