Comments on: Truth on trial: A special event for Bradley Manning in Washington DC Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Mckee Mike Mckee Wed, 23 Jan 2013 20:36:23 +0000 M.Sgt Scheve, thanks for keeping a respectful tone in voicing your valid concerns. I’m not sure why one has to be naive to take the Gov’t and Prosecution at its word that the leaks did not result in any damage or harm. Seems to be very much in their interest to accentuate any assessed damage resulting from Manning’s actions.
I have no doubt you did your best to work hard in serving your country, but I challenge you to consider the possibility that that which best served the people and the best version of America during your time of service may demand a different perspective today. (I can appreciate how the oft-used comparison of pledging to the Constitution vs pledging to what-orders-may-come can strike a veteran as an oversimplification, but then, what is the right thing to do when you are witness to war crimes, atrocities and cover-ups?)

By: Todd Scheve Todd Scheve Wed, 23 Jan 2013 00:15:20 +0000 How can Bradley Manning be seen as a victim by anyone? This man abused the trust put in him as he worked in the capacity of an Army Intel technician. He signed on the dotted line that he would protect classified materials and uphold the interests of the United States, just as I did when I enlisted in 1991.

Has it occurred to you that, perhaps, due to the sensitivity of the materials he had access to and his flagrant disregard for the protected status of said materials, that contacts with him would be severely limited? Consider that classified information is highly compartmentalized; simply because a clearance is possessed does not mean they have a need to know. Both are necessary to protect classified. Manning may have had access to a huge amount of classified information. Having had this access, Manning is a danger to all of that sensitive information. Manning could divulge this information to anyone he might come into contact with. Imagine, a public hearing where Manning starts spilling information on God only knows what, where anyone can hear and the information would immediately be on the Internet. How can you not understand this?

Also, Manning is, I would hazard to guess, guilty in the death of individuals related to the information he leaked to Julian Assange. Consider this; you believe his leaks harmed no one. Do you actually believe that harmed parties would admit damages done by his acts? Are you truly that naive?

I served honorable for twenty years, and cannot begin to fathom how he could betray his country, or sucker posters on this site that he’s the victim here.

Lastly, I deserve the money more than Manning does, considering I honorably served my country as a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer in the USAF until 2011. I will accept US Dollars, Euros, or Pound Sterling. Western Union money transfers would also work for me, as would Paypal. ;-)

(Retired) Master Sergeant Todd H Scheve

By: Lisa Simeone Lisa Simeone Mon, 01 Oct 2012 16:47:32 +0000 F. White, the president has the power to free Bradley Manning. But given that he has already declared Manning guilty, before trial (so much for Mr. Constitutional Law Scholar), that freeing ain’t gonna happen.

By: Jeff Paterson Jeff Paterson Mon, 01 Oct 2012 16:00:29 +0000 Folks can call 510-488-3559 at anytime to make a donation to the Bradley Manning Defense Fund (via Courage to Resist).

By: Luis Almeida Luis Almeida Mon, 01 Oct 2012 13:11:23 +0000 Unfortunately I live accross the Atlantic ( Lisbon, Portugal ) and can’t attend the trial. Nor can I make any donation for I’m retired person with a small pension. And also due to the austerity crises in Portugal, Spain, Greece, etc which as greatly lowered our living standards.
But, my heat and soul are with Bradley Manning! He is a true patriot, not Obama and the like.
A patriot wants his/her country to improve and to accomplish that he/she must expose its crimes and wrongdoings, not hide them. A true patriot rather wants his/her country to be loved and respected than hated or feared…

By: ken howland ken howland Mon, 01 Oct 2012 11:24:57 +0000 Thank you for another opportunity to support Bradley Manning; The government’s effort to silence the truth and the outrageous treatment of Bradley Manning is a very serious threat to democracy. I did not serve as a medic and MP at Fort Meade during the Vietnam War so that we would have the kind of country we have become. Our Bill of Rights are in serious jeopardy, if the “powers” that be can get away with this. It is time once again to stand up and be counted. There will never be peace without the foundation of truth. Pfc. Kent l. Howland, B.S.,M.A., C.Ed. Today, I donated $300. I urge everyone to “Support Bradley Manning” by giving what they can. Remember the “Support the Troops” yellow ribbon.

By: Crystal Zevon Crystal Zevon Sun, 30 Sep 2012 21:47:54 +0000 Please put the phone number to call in with donations up if possible.

By: Frank Blackstone Frank Blackstone Sun, 30 Sep 2012 21:47:14 +0000 Truth , That is a word that would once set a person Free , Today it is on Trial , The Amerikan Govt and its Military has forgotten to teach it in there classes at there academy unless it fits into there prosicution of someone or something they deem harmefull to there own agenda…
Speedy Trial someone wrote?? This young Man has been abused and lockd up far too long to even concider Speedy…More as to try to have him forgotten into the past …
Do Hope everyone will Have a Grand time singing and dancing there hearts out ..Im sure there will be a few that beleive him Guilty and not caring to admit there as well listining in …Those that beleive country can do no wrong ..and beleive what they are told…Sadley past History in those words..

Enjoy the concert everyone …Frank…..out

By: Donald Perry Donald Perry Sun, 30 Sep 2012 21:23:31 +0000 There is such widespread support for Bradley Manning that I don’t want to provide a reason to not support this young man. but I must ask. Is this also a hate crime by the federal government? Is he being punished harsher becauae of his sexual orientation?

By: Sarah Cortes Sarah Cortes Sun, 30 Sep 2012 19:03:54 +0000 Where is the link to the live stream?
