What would we have done in the Vietnam War era with this soldier? Have the Interwebs made a difference in what we know? This real time video feed may be revealing the answer…http://www.frequency.com/episode/wikileaks-ep-4/401
2010-08-05 03:31
George Grider
At last, America has produced from this sordid chapter of our history a bonafide hero. It was a long time coming. Bradley, America owes you big time.
Síť podpory Bradleyho Manninga – Veškerý materiál na tomto webu je zveřejňován na veřejné doméně, pokud není uvedeno jinak. Děkujeme za šíření odkazů a uvádění zdroje. – Osvoboďte Bradleyho Manninga.
What would we have done in the Vietnam War era with this soldier? Have the Interwebs made a difference in what we know? This real time video feed may be revealing the answer…http://www.frequency.com/episode/wikileaks-ep-4/401
At last, America has produced from this sordid chapter of our history a bonafide hero. It was a long time coming. Bradley, America owes you big time.