Comments on: Featured graphics Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:10:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: ken howland ken howland Thu, 23 Aug 2012 22:56:34 +0000 I will be there next Tuesday; as I was in 1963 as a U.S. Army medic at Kimbrough Army Hospital from June 1st, 1963 until March 11, 1965 by then I knew the Vietnam War was wrong and protested that war April 17,1965 in Washington D.C. . And here we are again 49 years later—Our might does not make us right. The helicopter pilots should be on trial—not Bradley Manning, who had the guts and the courage to report the truth. He appears to be the real war hero in my book. We will see if there is any real justice. The treatment that he received is outrageous and un- American in my view. The struggle for truth and justice continues. Lord help us if this outrage against truth and justice continues. We will see if there is any “military justice”; the honor of the U.S. Army has been besmirched along with the U.S. Congress for not doing its’ job going into this fiasco in Iraq. Pfc. Kent L.Howland B.S.,M.A.,C.Ed.
