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Oklahoma City Marches in Support of Bradley Manning

2010-08-15 2 comments

August 12, 2010 – Okies marched on the Capitol to demand the release of alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower Pfc. Bradley Manning.  Manning faces up to 52 years in prison on charges related to the release of classified video documenting American troops gunning down Reuters journalists from an Apache helicopter.

The rally in support of Manning was organized locally by Oklahoma Center for Conscience and the Oklahoma Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild.    Supporters included members of Veterans for Peace, the Joy Mennonite Church, local Quakers and friends of Manning.  The march concluded with a rally in front of the Capitol building.

Manning, originally from Oklahoma, is hailed as an anti-war hero and a prisoner of conscience.

James M. Branum, an attorney that works with OCC on military law cases, calls the Pentagon’s treatment of Manning “extreme” and designed to set up the case “as an example of the punishment waiting for others who would consider exposing violations of military regs and international law.”

“We are saying that exposing war crimes is not a crime,” he said.

Read more about the rally:






  • PJ

    We the American People cannot thank you enough for coming foward. There are many american’s watching an listening. Your a HERO…The service witch your in the ARMY is an embarrasment to itself an all army personal an army military should all be embarrassed as not to stand up for what is right. When they give you orders you obey then they put you in Jail, only by listening to those orders they give you … I myself am so thankful that no child of mine went into the military…I just want you to know we are here fighting for your rights as well as our’s as citizens of the same country that is doing what they do to this generation of the men an woman in the services…This needs to end an the truth needs to come out. WE all say HERO as the ARMY is a ZERO…If I were in the army I would get out in defense of what they are doing to you Bradley Manning. THE GOVERNMENT should also be ashamed to allow this to happen. What the hell is wrong with this country. I just don’t understand we teach our children to be honest then they go into service an you teach them to kill but don’t tell the truth. What kinda nation are we w/o truth. President Obama stand up for this man. I voted for you an thought I could trust you, please do what’s right, we gave you the power, USE IT WISELY an this is an option to do what’s right…I stand for Truth, Justice but it just seems it’s not the American way anymore, is it?

    2010-08-15 23:52
  • J. Thompson

    The tag line “exposing war crimes is not a crime” should be true. But it isn’t true.

    Bravery is measured by the possible detriment to yourself. Manning is clearly a brave man and I’m proud that he represents many, many American soldiers who care about what we do in foreign countries.

    2010-08-16 14:04

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