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(English) Bradley Manning Support Network accepts responsibility for all expenses to defend accused Wikileaks whistle-blower

2010-12-08 45 commenti


45 commenti »

  • Kara

    Hello: I just wanted to say that I hope everything works out well for this young man. He is a Hero and should not have to pay with his life for having brought crimes by the government to light.

    It saddens me to know that rather than our government just owning what they have done and addressing what ought to change they have decided to run, blame and perpetuate their puerile means of coping with the reality of having been caught.

    Maybe when the broken capillaries upon the collective face of the government officials subside we will hear apologies and a clear plan regarding how matters that have come to light will be rectified.

    I would like to see the collective government body learn from the present situation rather than create more embarrassments for the American people – those who do not actually have voices that are heard. I hope people around the world know and understand that the government does not represent how everyone feels and/or thinks in America.

    I am praying for you Bradley! Thank you!!

    2010-12-08 15:07
  • Dorothy Reilly

    I have sent a couple of donations when I could and hold Bradley Manning in great great esteem but I think sending this out when Julian Assange is sitting in jail and WikiLeaks is still trying to operate is unfortunate timing since they are having trouble accessing their funds. Also,many are waiting to donating until they know the donation will safely get to them. We have a common enemy and we all need to be working together, not causing divisions.

    2010-12-08 16:44
  • NDHduz

    Well said Kara! Thanks! You rock! AGREE 100%! Think yours words said it all! The world owes Bradley thanks and recognition for courage beyond most of our own capabilities!

    2010-12-08 17:03
  • Toran

    Sadly history is not writen by the hero’s but by the vilian. My thoughts are with you brad, your are a rare human in these dark times.


    2010-12-08 18:23
  • Photo Corner

    Bradley Manning is not guilty!
    Dont charge him with a nonsense thing!

    2010-12-08 19:25
  • Fred Merc

    @ Kara — don’t pray… donate! Do something worthwhile. Help us make a better future rather than imagining one.

    2010-12-08 21:01
  • Lisa Beard

    I feel the American military are way to trigger happy when is comes to wars. This isnt call of duty the PS3 game. Its real fucking life! If your not causing death by friendly fire then your blowing the shit out of innocent civilians. Every country has a curupt goverment so quit coming down hard on the little people and get your top flying/lying goverment agenda sorted out first! Yer the kid should not have really spoken to the reporter but what does that say about the military if he felt like he couldnt voice his concerns with his leaders. Let the boy go home and enjoy life instead of wasting money keeping him locked up for leaking something you was trying to cover up because the act in question was wrong and against the law of armed conflict.

    2010-12-09 09:58
  • Vicky Gallas

    Please clarify if Bradley Manning’s defense has received the funds promised from Wikileaks, or not. I realize that this articles states a negative, but I read an article a couple of days ago (somewhere) that Assange came through just before meeting with police.

    Wikileaks solicited donations for Manning’s defense – if they haven’t come through please be clear and widely publicize the problem. (I’ll help if that’s the case).

    Anyone have an answer? Thank you.

    2010-12-09 12:13
  • MikaP

    Errr… wouldn’t WikiLeaks involment in court case in plaintiffs benefit mean, that WikiLeaks/plaintiff would “confess” that the plaintiff leaked the information to WikiLeaks? Thus Asange’s promise to support “with any means” the sources in legal battle is a real Horse of Troy to these same sources. Thus you will never see WikiLeaks to give monetary/legal support to it’s sources in case of court case has been risen against them.

    2010-12-09 14:35
  • Steve

    Anyone who is upset that Visa et al. are preventing them from donating to Wikileaks should simply send their money here instead, then. Shortcircuit the money-go-round.

    2010-12-09 16:00
  • Lefty

    Wikileaks indeed solicited money for Bradley Manning’s defense fund, and it’s unclear how much they took in, but it was no doubt significant: Wikileaks merchant account provider (who was cut off by Visa and Mastercard and is now suing them) estimates that Wikileaks is losing “seven figures a week” (i.e. millions) as a result.

