Comments on: From Bradley’s attorney David Coombs; June 6-8 courtroom notes Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cheryl Weeks Cheryl Weeks Fri, 20 Jul 2012 17:12:34 +0000 Our Government is beyond corrupt and completely out of control. I admire you Mr. Manning. You are sacrificing your freedom for me and I pray you get strength, hope and a future. Keep hanging in there, we won’t FORGET YOU!!! Washington needs to be thrust out of society and we should start over…with all women of course. We know how to tell the truth, apologize when we are wrong and BUDGET!!!

By: Bill Bradley Bill Bradley Fri, 20 Jul 2012 03:02:33 +0000 Thank you for speaking your heart.

Why do you think it is always that the ones who are doing the truly horrific crimes against humanity (in the name of God, righteousness, liberty, national security or whatever) are the ones who persecute those who expose them, and the ones who actually do the wrongs go free? The one named Jesus Christ himself made a similar observation when he said to his followers “There will come a time when men will kill you thinking they are doing a service to God.” [John 16:2]

It’s unfortunate, but the saying: ‘in God we trust’ on the back of the one dollar bill is not the true God that ‘they’ are putting their trust in after all, but money. True and lasting peace on earth will only come when God returns to bring down all the corrupt authority that now reigns on the planet. Pray it will come soon.

By: Paisley Paisley Fri, 13 Jul 2012 13:06:33 +0000 If YOU were PFC Bradley Manning would YOU WANT A GOVERNMENT JAG ATTORNEY REPRESENTING YOU?

Think about it. I am certain the gov’t hoped PFC Manning would take that route b/c it would give them free reign over yet another kangaroo court that could cost a man his life who did not deserve to have it taken away.

Any attorney through the JAG office representing PFC Manning would be quite literally the “FOX GUARDING THE HEN-HOUSE!”

If I were PFC Manning, I wouldn’t trust an acting JAG attorney to handle my defense in such a trial! This is a major case where our gov’t f-ked up and the whole world finally saw clearly without the sugar-cookie coating that occurred during the Bush/Cheney Reich! The US citizens were long overdue for the truth of what was going on in Iraq and being done in OUR NAMES AT THE LOSS OF OUR GREATEST TREASURE IN THIS COUNTRY: OUR SOLDIERS! The MOTHERS, FATHERS, SISTERS, BROTHERS, SONS, DAUGHTERS, etc… WE DESERVED TO KNOW THE TRUTH AND EVEN WHEN SHOWN THE TRUTH, IN NO WAY DID PFC Manning put the US at risk from the enemy, that is unless they now consider every person in the county with at minimum a high school education and maximum a college degree of any grade to know we were lied to and our military has turned our soldiers, our family members and friends into terrorists themselves based on the action shown in the videos that were shown on Wikileaks! What they did was WRONG and it is high time the citizens of this country learn what was done in OUR NAME and then find those responsible and it’s not PFC Manning – It’s the Bush Administration along with Bush and Cheney, and they should be the ones on trial but not in the US, they should be on trial at the Hague for Crimes against Humanity, Extortion of funds, giving away jobs without the legal process of bids as Haliburten and others were no-bid hires and that is illegal and it made both Cheney & Bush richer than they where before going into office – again illegally so. They are guilty of the murder of innocent Iraqi civilians and the sheer hell they have put the families of soldiers who lost their lives along with soldiers who cannot cope with the horrors they were ordered to carry out, and those who are so messed up from what they were forced to do that they are taking it out on those closest to them: their families! (Read up on the military base in Denver, Colorado where there was an amazingly shocking overwhelming series of abuses against families of returned soldiers in addition of murders of girlfriends and wives by military soldiers returning from their tours in Iraq). All this is on the heads of Bush and Cheney. They started this nightmare and should be made to pay for it with their lives!

By: Jonathan Marsh Jonathan Marsh Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:52:30 +0000 Thankyou for having the courage to stand up to this evil, murderous, corporate monster. I really hope this ends well for you. Your selfless bravery is a real example of heroism.

By: Jim Jim Sat, 16 Jun 2012 08:42:44 +0000 Why is Manning’s lawyer not a military JAG? I know Mr. Coombes was a former military JAG but why doesn’t Manning have official representation by the US gov’t?

By: JACKIE NGUYEN JACKIE NGUYEN Sat, 16 Jun 2012 07:00:15 +0000 Bradley Manning is not the only one that leaks out Gov. secrets information. In 2009 a high ranking DHS TSA officer called himself Douglas Chapman from Washington D.C. did brought the black and unbreakable DHS computer laptop with him to Hollywood, Ca. to show it off. He was very careless with the computer laptop, sometime he left it in the trunk of my car when we were inside places. After Iran hijacked the missing drone, I called and email OIGDHS and let them know about the DHS computer laptop. I told the DHS investigator that either Mr. Chapman is a very bad and careless officer or a double agent. Not all the Gov. secrets leaks are from Bradley Manning.

By: Teri Teri Thu, 14 Jun 2012 17:38:35 +0000 You’re a hero, Bradley. You took the right step and we must now fight to free you from the gangsters who don’t want the truth known and don’t people unafraid to tell the truth.

By: B.C.Killmon B.C.Killmon Thu, 14 Jun 2012 05:18:31 +0000 We thought that hitler & the third richt was power mad to dominate the world!
The U S is by far more sinister starting with the Monroe Doctrine to Iraq!

By: Charles Withuhn Charles Withuhn Thu, 14 Jun 2012 04:23:48 +0000 Free Bradley!

By: Rick Collier Rick Collier Wed, 13 Jun 2012 19:39:42 +0000 Hang in there, folks! What Bradley did for all of us will help keep democracies all over the world from sliding into silent acquiescence with corporation fascism.
