New Yorkers Demand Manning’s Release

by Debra Sweet, World Can’t Wait

About 80 people converged on Times Square Monday August 16, 2010 to demand that the US military drop charges against Army private Bradley Manning. He’s being held in Quantico VA. The Army alleges Manning is the source who leaked the Collateral Murder footage of the 2007 incident where U.S. Apache helicopters gunners killed 12 Iraqi civilians.

World Can’t Wait, Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Pakistan-USA Freedom Forum, and others gathered on short notice to speak to tourists and others outside the Times Square Military Recruiting Center.

The action was completely stopped by a very hard rain. Some of us stayed around, joined by new arrivals, as the rain stopped. People who had been following the Manning case, and WikiLeaks revelations learned of the protest via Facebook. Two philsophy professors came, though they had not protested the Iraq war since 2004, because they saw a feature on the covert US “war on terror” in Yemen, and were moved to come out again in protest.

Attorney Leonard Weinglass attended, and spoke about the need for vigorous defense of whistle-blowers. Weinglass had defended Daniel Ellsberg in 1971 on federal charges stemming from Ellsberg’s leak of the “Pentagon Papers” exposing the US war crimes towards Vietnam, successfully. Part of the reason, he said, was that so many people were vocally against the Vietnam War.

So let’s make some noise! “Prosecute War Criminals — Not Those Who Expose War Crimes!” More New York City actions are planned.

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19 thoughts on “New Yorkers Demand Manning’s Release

  1. Free Bradley and lockup the war criminals!

    Since when do we put heroes in jail while war criminal snakes that trade the blood others children for the profits of war go free?

    Apparently, shortly after activating our “House Assassinations Committee” all over again. Habeas Corpus a problem?

    Hell these people will not even get a trial before they’re murdered in foreign or domestic lands.

    They’ve been doing this all along anyway, but to arrogantly put it in the open is astonishing.

    This is NOT America.

  2. Private manning is a true patriot. Most in governmet have already shown the last few years that THEY are the traitors. They have robbed and allowed the robbing of the public coffers for way too long. Let’s see some real justice, for once.

  3. Virtually everywhere and every time the world has learned of terrible abuses of power, those who perpetrated the crimes were authoritaian followers (RWAs) doing what authoritarian leaders (SDOs) asked of them. The Nuremberg Trials revealed that a particular personality seemed virtually incapable of disobeying authorities. Psychologists have been studying that personality now for decades and what they’ve found could be some of the most important research you’ll ever read.

    From Dr. R. Altemeyer’s webpage (where you will also find a free copy of a summary of his decades studying the authoritarian personality):

  4. Pingback: .:Fight Oppression, Fight Corruption, Business Corruption, Business Fraud, Worst Practices in Business Ethics, Small Business Corruption:.Fight Oppression » Blog Archive » New Yorkers Demand Manning’s Release

  5. Yeah, that’s Right. Whatever happened to the WHISTLEBLOWER act? Does it only apply to the People, and NOT the Government OR THE Nation’s ELITE? FREE BRADLEY!!!!!

  6. Couldn’t agree more with johpal8639…

    I wish there would only be more HEROES like Private Manning around daring uncovering the dirty deeds of the “Elite”. A lot the Americans would suddenly awake out of a deep comatose like sleep and then probably all hell would break loose as they would be witness to the real face of the American (global)”Elite”.

  7. “Only crimes [can] take place in darkness. Punishment [has] to be done in the light.” Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay

    Anything that is held secret is so for a reason. Unfortunately, mostly the reasons are not honourable.

    Punishing those who tell the truth and not the perpetrators tells the world that there are two kinds of crimes, those commited by criminals and those commited by the good guys. Whoever defends crime is worse than the criminal, cause he incites further crimes. And the one who punishes the teller of the truth is even worse than that, because he tells the incitors they are right and that it is a good thing to intimidate those upstanding.

  8. The national elections of 2000 were a SCAM. Those of 2004 were another scam. The 9/11 attack was a US Government Intel black ops/false flag operation. Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan were US Corporate Interest scams. The US Government–all branches–is headed by scam-scum who use the people as dumb doormats, cheating them with virtually supernatural national indebtedness, inflation, outsourced jobs, incredible waste and incompetence in handling natural catastrophes, multimillion-dollar protection of government and corporate criminals, and so forth. You name the SCAM and the US system is a past master at it. Thank goodness we are able to see SOME of the crap that is going on via the guts and determination of Whistleblowers! Unfortunately, we’re let in on JUST THE TIP of the iceberg.

  9. Manning is a HERO! American troops are murderers! America got sucked in to George Anti Christ Bush’s planned Illuminati New World Order agenda lie!

    It is time to switch of American Idol, WAKE UP to the truth and DEMAND the WAR END and DEMAND MEDIA TRANSPARENCY!



    God DAMN AMERICA and hold it personally accountable for every innocent man women and child it has slaughtered!

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