    John Young of Cryptome.org, who was asked to be the “front man” for the original registration of the Wikileaks.org domain in 2006, cut all ties with the group only a few months later after learning that their goal, pre-launch, was to raise $5 million in seven months, to cover an effort that could be managed on $50,000 a year or less. He accused them of being in it solely for the money.

    When Amnesty International took issue with Wikileaks’ lack of care in releasing the names of Afghan sympathizers, Wikileaks demanded $700,000 to fund a “harm minimization process”, and threatened to issue a press release laying all responsibility on Amnesty International if the documents weren’t redacted because the money hadn’t been paid.

    2010-12-10 02:14
  • sagat

    He should be given a fair trial as what he did was illegal (data act theft is illegal in most countries). Wikileaks abandoned him in his time of need – does show their treu character doesn’t it?

    2010-12-10 07:46
  • danish

    i think that bradley should be freed, because he was just showing how hypocritical america is. he is a good person and the innocent civillians were killed for no reason.. america is just a messsed up country and we are doing things WRONG!! make me the supreme court judge so I can tell the entire world that bradley manning is a hero and should be freed IMMEDIATELY!!! thank you bradley for showing what hypocrites american government are. PLEASE FREE BRADLEY MANNING!!!♥

    2010-12-10 13:05
  • Rickh

    I think he shouldn’t be getting any trial.. what’s illegal about exposing some crime videos??? it’s just that he’s an army officer subjected to the rules of the army, that the army and the government involved in this thinks that he’s guilty by their RULES…

    2010-12-11 05:13
  • RC

    Pursuant to its reported pledge, Wikileaks most likely would help the Bradley Manning legal defense, if it was not itself struggling to survive financially and legally. There appears to be a safe, efficient way to make financial contributions to help both of them.

    It was reported in three or more news articles recently that Flattr.com was processing donations to the “Wikileaks website”, but a check yesterday at wikileaks.ch found no Flattr button (hyperlink) yet available on either the main page or the support page.

    Can a Flattr button be placed on the Bradley Manning Support Network and on the Bradley Manning Legal Trust Fund?

    If so, could a news article be published that gives the URL addresses for the webpages that contain these Flattr buttons?

    2010-12-11 06:14
  • Soulshoes

    Bradley Manning is what you would call a true hero. Any soldier that reveals the truth is what you would call a true hero among men.

    2010-12-11 19:36
  • Amber

    im a truther exposing the corrupt things the government does is a thing people like me do we need more people like bradley to help us restore democracy to our country in my book hes a true hero

    2010-12-12 04:18
  • Jennifer

    My thoughts and those of my friends are with Bradley.

    All the best to him and all others fighting for a good cause.

    2010-12-12 15:06
  • zhao fengnian

    Bradley Manning has been arrested for more than half a year without a pre-hearing trial. It does not seems that Amnesty International has any interests to be concerned. They are neither interested in peace, nor human right, but only interested in blaming those who western elites want them to blame.

    2010-12-13 13:44
  • timothy

    i am trying to find out if the Bradley Manning Fund has received ANY of the promised money from Wikileaks as yet ?

    Does anyone here have any proof and know for sure if they have ?

    2010-12-15 15:15
  • stuf

    This footage is horrific, these aircrew must be punished for this war crime. Bradley Manning she be commended for exposing this barbaric act.

    2010-12-16 15:35
  • Brittany

    Its a relief to know that Bradley’s legal fees will likely be covered without the need for him to literally pay for his courage, on top of what he’s already suffered, but its a shame that the government is not likely to express guilt or regret over their mistakes and over torturing this poor man.

    2010-12-16 17:32
  • Alexander Bay

    Bradley Manning is a hero if he is really the one who leaked the video material and uncovered those bastards war crimes!! However, he should get free in any case!

    I would love to spend for him, however I havent got any visa or mastercard (they would be abandoned anyways) or any other means of payment which are accepted by your organization. It would be great if there were some other payment methods available for spending money.

    2010-12-17 10:36
  • Lee zehrer

    I sent $250 some time ago, will send another $1,000.

    He’s a hero,

    –Vietnam USN/USMC 1968 Hue city.

    2010-12-18 07:23
  • WikiLeaks’ Collateral Murder | Ron's Weblog

    [...] Bradley Manning Support Network accepts responsibility for all expenses to defend accused Wikileaks … [...]

