Comments on: The Truth behind Quantico Brig’s decision to strip PFC Manning Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Tom Sun, 20 Mar 2011 23:37:55 +0000 Resp to Burkey – and who is using you?

By: Burkey Burkey Wed, 16 Mar 2011 22:22:04 +0000 Who’s paying you, “Tom”?

And if it’s no one, then who’s using you?

By: Spy Hater Spy Hater Wed, 16 Mar 2011 16:24:44 +0000 In response I do not know if Pvt Manning is a spy as I do not have access to the facts in support of the charges. In my mind he is innocent until they prove him guilty. I do in fact HATE spys and if he is guilty I hope he spends many years in jail. Not life and no death but years.

Now, those of you that have not seen Mr. Manning or the conditions he is living in should not accuse the military of torture. I dont know but I bet them marines at quantico have every marine general watching their every move. Now I do think its strange that he is only given a hour of exercise/rec a day when GITMO prisioners (that are NOT Americans) are given 4 hours. That, if true, is 100% WRONG and should be corrected.

You got to love this country! My best to those that will gather this weekend. Exercise your RIGHT to protest. I dont agree with your position on this issue but anyone that tries to stop you from protesting should be put in jail right next to Pvt Manning.

Good luck! Keep the peace! And God bless the USA!!!

By: EmbarassedByOurMilitary EmbarassedByOurMilitary Wed, 16 Mar 2011 13:00:52 +0000 it seems to me this “criminal”, bradley manning , took his upbringing with him.. the man has morals and knew this unprovoked attack on the 11 iraqi men and 2 children was uncalled for.(watch video collateral murder@ ) it made my stomach turn to see the blatant disregard for human life. all responsible should be held accountable , especially the chickenshits in the apache helicopter.. i fly my flag upside down a will remain to do so til this beautiful country of ours changes its crooked , loathsomeness ways. we teach our children right from wrong but yet “big brother”(military) is allowed to eradicate, devistate and deviate our very own foundations of life? Bradley Manning is no criminal,far from it.. the man knew the risks of whistle blowing and put his personal freedom aside to make us all aware of the constant brutal nature of our military. I commend you Mr. Manning, at least theres stil a glimmer of morals, ethic and humanity left in at least 1 American soldier.

By: Lorna Lorna Mon, 14 Mar 2011 10:10:43 +0000 What a disgraceful saga this has become. The American constitution used to be lauded as an example for the rest of the world to follow.
Your country is now considered to be on the level of a Mugabe (Zimbabwe) type of third world regime.

I hope Manning can withstand the abuse in the long term, and that one day his abusers are brought to trial too. Not least because your politicians and miltary continue to bring dishonour to your nation.

By: Tom Tom Mon, 14 Mar 2011 00:46:43 +0000 Ahhh – lemmings to the sound of the pied piper! The only reason why there is any interest in Manning, is that it will help Coombs establish a defense and your the pawns in this chess game. Are any of you people benefiting from the hourly rates that Coombs is charging? I think not! Yet, he is using you to generate the funds to support his hourly rates and build the name of his law practice while he has done nothing to get Bradley out on bail – FYI, even people locked up on murder charges get bail! (Maybe we should be having a competency hearing on Manning’s legal representation?) How much are those hourly rates? And who amongst you earns that much per hour? – unless your another attorney! This case has nothing to do with Manning, but does have something to do with Coombs trying to make a bundle off of the stupid actions of a young man crying out for something. Manning doesn’t need a courtroom, he needs psychiatrist! Of course, after he is found guilty of passing classified information….. So while you folks are busy with the sideshow and whining about Quantico and Bradley having to sleep with a course blanket, Coombs and his Army JAG bubbas are playing grabass in the showers of judicial subterfuge, cutting deals and fattening their piggy banks at your expense as poor little Bradley is being fitted for the hangman’s noose! Well, don’t you feel good about yourselves! And, I’m sure you did the best you could….. Yeah, I think that Bradley has better odds with a Army firing squad than relying on you folks!

By: Tom Tom Sun, 13 Mar 2011 20:05:27 +0000 Thanks for deleting my first comment – apparently the BMSN is no better than Quantico…………! Too much truth must be hard for you to swallow.

By: Bill Dewey Bill Dewey Sun, 13 Mar 2011 19:38:05 +0000 Abu Ghraib, USA

By: Tom Tom Sun, 13 Mar 2011 00:07:36 +0000 What I don’t understand is why you overly intelligent folks are harping on Quantico? They are just holding him! The manipulators are making noise with this issue and diverting you from where your attention should be focused – on the leadshipless bunch of buffoons who created the environment in which Manning was able to operate! Like flounder to a shiny object, your attention has been diverted to the sideshow and away from the real issue. Now, who is to gain most from this tactic? While your energy and efforts are directed at Quantico, the Army JAG is free to fly under the radar while they assemble the case against Manning. So, while your attention is focused on Quantico, Coombs and his Army JAG bubbas are free to schmooze and grabass and rack up billable hours at the expense of Manning – Coombs does not want Manning freed as he is making too much money and publicity for his law firm. Let’s get real people, and separate the noise from the facts and focus your attention where it belongs! If legitimate media don’t see a story in Manning and the UN doesn’t see an issue, then guess what – your spinning your wheels.

By: Bank Whistle Blower Bank Whistle Blower Sat, 12 Mar 2011 21:05:00 +0000 Disgusting, disgraceful treatment of an individual who has plead NOT Guilty and has yet to be tried for any crime.

It certainly seems Bradley Manning has been tried and convicted in the press and by his military captors.

It’s interesting to note that it was an expression of defiance that prompted the removal of his clothes. The whole point of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation procedures were to make detainees compliant and wholly dependent upon their interrogator.

It shows Bradley is still fighting back, a good sign. It also reveals that our U.S. government is using the same devious, disgusting strategies that brought them so much dishonor at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.
