Portland, Oregon – Bradley Manning Rally, 21 March 2011
Members of Veterans For Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Code Pink Portland, the Surge Protection Brigade and other organizations joined in calling for the government to “Arrest the Real Criminals, Free Bradley Manning!” in downtown Portland on March 21.
About 70 people gathered at lunchtime today in Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square to decry the government’s jailing of Pfc. Bradley Manning, a soldier accused of leaking classified material to WikiLeaks.
A group of protesters, many wearing “Brad” stickers on their clothes, erected a black jail cell and put one of their own inside. The man, who wore a goatee and glasses, held up a photo of the Army private in front of his face.
The “jailed” man also wore flesh-colored tights to simulate nudity, a protest against the government’s treatment of Manning at the Marine Corps’ brig in Quantico, Va.

Photo: Bette Lee
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