I forgot that all-important word, “allegedly”. The military have to prove that the alleged Internet conversation took place and WAS between Lamo and Manning.
]]>Thanks for the links. I will have a look at them.
]]>See The Secret Team–The CIA And It’s Allies In Control Of The United States And The World. http://www.ratical.com/ratville/JFK/ST/
Related articles are located in the left column of each and every page.
John McCarthy
[email protected]
Hope that flag you’re wearing maupin, covers the shame of your gov’t killing innocents, etc.
]]>If YOU had actually read the Wilkileaks site, you would see there is info on China, African countries etc…they are equal opportunity…just the Western World has more whistleblowers.
Why are you disseminating? Do you think your uninformed opinion trying to use a primary source gives you legitimacy? FAIL. Some of us actually have followed Wikileaks for a long while. Ya know, get off this page and go back to Faux news trolling where you belong.
Bush put millions of lives at risk by hurriedly invading Iraq when there was no reason to do so (“Secrets and Lies” by Dilip Hiro). Saddam even volunteered to go into exile, but Bush was determined to invade no matter what the cost to the civilian population. 70% of Americans supported Bush. The former president put more lives at risk by willfully ignoring the Geneva Conventions and other international laws designed to protect civilians, prisoners of war, civilian infrastructure, and hospitals.
Other international laws were broken which put lives at risk when the U.S. sold off Iraqi state assets and hundreds of firms, removed tariff barriers and flooded the country with foreign (including U.S) goods, creating mass unemployment. The subsequent poverty stoked the insurgency, as helping the insurgency was rewarded with money – well, it beat starving to death!:
Twenty years earlier in 1991, shortly after the first Gulf War, Iraqis rose up against Saddam, and had a good chance of toppling him. Bush Senior responded by giving Saddam permission to fly his military helicopters and quell the rebellion in blood. Why did Bush do this? Because America didn’t want Iraqis taking control of their own country – it would have created too much uncertainty. Bush Senior and Wolfowitz don’t deny any of what I’ve stated – it’s on the record! So, Saddam was kept in power, and the U.S. imposed brutal economic sanctions that Madeleine Albright admitted on “60 minutes” killed over 500,000 Iraqi children.
I could go on and on, and then turn to Afghanistan, and go on and on.
The point is, those attacking Bradley don’t care about human life – not even babies and children – they care about their mindless loyalty to their group, and distort the facts to suit their own selfish agenda. They never cared about foreign lives before, so why do they care about a supposed handful at risk now?
Such individuals have NO credibility.
]]>This is an outrage. At first I truly believed in Wikileaks but now I’m convinced that Wikileaks are nothing but souless exploiting bastards with a media whore complex. They hyped the Collateral Video and the 90,000 documents so now that they have garnered the fame through this poor US soldier why aren’t they paying 100% for his defense? They are responsible for this poor guy being in jail.
Have anyone of you really read the Wikileaks site? Have you noticed that it’s directly targeting the US government and not any other corrupt governments? US and Americans are an easy target and since we have freedom of speech we are most likely to criticize our government which is what a democracy should be able to do hence US is an easy target. Wikileaks could easily get dirt because we aired it out for them. I would like to see Julian Ass. expose Chinese corrupt government officials or top secret videos in China or go to Saudi Arabia and really cause some much needed havoc where individuals get their hands cut off for stealing (just so that they can eat) and basically have no human rights whatsoever. What about the murdered Russian journalists by the Russian government? What about Berlusconi’s “gag law” in Italy?
If you really want to make a difference then seriously research Wikileaks and ask yourself as well as Wikileaks what is their motivation/agenda and decide if they are really being sincere and have America’s best interest at heart.