Comments on: Bradley Manning Support Network accepts responsibility for all expenses to defend accused Wikileaks whistle-blowerLe Réseau de Support de Bradley Manning accepte de prendre en charge toutes les dépenses pour défendre l’auteur présumé des fuites de Wikileaks. Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Sun, 13 Jan 2013 08:37:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: michel proulx michel proulx Sat, 05 Feb 2011 18:10:18 +0000 Obama is a Republican in drag!

Everything he stood for, he now bends over to. It’s ‘Business as Usual’(war!), just as if Bush was still in the WH. All this because the ultimate reality is THE MILITARY IS IN CHARGE (has been/always will be!)

The war has been escalated once again (we are being told again and again that, as they are now so close to a final resolution, an additional 10,000 troops will suffice to finish ‘the job’) This charade will last until the invasion of Iran, which is next on the list of threats to their ‘US National Security’.

Guantanamo is frozen. Manning (and so many others) still being detained without a trial (military law!). Bankers are pocketing multi-millions while the economy is tanking through their misdeeds. Not to forget the ever increasing military budget. And half of America is frothing at the mouth wanting to kill Assange – Manning will do in his absence.

In America’s zeal for total control of the world, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness as a national credo has been lost forever in favour of the pursuit of money under the guise of Vital National Interests, which is so much more rewarding for the ruling class and the multi-nationals.

America is sicker than ever, and is contaminating the whole world with its godly two-faced pus.

By investing in the future of Assange and Manning I’m hoping their courage and examples will bear the sweet fruits of LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS for everyone all around the globe.

By: Jeff McCarthy Jeff McCarthy Fri, 14 Jan 2011 05:01:43 +0000 Just a little further to this attempt (above) to cause friction by pointing to Mr Assange’s conditions of house arrest and money.

This amount of $15,100 is a very specific amount and is presumably the “solicited” funds. The international financial campaign against Wikileaks has been (unfortunately) very successful and they have stated openly that they are haemorraging money.

So far Assange has been to court 3 times. Bradley’s legal defence has barely begun. This is a long haul fight for everyone concerned and the US government is openly trying to split Manning’s defence campaign to help their attempts to break him to use against Assange – it is further proof of his heroism (if that were necessary) that he hasn’t done so. Nobody else should be doing so either.

Assange is reluctantly writing a book to fund his own defence. When Wikileaks has funds again and when it can be done **without jeopardising Bradley’s defence** !!! I have no doubt they’ll be there.

As for the snide puritanical smear about ‘a nobody with a penchant for playing around’ that’s just buying into one more government dirty tricks campaign and is beneath contempt.

By: Jeff McCarthy Jeff McCarthy Fri, 14 Jan 2011 04:27:28 +0000 It turns out now as well that some people who are claiming to be ex-Wikileakers(courtesy a certain Mr Alan Taylor in London who’s been trolling Wikileaks Facebook discussions)are now claiming responsibility for getting the German Government to force an audit of the WAU foundation which meant they have been unable to process funds to anybody.

I know nothing about the WAU foundation and it may be awful as some claim – or not; I do know this was a ratbag thing to do in the middle of an international campaign to cripple Wikileaks financially.

These people worked overtime as well to try and divide the defence of Manning and the defence of Assange. NEITHER of them should have spent a minute in prison: an injury to one is an injury to all ! Here’s AU$100 just to spite them.


By: Zeke Krahlin Zeke Krahlin Fri, 14 Jan 2011 00:00:43 +0000 Peter Taylor exclaimed: “I was shocked to learn Wikileaks had only come up with $15,000 for Mr Manning’s defence.”

Mr. Taylor, if you had educated yourself as to the extreme mistreatment of gay people in Amerika and in many other nations, you would not be surprised in the least. I am so tired of all this ignorance–some of which I’m sure is feigned–by liberal heteros, as to how badly homosexuals are regarded, especially when it comes to criminal accusations.

Now, roll up your sleeves and do something about it…for a change. And don’t tell me you didn’t realize Bradley is gay.

By: Peter Taylor Peter Taylor Thu, 13 Jan 2011 22:33:48 +0000 I was shocked to learn Wikileaks had only come up with $15,000 for Mr Manning’s defence. I am a lawyer in London and I can tell you that Julian Assange (unless he is getting a reduced rate or free services) would have spent much more than that already on getting a defence from his very capable but very expensive lawyer Mr Mark Stephens who could easily cost US $750 an hour. And Mr Assange is living in an English country estate while Mr Bradley is in prison. And Mr Assange is in trouble for very different offences. While I support Wikileaks and genuine whistle blowers the full credit for bravery and sacrifice must always go to the Whistle blower, not the publisher. I for one will not donate one cent to Wikileaks until I hear they have paid all Mr Manning’s defence. I will support Mr Manning though. Last thing – like Mr Assange I have an Australian passport so I am very surprised he is not standing fully by the young soldier who made him famous. He would be just a nothing with a penchant for playing around if it was not for Bradley and the men and women like him.

By: Jeff McCarthy Jeff McCarthy Tue, 04 Jan 2011 06:59:22 +0000 This is probably not the best place to post this but I came across a nice article:

“Psychologists protest ‘inhumane, harmful’ treatment of Bradley Manning”

Cheers everyone,

By: Gail Clarke Gail Clarke Mon, 03 Jan 2011 20:02:35 +0000 I have always been anti American interference, which has plagued our world from the beginning, who made the USA GOD, they certainly think they are the gods of this world. I love Obama he is the only good thing in the USA at the moment. ALL the evils are the BUSH and Republicans responsibility, that Mr Obama inherited. I dont know how he can fix such corrupted evil that is inbred into USA politics. I have been calling the USA, “the evil empire” for 20 yrs, its about time everyone else caught up and realised that they really are the only danger to us, everything else is carefully fed to us through the most evil MEDIA in the world, MURDOCH, the besty of BUSH and SARAH PALIN, and any other red-neck. The masters of lies and propaganda. My original opinion of Wikileaks has changed, I can now see that the release of these documents are vital for us to finally see the truth about how EVIL the USA is.

By: Zeke Krahlin Zeke Krahlin Mon, 27 Dec 2010 11:31:56 +0000 Rivera spewed: “The US was loved so much under Bush.”

Surely you jest, else you are very arrogant, and ignorant. You remind me of the “good” Germans who praised Hitler, or the “good” Russians who live today, yearning for the times of Stalin. It was under the evil watch of GW Bush, that this nation was ruined, and struck terror in the heart of all other nations. Obama’s wrong-doing doesn’t even come /close/ to Dubya’s unforgivable wickedness and destruction of our civil rights. You, Rivera, are like so many right-wing arseholes who scapegoat all your sins on progressives and other decent souls. You are foul, to put it politely.

By: Rivera Rivera Mon, 27 Dec 2010 03:37:29 +0000 With the persecution and prosecution of Bradley Manning and Wikileaks, the Obama regime using the Pentagon and the Department of State are starting the largest anti-American campaign in US history. If this goes on, the US will soon be the most hated country in the world.

The US was loved so much under Bush. Now the world will hate America thanks to Obama, Hillary and the American left. Thanks Democrats!

By: DonQuijote DonQuijote Fri, 24 Dec 2010 00:26:03 +0000 With the persecution and prosecution of Bradley Manning and Wikileaks, the Pentagon and the Department of State are starting the largest anti-American campaign in US history. If this goes on, the US will soon be the most hated country in the world.
