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How to suggest that all your friends become fans of the “savebradley” Facebook page, easily

2010-06-18 6 comments
  1. Open http://facebook.com/savebradley in Google Chrome (claimed to work in Firefox also but I can’t confirm)
  2. Click “suggest to friends” at left
  3. Paste this code into your address bar:
    javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}
  4. Press ENTER
  5. Click “send invitations”



  • Geno Canto del Halcon

    Write letters to your congress critters, too!

    2010-06-19 20:53
  • Jeffrey Field

    Very cool… Google Chrome and I pulled it off. Thanks!

    2010-06-24 00:54
  • yazK

    Did not work in Firefox
    Google Chrome works A+

    2010-07-08 10:18
  • Paul Covey

    Bradley is an American hero who risked his life to bring the American citizens the truth. The military would like to discredit this hero who is still alive and has not yet been killed and covered up as Pat Tillman was. Heads need to roll and criminals need to be brought to justice. Name all the criminals that were in that video,and all the leadership that knew about it and didnt demand justice immeadiatly. I took a oath to defend this great nation against all enemies foreign and domestic. Any military that would convict this soldier is only acting as a force of evil. Lets get the criminal soldiers names and the names of their leadership public! Lets find them cowards!

    2010-07-10 06:27
  • David

    Free American hero Bradley immediately shame on yourself, Where is the freedom?, Democratic USA? this is no news haul world knows how evil we are anyway, it is time to “CHANGE” where is OBAMA? where is the change’s we vote for? what happened? how come no one care anymore. we are taking our country in to hole and we will fall, if we don’t do what’s right. God Blass Bradley and free him now! you no good for nothing sold-out two face politicians’…!

    2010-07-21 14:36
  • Andiimnetz

    When 3500 People die in two Towers, they start the 3rd Wolrd-War.
    When their Oil is threaten billions of Creatures including Humans,

    “Yes, we can lie and kill”!

    Who wants to be free, is forced to know its Chains and Gailguard!
    The truth will free you!

    2010-07-24 15:50

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