Comments on: civilian-casualties Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Fri, 07 Sep 2012 22:33:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Justice Justice Mon, 07 Nov 2011 14:55:38 +0000 Thats what the US Billionäres Showstars are singing for. Not one of theese US Pop Billionäres sang for Bradley. Not one little song, nothing. MTV Awardes, what should that be, a CIA party ? Seemes as if the abusers are in court. So lets get this Hollywood scene down, like the "indignados" mentioned it as well. Thats what the US Billionäres Showstars are singing for. Not one of theese US Pop Billionäres sang for Bradley. Not one little song, nothing. MTV Awardes, what should that be, a CIA party ? Seemes as if the abusers are in court. So lets get this Hollywood scene down, like the “indignados” mentioned it as well.
