
Protest for Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks in Santa Cruz, California

Dozens of people came together in Santa Cruz on January 8th to rally at the clock tower in solidarity with WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and Bradley Manning. Protesters lined Mission St. with homemade signs, some in defense of free speech, others calling for the prosecution of U.S. government war crimes.

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In: Activism, Updates

Psychologists for Social Responsibility open letter to Robert Gates on Manning’s confinement

Psychologists for Social Responsibility has issued an open letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates regarding Bradley Manning’s treatment in custody, stating: Psychologists for Social Responsibility is deeply concerned about the pretrial detention conditions of alleged Wikileaks source PFC Bradley Manning, including solitary confinement for over five months, a forced lack of exercise, and possible sleep…

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In: Activism, Updates

Bradley Manning: One Soldier Who Really Did “Defend Our Freedom”

Kevin Carson: “I think the last time American soldiers actually fought for the freedom of Americans was probably the Revolutionary War . . . But I can think of one exception.”

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In: Commentary, Updates

Free Bradley Manning Actions in Minneapolis

Our Minneapolis group continues to hold regular events to raise awareness of Bradley Manning’s imprisonment. We also use it to share Wikileaks DVD that included not only the Collateral Murder videos but also the recent Cablegate releases, the Afghan War Diaries and Iraq War Diaries along with the mysterious Insurance file.

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In: Activism, News, Updates

Bradley Manning in Quantico: A Call with Public Affairs Officer Villiard

I spoke for about 20 minutes with Lt. Brian Villiard, from the Public Affairs Office at Quantico Prison. He gave me a chance to express my understanding of the current conditions of Private Bradley Manning’s confinement. I echoed the information that I had read, that Bradley is in solitary confinement, that he has not been out doors in four weeks, that he previously had been sporadically allowed only one hour of exercise time out of the cell, that he is not allowed to exercise in his cell, that lights are left on all night, and that the blanket he uses is rough, more like carpeting than a blanket.

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In: Commentary, Updates

Speak Out Against the Inhumane Imprisonment of Bradley Manning!

After trying other avenues of recourse, the Bradley Manning Support Network is urging supporters to engage in direct protest in order to halt the punitive conditions of the soldier’s detention.

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In: Activism, Updates

Amidst the Wikileaks Saga, One Other Thing…

By LarryE at Lotus – Surviving a Dark Time. Reprinted with permission. There is one part of this I have not addressed, one interested party who I have not considered. He is in some ways the “forgotten man” in the whole business, the central figure whose name often doesn’t come up. He is Private First…

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In: Commentary, Updates

Transparency & Democracy: Why the U.S. Should Free Bradley ManningTransparence et démocratie: pourquoi les USA devraient libérer Bradley Manning

On December 17, in a prison cell in Quantico Virginia, Bradley Manning will be celebrating his 23rd birthday, alone. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and ex-Pentagon official KT McFarland are calling for Manning’s execution, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is vowing “aggressive steps” will be taken against those responsible for the leaks. As WikiLeaks scrounges to find a way to keep their site alive after being shut out by PayPal, Amazon and EveryDNS, Manning is held in prison, unable to meet with his family and prevented from getting the vast majority of his mail.

On December 17, in a prison cell in Quantico Virginia, Bradley Manning will be celebrating his 23rd birthday, alone. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and ex-Pentagon official KT McFarland are calling for Manning’s execution, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is vowing “aggressive steps” will be taken against those responsible for the leaks. As WikiLeaks scrounges to find a way to keep their site alive after being shut out by PayPal, Amazon and EveryDNS, Manning is held in prison, unable to meet with his family and prevented from getting the vast majority of his mail.

On December 17, in a prison cell in Quantico Virginia, Bradley Manning will be celebrating his 23rd birthday, alone. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and ex-Pentagon official KT McFarland are calling for Manning’s execution, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is vowing “aggressive steps” will be taken against those responsible for the leaks. As WikiLeaks scrounges to find a way to keep their site alive after being shut out by PayPal, Amazon and EveryDNS, Manning is held in prison, unable to meet with his family and prevented from getting the vast majority of his mail.

On December 17, in a prison cell in Quantico Virginia, Bradley Manning will be celebrating his 23rd birthday, alone. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and ex-Pentagon official KT McFarland are calling for Manning’s execution, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is vowing “aggressive steps” will be taken against those responsible for the leaks. As WikiLeaks scrounges to find a way to keep their site alive after being shut out by PayPal, Amazon and EveryDNS, Manning is held in prison, unable to meet with his family and prevented from getting the vast majority of his mail.

On December 17, in a prison cell in Quantico Virginia, Bradley Manning will be celebrating his 23rd birthday, alone. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and ex-Pentagon official KT McFarland are calling for Manning’s execution, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is vowing “aggressive steps” will be taken against those responsible for the leaks. As WikiLeaks scrounges to find a way to keep their site alive after being shut out by PayPal, Amazon and EveryDNS, Manning is held in prison, unable to meet with his family and prevented from getting the vast majority of his mail.

