Soie courageux et fier.Nous te soutenons ou que tu sois.Ne sois pas
triste et garde le moral.S il est prouvé ce qu on te repproche et bien
c est une fierté pour tes parents et pour l amérique.De part ton agé
tu as donné une leçon de democratie et la liberté d expression à toute
l humanité.Garde le moral.
2010-12-30 12:18
Look, here’s the bad thing about handing out numbers and names like this. Pestering and persistence only work if you have tact. Honestly, that’s one of the 14 leadership qualities of the MCJROTC. You have to deal with people respectfully, otherwise all you are doing is harming the cause. Trust me on this one.
When you give out numbers and names any moron or drunkard could get on the phone and scream and shout at whoever, but what good would that do? They’ll just hang up. No one wants to deal with ridiculous overheated conversation.
I suggest letters as the best form of protest for now. Simply because they can also be used as evidence and such, and it takes a much clearer mind to write a letter than it does to scream at someone over the phone.
No one is suggesting that supporters act disrepectfully in support of Bradley Manning.
2010-12-30 13:48
Laura Watkins
This is one of the most incisive, intelligent interviews I’ve seen, on the same level as Julian Assange’s interview with Sir David Frost. Cenk Uyger asks the most important questions and Assange answers them directly, citing examples. Their discussion of Brad Manning’s status as a political prisoner, denied due process and subjected to inhumane treatment, shows their deep respect for him and concern for his welfare. It’s obvious that he’s more than a symbol to them.
These men clearly understand the wisdom, courage and moral backbone it took for a young private, under intense pressure to comply with the demands of his (alleged) superiors, to instead act according to his principles and expose the U.S. military’s war crimes. There is no hint of condescension or evasion in Assange’s responses. He embraces Manning as a brother-in-arms yet makes it clear that they did not know each other or conspire to commit acts of treason or terrorism. The Army can only fabricate evidence because none exists.
Uyger and Assange show that the cruel injustice being done to Pfc Manning by U.S. military and government officials can be done to any of us who stand behind the First Amendment and honor the Golden Rule. In five minutes they get to the crux of the matter. If our alleged leaders had their brains and balls, Brad Manning would be free and engaged in constructive work by now, not wasting his brilliance outmaneuvering a pack of ignoramuses and career criminals. Their impotent rage becomes more apparent daily.
2010-12-30 15:33
Laura Watkins
Would you please correct my misspelling of Cenk Ugyur’s name if you publish this? Thanks!
If I may translate Bourouis freely, rearranging and slightly paraphrasing so that the English flows better:-
„Be proud and brave. We support you wherever you may be. Do not be sad, and keep your spirits up. If what you are charged with is proven, well, that is a source of pride for your parents and for America. In view of your age, you have given a lesson in democracy and freedom of expression to all humanity. Keep your spirits up.“
Bourouis is using the familiar or intimate second person singular „tu/te/ton“ (now the archaic „thou/thee/thy“ form in English, that has now been completely replaced by the second person plural „you/you/your“), rather than the more usual second person plural „vous/vous/votre“. In ordinary circumstances it would be pushy to use this uninvited to an adult stranger, and thus offensive, but here it indicates extending comradeship. While the same distinctions still exist in German, this nuance cannot be translated directly, into modern English at any rate.
I found your entry interesting do I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog …
2010-12-31 11:09
Steven Johnstone
Now I see the big picture, If you cannot love yourself you cannot love the world. All i can say if she gets up heaven protect the rest of the world from the axis of evil the USA. I can see Russia from my back yard, here in Australia. No wonder the world is so twisted!
Síť podpory Bradleyho Manninga – Veškerý materiál na tomto webu je zveřejňován na veřejné doméně, pokud není uvedeno jinak. Děkujeme za šíření odkazů a uvádění zdroje. – Osvoboďte Bradleyho Manninga.
Soie courageux et fier.Nous te soutenons ou que tu sois.Ne sois pas
triste et garde le moral.S il est prouvé ce qu on te repproche et bien
c est une fierté pour tes parents et pour l amérique.De part ton agé
tu as donné une leçon de democratie et la liberté d expression à toute
l humanité.Garde le moral.
Look, here’s the bad thing about handing out numbers and names like this. Pestering and persistence only work if you have tact. Honestly, that’s one of the 14 leadership qualities of the MCJROTC. You have to deal with people respectfully, otherwise all you are doing is harming the cause. Trust me on this one.
When you give out numbers and names any moron or drunkard could get on the phone and scream and shout at whoever, but what good would that do? They’ll just hang up. No one wants to deal with ridiculous overheated conversation.
I suggest letters as the best form of protest for now. Simply because they can also be used as evidence and such, and it takes a much clearer mind to write a letter than it does to scream at someone over the phone.
No one is suggesting that supporters act disrepectfully in support of Bradley Manning.
This is one of the most incisive, intelligent interviews I’ve seen, on the same level as Julian Assange’s interview with Sir David Frost. Cenk Uyger asks the most important questions and Assange answers them directly, citing examples. Their discussion of Brad Manning’s status as a political prisoner, denied due process and subjected to inhumane treatment, shows their deep respect for him and concern for his welfare. It’s obvious that he’s more than a symbol to them.
These men clearly understand the wisdom, courage and moral backbone it took for a young private, under intense pressure to comply with the demands of his (alleged) superiors, to instead act according to his principles and expose the U.S. military’s war crimes. There is no hint of condescension or evasion in Assange’s responses. He embraces Manning as a brother-in-arms yet makes it clear that they did not know each other or conspire to commit acts of treason or terrorism. The Army can only fabricate evidence because none exists.
Uyger and Assange show that the cruel injustice being done to Pfc Manning by U.S. military and government officials can be done to any of us who stand behind the First Amendment and honor the Golden Rule. In five minutes they get to the crux of the matter. If our alleged leaders had their brains and balls, Brad Manning would be free and engaged in constructive work by now, not wasting his brilliance outmaneuvering a pack of ignoramuses and career criminals. Their impotent rage becomes more apparent daily.
Would you please correct my misspelling of Cenk Ugyur’s name if you publish this? Thanks!
If I may translate Bourouis freely, rearranging and slightly paraphrasing so that the English flows better:-
„Be proud and brave. We support you wherever you may be. Do not be sad, and keep your spirits up. If what you are charged with is proven, well, that is a source of pride for your parents and for America. In view of your age, you have given a lesson in democracy and freedom of expression to all humanity. Keep your spirits up.“
Bourouis is using the familiar or intimate second person singular „tu/te/ton“ (now the archaic „thou/thee/thy“ form in English, that has now been completely replaced by the second person plural „you/you/your“), rather than the more usual second person plural „vous/vous/votre“. In ordinary circumstances it would be pushy to use this uninvited to an adult stranger, and thus offensive, but here it indicates extending comradeship. While the same distinctions still exist in German, this nuance cannot be translated directly, into modern English at any rate.
2010: The Year in Politics…
I found your entry interesting do I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog
Now I see the big picture, If you cannot love yourself you cannot love the world. All i can say if she gets up heaven protect the rest of the world from the axis of evil the USA. I can see Russia from my back yard, here in Australia. No wonder the world is so twisted!