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(English) Never Let Fear Become a Prison for Truth

2010-09-21 3 komentáře

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3 komentáře »

  • Laurel Burik

    This is one of the most powerful, moving anti-war speeches I have ever heard. Thanks for providing the transcript.

    2010-09-24 02:46
  • Timothy Duffy

    This is the most important aspect of knowing what’s really going on .THE TRUTH from eye witnesses. I as a devout american, believing in all that is good in this country have lost some respect for our leaders. Government, polititians, from the top to the bottom they seem to exept the fact that WAR is a exeptible way of life. KILLING, MURDURING, whatever you want to call it is wrong by any means. We as a people and society need to know the truth and express our thougts. VERY POWERFUL THOUGTS!

    2010-09-25 11:04
  • Monica Benderman

    It is important to remember – the „truth from eyewitnesses“ is THEIR truth. I am not discounting what is said, but to be fair to REALITY and the TRUTH… there are eyewitnesses of all perspectives. By hearing the „truth“ of each individual’s experience – THIS is how the central truth can be realized.

    Please don’t do a disservice to anyone who has been there… please do not shelter yourselves in a box of one dimension. For people to do so will only keep the world in the same place – not one iota closer to the meaning, let alone the reality of what peace is.

    2010-09-26 10:02

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