On December 17, in a prison cell in Quantico Virginia, Bradley Manning will be celebrating his 23rd birthday, alone. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and ex-Pentagon official KT McFarland are calling for Manning’s execution, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is vowing “aggressive steps” will be taken against those responsible for the leaks. As WikiLeaks scrounges to find a way to keep their site alive after being shut out by PayPal, Amazon and EveryDNS, Manning is held in prison, unable to meet with his family and prevented from getting the vast majority of his mail.

Le 17 décembre, dans une prison de Quantico en Virginie, Bradley Manning célèbrera son 23ème anniversaire, seul. L’ancien candidat à la présidentielle Mike Huckabee et l’ex-officiel du Pentagone KT McFarland en appellent à l’exécution de Manning, alors que la Secrétaire d’Etat Hillary Clinton souhaite que des mesures coercitives soient prises contre les responsables de ces fuites. Alors que Wikileaks frappe à toutes les portes pour trouver un moyen de garder son site en vie après avoir été lâché par Paypal, Amazon, et EveryDNS, Manning lui est détenu en prison, empêché de voir sa famille et de recevoir la grande majorité de son courrier.On December 17, in a prison cell in Quantico Virginia, Bradley Manning will be celebrating his 23rd birthday, alone. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and ex-Pentagon official KT McFarland are calling for Manning’s execution, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is vowing “aggressive steps” will be taken against those responsible for the leaks. As WikiLeaks scrounges to find a way to keep their site alive after being shut out by PayPal, Amazon and EveryDNS, Manning is held in prison, unable to meet with his family and prevented from getting the vast majority of his mail.

On December 17, in a prison cell in Quantico Virginia, Bradley Manning will be celebrating his 23rd birthday, alone. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and ex-Pentagon official KT McFarland are calling for Manning’s execution, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is vowing “aggressive steps” will be taken against those responsible for the leaks. As WikiLeaks scrounges to find a way to keep their site alive after being shut out by PayPal, Amazon and EveryDNS, Manning is held in prison, unable to meet with his family and prevented from getting the vast majority of his mail.

On December 17, in a prison cell in Quantico Virginia, Bradley Manning will be celebrating his 23rd birthday, alone. Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and ex-Pentagon official KT McFarland are calling for Manning’s execution, while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is vowing “aggressive steps” will be taken against those responsible for the leaks. As WikiLeaks scrounges to find a way to keep their site alive after being shut out by PayPal, Amazon and EveryDNS, Manning is held in prison, unable to meet with his family and prevented from getting the vast majority of his mail.

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In: Commentary, Updates

Ethan McCord and all Anti-war Veterans: Icons of the Great Turning

US Army specialist Ethan McCord was amongst the first dismounted soldiers to arrive on the scene of fresh carnage after the July 2007 Apache helicopter attack in East Bhagdad, Iraq – now infamous as the Wikileaks “Collateral Murder” video. He has successfully met the greatest challenge of our time: the reclaiming of our humanity.

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In: Commentary, Updates

Weihnachtsgrüße für Bradley ManningHoliday Cards for Bradley Manning’s Freedom!Des cartes de voeux pour la libération de Bradley Manning!Blagdanske čestitke za slobodu Bradleyja Maninga!

This winter, millions of people will be sending cards to friends and loved ones filled with holiday cheer and warm wishes for the coming year. This is the perfect opportunity to stand up for Bradley Manning, imprisoned for almost a year for allegedly blowing the whistle on war crimes committed by US forces overseas. So add a few people to the list of holiday card recipients this winter. And if you’re planning a holiday party, get some colored paper and let your guests make cards, too! What better way to celebrate the season?Cet hiver, des millions de gens vont envoyer des cartes à leurs amis et à leurs proches leur souhaitant de bonnes vacances et de bonnes fêtes de fin d’année. C’est une occasion parfaite pour soutenir Bradley Manning, emprisonné depuis presque un an, soupçonné d’être l’auteur des fuites concernant les crimes de guerre commis par les forces américaines à l’étranger. Alors pourquoi ne pas ajouter quelques personnes à votre liste de destinataires cet hiver ? Et si vous prévoyez une petite fête, préparez du papier de couleur et demandez à vos invités de faire quelques cartes, également ! Quelle meilleure façon de célébrer les fêtes de fin d’année ?Ove zime milijuni ljudi slat će čestitke prijateljima i najmilijima pune blagdanskog veselja i iskrenih želja za dolazeću godinu. Ovo je savršena prilika da se zauzmete za Bradleyja Manninga, koji je u zatvoru već gotovo godinu dana zbog navodnog puhanja u zviždaljku i otkrivanja ratnih zločina koje su snage Sjedinjenih Američkih Država počinile u prekooceanskim zemljama. Dakle, dodajte još nekoliko osoba popisu primatelja blagdanskih čestitki ove zime. A ako planirate blagdansku zabavu, nabavite malo papira u boji i dajte da i Vaši gosti sami izrade čestitke! Ima li boljeg načina za slavlje tijekom ovih blagdana?

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