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(English) Meeting report – 12 July 2010

2010-07-14 4 评论

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4 评论 »

  • Dan Raphael

    Please approach the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), the political-social justice group of the Friends (Quakers). I think they are an excellent bet for being supportive of this campaign.

    2010-07-16 02:40
  • Krassimir

    Let us get this across to Obama,
    or else the CIA spills its guts.

    2010-07-16 15:57
  • Dan Raphael

    I just sent an email to the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), a very important legal force in many progressive causes. I encouraged them to take an interest and role in Mr. Manning’s case. As a longtime regular donor to CCR, I am hopeful they will become involved in our efforts.

    2010-07-16 21:41
  • Adam Jung

    When is the next call? I’m an organizer with the UXO Tour and would like to get involved and offer whatever I can to help Manning.

    2010-07-26 19:54




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