    2010-12-18 19:53
  • NT

    Do we need to remind Obama/Biden of their administration’s agenda? THEIR words -


    Protect Whistleblowers: Often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled. We need to empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance. Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government.

    2010-12-19 20:17
  • alcatraz

    I bet that as military personnel, or ex-, you’d be able to stand up to the prison guards: do illegal things like gathering information on prison life and being able to publish them one day. I would advise you not to actually. They’d just wait till you’ve got a complete set of information, and then take it all away from you. In the meantime they’ll be making sure that the info you gather does not, erm, leak out of prison.

    It’s quite horrible. All public servants or ex- but you’ll find that the people ill-treating and being ill-treated are public servants. Perhaps you’ll find a nice woman inmate to get along with inside of prison one day– preferably an ex-public officer as well, and gossip all you two want about horrid inmates.

    2010-12-19 20:47
  • Mike Aislin

    Real democracy means telling the truth, if we punish these event we are running from our true beliefs… think about it and vote!

    2010-12-19 21:30
  • Jeff McCarthy

    I am very distressed by some of the allegations about Wikileaks, money and the Manning Defence Fund that are circulating on the net – particularly on the Wikileaks Facebook discussions board.

    Could we have a brief update on this before some (apparently bitter) individuals rip the guts out of the defence of both Bradley and Julian with unsubstantiated allegations please? The last I heard was that the WAU foundation was somewhat disorganised (understandably)and that Wikileaks, to say the least, has had its financial situation rendered somewhat fragmentary.

    I seriously hesitated to raise this but I don’t want to see some fixable misunderstanding end up being used as a tool by the State to injure either of these guys – or anyone else.

    Surely there could be legal reasons why it wouldn’t be too smart for either or anyone to publicise alleged ‘links’ given the Feds obvious strategy.

    Jeff McCarthy

    2010-12-21 06:20
  • Jeff McCarthy

    Just further to my post – feel free to delete it if you think it unwise at this time.


    2010-12-21 06:21
  • Zeke Krahlin

    Bradley Manning is gay…and the world knows. Inevitably, gay crime suspects are treated more harshly than their hetero counterparts. This also implies that even if innocent, gays are more likely to be judged guilty; meaning that jurors would dismiss all evidence to the contrary (any proof of innocence ignored, no matter how persuasive) in order to exercise a ritual gay bashing. Simply because homophobia remains the most universal of all prejudices…in fact, it may even be a major contribution to all wars, everywhere. This would explain Manning’s arrest, imprisonment, isolation and torture, by the US goverment…all extreme reactions typical of a homophobic response. It may also explain Wikileak’s hesitation to support Mr. Manning, wrapped in some plausible excuse (such as the attack upon their finances in an attempt to fund Assange’s cause; who is, may I remind everyone, blatantly heterosexual, as so boldly advertised by rape charges).

    It is therefore a great credit and selfless sacrifice of /any/ organization or individual to explicitly support Mr. Manning (in money, words or deeds), against the horrid treatment by the military, government, right-wing media, and various other global influences.

    And: where are the churches in all this? Where is /their/ support? Any Jesus lovers listening? Oh, wait, I almost forgot: It’s the homophobia, stupid.

    2010-12-21 16:02
  • lefty

    Well, Jeff, I’ve been following this story—I have no association with either Bradley Manning’s defense effort or Wikileaks—and this is my understanding:

    Wikileaks raised some unspecified amount of money throughout June and July, at least, for the defense fund. As I understand it, a commitment was made to provide $50,000. The money failed to arrive, and around September, the Wau Holland Foundation was contacted to see what the status was. At that time, the Foundation said that the disbursement of the full amount had been approved.

    When the money still didn’t arrive, subsequent to Julian Assange’s arrest in the UK, the acting Wikileaks spokesperson, Kristinn Hrafnsson, was contacted, and he advised the defense effort that the amount was to be $20,000 rather than $50,000, and that—in effect—the check was in the mail.

    About two weeks ago, when the reduced amount had failed to materialize, the Wau Holland Foundation was again contacted. At that time, they advised the defense effort that they were anticipating being audited by the German authorities and that no money whatsoever would be forthcoming for the foreseeable future.

