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(English) “Despite the assertion of Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell, PFC Bradley Manning is not being treated like every other detainee at the Quantico brig. Morrell stated during today’s Pentagon briefing that PFC Manning’s ‘confinement is not in the least different from the manner in which anyone else at the brig is being held.’ This statement is patently false,” notes Bradley Manning’s lawyer David Coombs on his blog. Coombs also explained that his client was the only detainee at Quantico held under the maximum custody regime or the highly-restrictive “prevention of injury watch” order.
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(English) Military officials at Marine Corps Base Quantico today increased the isolation of accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning by detaining Manning’s friend and regular visitor David House at the base entrance until visiting hours were over. House was accompanied by Jane Hamsher of, a website that has collected 42,000 signatures on a petition calling for improvements to the conditions of Manning’s detention, which constitute extreme and illegal pre-trial punishment.
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(English) Washington, DC, November 10, 2010 – Last week, David House, a developer working with the Bradley Manning Support Network, was detained and had his computer seized by the FBI when returning from a vacation in Mexico. He committed no crime, nor was he ever alleged to have committed a crime. He was questioned extensively about his support for alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, who has been imprisoned in Quantico for over 160 days.
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On September 16-19, 2010, activist organizations and individuals will take to the streets to call on the United States government to drop the charges against Army Private First Class Bradley Manning. Manning, 22, has been held in isolation since May, charged with releasing classified documents including a video that shows American troops shooting and killing 11 people, including two Reuters employees, in 2007.
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Washington D.C., July 27, 2010 – At 4PM EST on July 27, the Bradley Manning Support Network ( will begin accepting online donations for the legal defense of Private First Class Bradley Manning.
The Network, a grassroots initiative formed to defend and support accused whistleblower Pfc. Bradley Manning, has partnered with Courage to Resist, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting military objectors.
Manning, a 22 year old intelligence analyst stationed in Iraq, stands accused of disclosing a classified video depicting…
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