Comments on: Update 4/25/13: take a bus to the June 1 protest, listen to a new song for Bradley Exposing war crimes is not a crime! Tue, 18 Jun 2013 05:28:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Paterson Jeff Paterson Wed, 29 May 2013 22:53:28 +0000 The bus from DC sold out yesterday. We assume that a number of people who have purchased tickets will not be able to make it on Saturday morning. And we have someone that will help shuttle additional folks with a van; however, we can not 100% guarantee rides at this point.

By: David Ross David Ross Wed, 29 May 2013 21:27:19 +0000 I have Paypal and no credit card to reserve a seat on the bus from D.C. to Ft. Meade. Can you assure me a seat and I’llpay exact cash for the fare. Please reply to (The trips already expensive and I don’t want to figure this out last second or face a huge tazi fare.) Please!