    Things may be disordered indeed, but this has been going on for some time. I note that, separately, the Wau Holland Foundation had committed to John Young of Cryptome.org to produce a financial report for Wikileaks. That never happened. The Foundation subsequently committed to produce one by yearend, i.e. about ten days away. Whether that will happen is anyone’s guess.

    Whether Wikileaks as a concept is good, bad or indifferent, I have to say that it’s approach to Manning’s defense fund, and to its own financial transparency in general, has been extremely disappointing, to say the least.

    2010-12-21 23:41
  • lefty

    Sorry: no edit capability here.

    Wau Holland Foundation previously committed to produce the financial report which John Young requested by the end of August of this year.

    If any aspect of the preceding account—which represents my understanding of the Big Picture, as gleaned from reading a variety of sources—is inaccurate, I would very much appreciate any and all corrections. Thanks.

    2010-12-21 23:47
  • Jeff McCarthy

    Thanks for that Lefty – I have done some more research; specifically on the the Alan Taylor character who is spamming the facebook site with accusations that imply the money has been ‘stolen’. He’s just a jerk with a hard-on for Assange for some personal reason; if nothing worse.

    Sounds to me like a major (but not unfortunately abnormal) stuff-up compounded by Wikileaks being unable to use anyone else but WAU for a period and WAU being somewhat a somewhat chaotic organisation.

    It could have been done better no doubt, and no doubt Wikileaks will be keen to avoid any grief for Bradley’s defence. There are no doubt also legal considerations at this point about any relationship between Wikileaks and Bradley which may be at work – on both sides.

    From what I’ve seen of Assange in the media he is not the sort of guy who would desert someone in Bradley’s position, and certainly not for money!

    Disappointing yes; but no reason to allow a wedge to be driven between defending Bradley and defending Assange I think – an injury to one is an injury to all when it comes down to it.

    I do know that many of us (both members and -like me- not, of Wikileaks)on the Wikileaks Facebook site have been highlighting the need to urgently donate to Bradley’s defence. I hope this has had some effect at your end.


    2010-12-22 03:05
  • Jeff McCarthy

    Lefty – I just went back and re-read this (below):

    1)do you have a source or a reference to a report (a link would be great)for this?

    2)when you say sympathisers do you mean wikileaks sympathisers or just collaborators with the more militarily well armed war criminals currently occupying the territory?

    “When Amnesty International took issue with Wikileaks’ lack of care in releasing the names of Afghan sympathizers, Wikileaks demanded $700,000 to fund a “harm minimization process”, and threatened to issue a press release laying all responsibility on Amnesty International if the documents weren’t redacted because the money hadn’t been paid.”

    2010-12-22 06:05
  • lefty


    Here’s the background: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/government/nutball-wikileaks-founder-tries-to-blackmail-amnesty-international/9280

    Here’s the actual tweet from Wikileaks, demanding $700K: http://twitter.com/#!/wikileaks/status/20663752636

    2010-12-22 13:46
  • lefty

    By “Afghan sympathizers” I mean Afghanis sympathetic to the US cause in Afghanistan.

    2010-12-22 13:47
  • lefty

    (I’m not at all sure of the propriety of a foundation which is reporting handling sums in the millions on behalf of Wikileaks being “chaotic”. The people who made contributions—especially those who made a contribution to Wikileaks in the anticipation that it would be helping Bradley Manning—clearly deserve much better transparency into what’s happened to their donations. As noted, not a shred of information about what’s come in, and where it’s gone, has been forthcoming the the Wau Holland Foundation, in spite of repeated requests. At what point does it pass from “Gee, they’re disorganized!” to “What the heck are they trying to pull?”…? I’m personally past that point, myself. There’ve just been too many oddities around the money. An organization dedicated to truth and transparency need to be truthful and transparent itself. The history I related—to which no one has yet offered corrections—seems to throw that into pretty questionable territory…)

    2010-12-22 13:53
  • Jeff McCarthy

    I agree that WAU is being anything but transparent – I have no idea who they are and what their relationship is to Wikileaks, who clearly stuffed up stuffed up by depending on them.

