Military statements regarding Bradley Manning “patently false”
Military statements regarding Bradley Manning “patently false”
Replacement of Quantico brig commander provides military opportunity to end mistreatment of alleged WikiLeaks whistle-blower
QUANTICO, Virginia, 28 January 2011 — Supporters of accused WikiLeaks whistleblower US Army PFC Bradley Manning are calling for Manning’s detention status to be changed from maximum to medium security, that the “prevention of injury” (POI) order be lifted, and for the military to cease using “suicide watch” for punitive purposes. Without cause, Manning is the only inmate at Quantico subjected to either “max” confinement or POI. The lifting of these classifications would allow Manning to move outside his cell without restraints, perform jobs within the brig and have social interaction with other inmates.
This week the Marine Corps replaced brig commander Chief Warrant Officer 4 (CWO4) James Averhart with Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CWO2) Denise Barnes, stating that the change was a pre-planned rotation that was not “situationally driven.”
“Pre-trial confinement is supposed to be about ensuring a servicemember’s presence at court martial, yet for eight months now Bradley Manning has been subjected to extreme pre-trial punishment through the arbitrary use of the maximum classification and the ‘prevention of injury’ order. We certainly hope that the new Quantico brig commander will finally treat Manning as other inmates,” stated Jeff Paterson, Oakland, California-based project director of Courage to Resist and a member of the Bradley Manning Support Network.
“There have been consistent abuses of discretion in the case of Bradley Manning,” said Kevin Zeese, a Washington DC attorney and steering committee member of the Bradley Manning Support Network. “The previous commander abused his discretion so that Manning was punished rather than being treated like a typical pre-trial detainee. We have seen consistent cruel and unusual punishment of Manning.”
Bradley Manning’s attorney, David Coombs of Rhode Island, filed a complaint last week asserting that CWO4 James Averhart abused his discretion by placing Manning on an unjustified, punitive suicide watch regime for two days immediately after 150 supporters of Manning’s rallied at Quantico’s main entrance on Martin Luther King, Jr. day.
Coombs yesterday catalogued in detail the fact that Manning’s conditions of pre-trial confinement have been radically different than what has been described by military spokespersons.
“Despite the assertion of Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell, PFC Bradley Manning is not being treated like every other detainee at the Quantico brig. Morrell stated during today’s Pentagon briefing that PFC Manning’s ‘confinement is not in the least different from the manner in which anyone else at the brig is being held.’ This statement is patently false,” notes Coombs on his blog. Coombs also explained that his client was the only detainee at Quantico held under the maximum custody regime or the highly-restrictive “prevention of injury watch” order.
Concerns for Manning’s human rights have been rising this week. Amnesty International wrote Defense Secretary Gates urging a review of Manning’s pre-trial confinement conditions, a former commander at Quantico raised questions about the unusual conditions, and Manning’s confinement was addressed in a White House press briefing. Meanwhile, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture continues to investigate the situation.
Over 50,000 people from around the world have already helped pay $110,000 toward Manning’s legal defense, signed the public “We Stand with Bradley Manning” statement that will become a full-page New York Times newspaper ad, and/or have signed an online petition in support of Manning’s human rights.
“If we’re to believe the charges against Bradley Manning, it’s clear that this is a textbook example of a whistle-blower acting in the interests of an informed democracy. He certainly deserves support,” added supporter Jeff Paterson.
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Bradley Manning Support Network website
“We stand with Bradley Manning” statement
“PFC Bradley Manning Is Not Being Treated Like Every Other Detainee”
By Manning’s attorney David Coombs, 26 January 2011
DoD Transcript regarding Bradley Manning, 26 January 2011
Amnesty International to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, 19 January 2011
Bradley Manning a heroic whistleblower exposed murder and is now tortured under 23 hour a day solitary confinement and restriction while Charles Manson a psycho killer has security so lax that he was using a cell phone to contact people in California, New Jersey, Florida and British Columbia.
Where is the justice? Who is the real criminal Bradley (who has not been convicted of anything) or Charlie??
Bradley Manning public Assembly to raise Awareness 2011
Bradley Manning hat Kriegsverbrechen öffentlich gemacht und dazu viel Mut bewiesen.
Die Bilder müssen jeden Menschen schmerzen. Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass dies in einer zivilisierten Welt noch möglich ist und nicht zu fassen, dass solche Taten noch gedeckt werden. Welche Verbrechen sind möglich unter dem Deckmantel von Macht und “Staatsapparat”.
Die Verbrecher sind auch die , die ihn jetzt anklagen und verurteilen wollen.
Diese Menschen scheuen vor nichts zurück um Verbrecher zu schützen und die mächtigen , unehrenhaften Organisationen dahinter.
Keiner der Mächtigen dieser Welt legt den Finger in die Wunde und gebietet solchen Verbrechen und solchen Menschen , die diese Verbrecher decken, Einhalt.
The treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning underscores, exemplifies, the military abuses that he apparently was attempting to bring to light by providing secret documents to Wikileaks. The U.S. unprovoked attack on Iraq and the war in Afghanistan have been disastrously costly, have caused the deaths of over a million in the middle east and killed and maimed thousands of our soldiers in the name of a “war on terror”, yet have been counterproductive by driving more middle easterners toward retaliatory actions that are defined as terrorism. There must be more open assessment of the real nature and cost of the wars, who is profitting, and what the real goals are.
Allegedly, Bradley Manning was attempting to get information out. If the information that he allegedly leaked caused harm to participants, this will come out in a preliminary hearing. While waiting for his hearing, he should not be held in solitary confinement or exposed to punishing treatment.
His concerns are our concerns. What is the U.S. government, and the U.S. military doing in our name? The public has been lied to about the real reasons for the war, and the conduct of the war, from the inception. The harsh treatment of Pfc. Manning suggests that the military has something to hide.
Bradley Manning, represented the United States in every shape and form. He stood up for the American Freedom we’ve all been dealing with for us even here in Canada. Are you to be denied as a soldier to provide truth? Soldier stood up for all ranks above him in taking a more responsible action and set an example for upcoming future soldiers fighting ‘the war’. The world salutes a comrade like this gentleman who seen a future above all futures and took the test of time and applied it achieving success. So? You got caught with punishing a soldier of a bright future. Now pull up the pants ‘someone’, reinstate his rights and retrain this soldier if you feel he’s incapable(Which I highly doubt). He fought for the ‘true’ war only, how many more genuine soldiers are there? Ok so he diplomatically rebelled on a time and place decision as well, is he a civilian or a soldier with rights???? Get him out of the dog cage and learn from this. Of course, after feeding and giving him a suit with an office, decisions like this are high pressured and high ranking perfect for the future soldier to adhere to. This genuine soldier proved something to us all.. What you gonna kill him? Look into his eyes, even looks a little french
. A certain American dream lives on, but who are the people that want to place borders on this everlasting (for some) thought. Everyone blow the whistle for Manning day!!! TWEEEET!!! TWEET!!! Listen closely, you can still here it… Thanks for letting me put my demands up here! Freedom for Brad!
So the Quantico Community Page took down all comments of any opinion other than favorable ones towards them. They also have made it to where no one can comment now.I have a pic of it on my facebook page if you search Ivy Rainbow. I asked for Manning to be Free and it was taken down!