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المقالات في الفئة نشاط

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[2011-02-24 | تعليقات 27 | ]
(English) PayPal Backs Down, Reinstates Account for Supporters of Bradley Manning

(English) Apparently reacting to enormous backlash from supporters and criticism from the media, PayPal has reinstated the account of Courage to Resist, an organization which has partnered with the Bradley Manning Support Network to raise funds for the defense of accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. The change in account status came only hours after the nonprofit organization published a press release drawing attention to the matter. Over 10,000 people signed the petition hosted by Firedoglake today urging PayPal to reinstate the charitable account, while many more supporters called PayPal directly to voice their criticisms.

Within hours, PayPal responded — reinstating the account so that Courage to Resist and the Bradley Manning Support Network can continue their work.

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[2011-02-11 | تعليقات 21 | ]
(English) Rally for Bradley! Quantico VA. Sunday, March 20

(English) Join us at the Quantico Marine Base in Virginia to support accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower Army Pfc. Bradley Manning on March 20th! We’ll meet at 2pm in the town of Triangle (Main St. & Route 1). Bradley has been held at the Quantico brig in solitary-like conditions for six months.

Reserve your seat on our chartered bus from Washington DC at couragetoresist.org/bus

Bradley Manning Defense Fund Benefit, Washington DC. Sunday, March 13, 4pm at Busboys & Poets, 1025 5th St. NW, Washington DC. Featuring: Emma’s Revolution, whistle-blower Jesselyn Raddack, organizer Kevin Zeese, and singer Perry King. $20 donation suggested.

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[2011-01-20 | تعليقات 17 | ]

(English) As a former regular Marine Corps captain, a Korean War combat veteran, now retired on Veterans Administration disability due to wounds suffered during that conflict, I write you to protest and express concern about the confinement in the Quantico Marine Corps Base brig of US Army Pfc. Bradley Manning.

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[2011-01-18 | تعليقات 3 | ]
(English) MLK Day protests at FBI headquarters and Marine Base Quantico

(English) Following a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day protest at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, yesterday to demonstrate outrage and indignation against police state surveillance, infiltration, and attempts to entrap peace, environmental, animal rights, civil rights and solidarity activists, a convoy of attendees set off for Quantico, Virginia, to protest the isolation and torture of Bradley Manning at Marine Corps Brig Quantico.

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[2011-01-09 | تعليقات 4 | ]
(English) Protest for Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks in Santa Cruz, California

(English) Dozens of people came together in Santa Cruz on January 8th to rally at the clock tower in solidarity with WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and Bradley Manning. Protesters lined Mission St. with homemade signs, some in defense of free speech, others calling for the prosecution of U.S. government war crimes.

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[2011-01-04 | تعليقات 14 | ]

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في English.

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[2010-12-27 | تعليقات 7 | ]
(English) Free Bradley Manning Actions in Minneapolis

(English) Our Minneapolis group continues to hold regular events to raise awareness of Bradley Manning’s imprisonment. We also use it to share Wikileaks DVD that included not only the Collateral Murder videos but also the recent Cablegate releases, the Afghan War Diaries and Iraq War Diaries along with the mysterious Insurance file.

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[2010-12-22 | تعليقات 97 | ]
(English) Speak Out Against the Inhumane Imprisonment of Bradley Manning!

(English) After trying other avenues of recourse, the Bradley Manning Support Network is urging supporters to engage in direct protest in order to halt the punitive conditions of the soldier’s detention.

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[2010-11-30 | تعليقات 72 | ]
(English) Holiday Cards for Bradley Manning’s Freedom!

(English) This winter, millions of people will be sending cards to friends and loved ones filled with holiday cheer and warm wishes for the coming year. This is the perfect opportunity to stand up for Bradley Manning, imprisoned for almost a year for allegedly blowing the whistle on war crimes committed by US forces overseas. So add a few people to the list of holiday card recipients this winter. And if you’re planning a holiday party, get some colored paper and let your guests make cards, too! What better way to celebrate the season?