    The governments strategy is to coerce Bradley Manning into testifying aginst Assange. Don’t you think it might behoove us all to wait till we find out exactly what has happened before rushing to judgement that Wikileaks is responsible for all this.

    The article re the Amnesty International stuff is just more character assassination from an obvious right wing jerk. Unfortunately your twitter link doesn’t link anymore but I’ll take your word for it.

    As for what happens to anyone collborating with the occupation forces – why would anyone give a stuff what happens to them.

    2010-12-22 17:26
  • lefty

    Jeff, all I’ve really done is lay out the facts as I understand them. I’ve drawn my own conclusions, and you’re free to draw your own. FYI, the Wau Holland Foundation is based in Germany, and named after a now-deceased German hacker. They have a small endowment, and—up until becoming associated with Wikileaks—gave out funds for various projects amounting to a grand total of under $5000 annually.

    Suddenly—at least for a while—they became a conduit for much larger amounts of money destined for Wikileaks. Datacell, one of the merchant account providers, said that at the time they were effectively cut off by Visa and MasterCard, they were handing “seven figures a week” on behalf of Wau Holland and Wikileaks.

    I simply want to know where all the money’s gone. A web site like Wikileaks can’t be costing them millions to keep up. That their apparently questionable money-handling is affecting Bradley Manning’s defense is a shame, no question. I’m trying to understand where the shame lies, and I’m not finding evidence of government conspiracies to keep Wikileaks’ money away from them. Both Post Finance, which closed Wikileaks’ account (for fraudulent information on the original application) and PayPal, which closed Wikileaks’ account on grounds of terms of service violations, have stated that they would forward the funds in question wherever Wikileaks wanted, as soon as someone contacted them. It seems reasonable to assume that Wikileaks took care of that…

    Anyway, this has gotten somewhat off-topic for here. It’s too bad that a promise got broken, repeatedly. And it’s too bad that a lot of people contributed money in the belief that it was going to be used for a specific purpose, and that their belief in that was apparently unfounded.

    2010-12-22 18:12
  • Jeff McCarthy

    Lefty – I can but agree with you that it is a shame. Thanks you for a civil conversation about it – getting harder to have as the pressure on all concerned ratchets up as the stakes get higher. I’ll try and keep across information as it comes out and will cross-post here.
    Jeff :-)

    2010-12-22 18:39
  • Bob Canape

    It’s time to remember some wise words, “War is Hell.” Mr Manning knew this intellectually, before joining the service. Now it’s more than a quote . Manning should not be in prison, he should also not be surprised. None of us should be. All of us should be aware we are the one’s paying for and making possible War and the imprisonment of those who resist. We pay,making us the customers .You can’t have a wart without innocents becoming casualties. IfEvery discussion in every forum or news show and every sportscast using war metaphors would remember this, war may no longer be so acceptable. Could be your brother, sister son, daughter, father, mother.

    2010-12-23 18:32
  • DonQuijote

    With the persecution and prosecution of Bradley Manning and Wikileaks, the Pentagon and the Department of State are starting the largest anti-American campaign in US history. If this goes on, the US will soon be the most hated country in the world.

    2010-12-23 19:26
  • Rivera

    With the persecution and prosecution of Bradley Manning and Wikileaks, the Obama regime using the Pentagon and the Department of State are starting the largest anti-American campaign in US history. If this goes on, the US will soon be the most hated country in the world.

    The US was loved so much under Bush. Now the world will hate America thanks to Obama, Hillary and the American left. Thanks Democrats!

    2010-12-26 22:37
  • Zeke Krahlin

    Rivera spewed: “The US was loved so much under Bush.”

    Surely you jest, else you are very arrogant, and ignorant. You remind me of the “good” Germans who praised Hitler, or the “good” Russians who live today, yearning for the times of Stalin. It was under the evil watch of GW Bush, that this nation was ruined, and struck terror in the heart of all other nations. Obama’s wrong-doing doesn’t even come /close/ to Dubya’s unforgivable wickedness and destruction of our civil rights. You, Rivera, are like so many right-wing arseholes who scapegoat all your sins on progressives and other decent souls. You are foul, to put it politely.

    2010-12-27 06:31

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