Outreach: Amnesty International

Just sent to Amnesty International via their main website:

Dear Amnesty,

I’m trying to organize a campaign (via bradleymanning.org) to support (and hopefully free) Bradley Manning, the US Army intelligence specialist now imprisoned in Kuwait for leaking the “Collateral Murder” video and other material.

If you are organizing a campaign of any sort around this issue, I would like to coordinate with you. If not, I would request that if you issue any release regarding the subject of Manning’s captivity that you include a link to the website.

Mike Gogulski
Bratislava, Slovakia

Any other organizations you know who are likely to take on this cause? If so, please either contact them or leave contact info in the comments. Thanks.

9 thoughts on “Outreach: Amnesty International

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Outreach: Amnesty International « Help Bradley Manning -- Topsy.com

  2. Mike,

    Thanks for taking up this worthy cause. May I suggest contacting the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for further assistance? They’ve been one of the U.S. government’s most dogged adversaries when it comes to cracking down on illegal spying, torture and the like–filing lawsuit after lawsuit in an attempt to stop these practices and restore the rule of law. They also have an active interest in protecting whistleblowers such as our friend Mr. Manning.

    The ACLU is headquartered in New York, NY. Here is their contact information:

    New York Civil Liberties Union
    Executive Director: Donna Lieberman
    125 Broad Street, 19th Floor
    New York, NY 10004
    Phone: (212) 607-3300 Fax: (212) 607-3318
    Web: http://www.nyclu.org

    Considering that Brad is originally from Oklahoma and has recently lived in Maryland, it may be worth forwarding any inquiries/pleas for assistance to the OK and MD ACLU branches as well. Contact details for the ACLU affiliates in these states can be found at http://www.aclu.org/affiliates. If you don’t mind my saying so, this case seems tailor-made for a pro-bono ACLU defense team.

    Best regards,

    Chris H.

    • @Gus: It’s there now, Gus. Takes a little while. Thanks for donating!

      @Christopher: Good idea, I’ll send them a note.

  3. I have asked Amnesty Int if they have any interest in the Bradley Manning case as I have not heard or seen anything from them for several months and they directed me to some statements made in July 2012. So I returned an email asking why they have failed to report anything since then and why they have not been involved in the recent court case, als I am still awaiting a reply.

    Not sure why they are happy to leave him in the hands of his tormentors without amy representation from them? Perhaps others may know?


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