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More than Twenty Cities Rally for Bradley Manning

2010-09-24 7 Kommentare

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7 Kommentare »

  • Eric Parks

    God save us! I was stationed at Orgun-E Afgh., and agree that if war crimes can be proved then, punishment should fallow to the top of the order given. I fear this is the beginning of the end of many things, and that the people who should serve time or give life will only continue to give the blood of our children’s bodies. Good luck to Brad and all the supporters. Were going to need it.

    2010-09-24 20:23
  • Dick

    Bradley deserves a medal! A few of them.
    How refreshing, in this day and age, to find someone with enough guts and morality to stand up and say, ‘this isn’t right’! and then to tell the whole world what he’s witnessed. What a man! He’s a hero in my book. A true hero.
    Of course he has to prove himself innocent. How can he do that? He’s locked up.
    It’s high time the shills in Government were locked up. Not good people like Bradley.

    2010-09-25 19:01
  • Ray

    Anyone can view dozens of Apache helicopter attacks shown on youtube, all apparently OK by the US military because they look like ‘correct’ actions.
    I guarantee that we never would have seen the one allegedly released by Bradley Manning without someone having the courage to release it. He is facing severe punishment for his ‘crime’.
    So a young courageous man is facing prosecution by a military that is too COWARDLY to admit their mistakes.

    2010-09-26 01:07
  • Charles Backer

    Unsurprisingly, the US government is much more interested in locking up the whistleblower than going after the culprits of crimes.
    In a reasonable country, it should be a crime not to denounce a crime.
    Furthermore, the US government is culpable of not prosecuting, but hiding, illegal actions that they knew about – which is equal to being involved in the crimes.
    The embarrassing thing for both the army and the government is, that they have been caught with their pants down.

    Show some respect and free Bradley Manning now.

    2010-10-25 11:08
  • Tais Finger

    Muita força para vocês!! Que a liberdade de expressão e os direitos humanos prevaleçam sobre a brutalidade e a insanidade do ser humano. Que dissolva o mercado bélico existente nos países, e que só alimenta a tristeza e a injustiça no mundo…

    Escrevo do Brasil e aqui, estamos admirados com a coragem do Bradley Manning e acreditando e sua liberdade…

    FREE Bradley Manning

    Um abraço a todos

    2010-12-01 15:38
  • Rosamelia

    Bradley Manning: hero.

    2010-12-22 18:32
  • N. Joseph Potts

    WHICH 21 cities? Not listed in the article. Only states/countries.

    Are they secret?

    2010-12-24 18:15

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