Comments on: Campaign Staff Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bob Broedel Bob Broedel Fri, 31 May 2013 13:04:06 +0000 Bob Broedel on May 31, 2013 at 12:58 pm said:

Over the last few years I have written hundreds of letters to Brad. Never received a reply. Don’t know any other Brad supporters who have received a reply. So I stopped writing to Brad. Now days I write almost daily to President Obama, asking him to Free Bradley Manning. It is not clear to me why the support group keeps publishing Brad’s address … as he does not respond. President Obama does not respond either, but I think they at least place a check mark on a list of some sort

By: madeleine swords madeleine swords Sat, 05 Jan 2013 12:09:25 +0000 where is the Scotland group?

By: Chuck Morris Chuck Morris Tue, 26 Jun 2012 22:43:04 +0000 I am editing a new journal called QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking and will be devoting an issue to Bradley Manning. I’d like to include someone from BMSN, perhaps Nathan Fuller. I’d be grateful to be in touch by email so I can send a longer description of the specs on the journal and special issue.

By: David Style David Style Mon, 25 Jun 2012 15:09:02 +0000 It is an International disgrace that Bradley Manning is being held in such circumstances. The man is a hero and should be released.

By: Stan B. Stan B. Thu, 15 Mar 2012 06:29:44 +0000 Have a couple of photos of a Bradley Manning march taken in SF that you’re free to use if you’d like…

By: emma emma Thu, 23 Feb 2012 17:44:44 +0000 Hi Thomas, please use our contact form and someone will get back to you:

By: thomas warner thomas warner Thu, 23 Feb 2012 16:50:11 +0000 I’d considered writing an article about Bradley Manning and his prosecution

for the Millersville University ( Penna ) paper The Snapper. Can I get

a telephone contact number ?

By: Rose Love Rose Love Wed, 08 Feb 2012 01:26:31 +0000 Bradley Manning was nominated for a obel Peace Prize today. I will support that nomination in any way I can. Many people see him as the “Rosa Parks” of this decade. Here is the Print and the Nomination site with more details:

We have the great honor of nominating Private First Class Bradley Manning for the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize. Manning is a soldier in the United States army who stands accused of releasing hundreds of thousands of documents to the whistleblo­wer website WikiLeaks. The leaked documents pointed to a long history of corruption­, war crimes, and imperialis­m by the United States government in internatio­nal dealings. These revelation­s have fueled democratic uprising around the world, including a democratic revolution in Tunisia. According to journalist­s, his alleged actions helped motivate the democratic Arab Spring movements, shed light on secret corporate influence on our foreign policies, and most recently contribute­d to the Obama Administra­tion agreeing to withdraw all U.S.troops from the occupation in Iraq.

The documents made public by WikiLeaks should never have been kept from public scrutiny. The revelations – including video documentation of an incident in which American soldiers gunned down Reuters journalists in Iraq – have helped to fuel a worldwide discussion about America’s overseas engagements, civilian casualties of war, imperialistic manipulations, and rules of engagement. Citizens worldwide owe a great debt to the WikiLeaks whistleblower for shedding light on these issues, and so I urge the Committee to award this prestigious prize to accused whistleblower Bradley Manning.

