Bradley Manning defense claims victory on due process motion
Prosecutors Ordered to Explain Misleading Statements to Court
By the Bradley Manning Support Network. June 26, 2012.

PFC Bradley Manning at Ft. Meade, MD.
FORT MEADE, Maryland — Judge Denise Lind ordered military prosecutors to provide a detailed account of their discovery of evidence that could help PFC Bradley Manning’s defense. The ruling came in response to a motion by lead defense counsel David Coombs, who cited misleading statements made by government lawyers about their efforts to locate required materials.
“The Obama administration can’t hide from reality forever” said Jeff Paterson, a lead organizer with the Bradley Manning Support Network. “Any ruling in favor of the truth is a victory for Bradley Manning, because the government’s strategy of abuse, obfuscation and outright deception simply won’t stand the light of day.”
Judge Lind also ruled that the government must provide impact assessments and other reports from the CIA, the FBI, the Department of State, and the Office of the National Counter Intelligence Executive (ONCIX). Coombs complained that he was only made aware of an additional assessment produced by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after the last round of hearings concluded on June 8.
“They knew DHS was doing an assessment for ONCIX and didn’t tell the court,” said Coombs, citing earlier suggestions made by prosecutors that there was no ONCIX assessment. “The court needs to pull at the string of this argument, because if you do, it falls apart.”
PFC Manning’s lawyers contend that these documents would show that there was no substantive harm posed to national security by the WikiLeaks releases.
On Sunday, hundreds of supporters of the accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower marched in LGBT Pride Parades in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. Supporters are preparing for another round of demonstrations to coincide with pre-trial hearings scheduled for July 16 to 20 at Fort Meade.
If I had my way,Bradley Manning would be receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor and a large number of these Washington Politicians would be headed for jail, starting with the Prez
Amen, brother.
Bradley Manning is my hero.
Amen indeed!
Bradley saw something he knew to be wrong and spoke up. What a hero! I dearly hope he is completely exonerated, given an apology and appropriately recompensed for his suffering
Yes, those are the minimum steps to correct this travesty of justice parading as a court martial.
1. Total, complete Exoneration as a just and fair remedy at law on the merits.
2. Sincere personal and formal Apology as an equitable remedy at law (by POTUS as Commander-in-Chief?).
3. Full Recompense for past and future injury, harm, and damages as a compensatory remedy at law, including remedies for mental anguish and intentional infliction of severe emotional distress, such as honorable discharge, Medal of Honor, increase in military rank to officer with all related benefits including education and medical treatment for gender identity counseling and possible sex-change operation.
Three cheers to Judge Lind. It is so reassuring to read of a Judge in this case who orders all the facts out. Bradley Manning is a hero to many. His heart is pure and is who we Americans SHOULD be.
It behooves progressives to make the assault on whistleblowers a huge rallying point. it’s easy enough to understand what’s happening, a helluva good yarn, an object lesson, and you get to root for the underdog..
It’s truly inspiring to know of the courage of a young soldier who has remained loyal to the oath he took to uphold the Constitution, to do what is morally and ethically right.
I agree completely. And it is very telling that this country’s military and governmental leaders oppose and persecute such morally and ethically right behavior, and prefer to defend and reward non-transparency and secrecy instead. I cannot imagine the courage Brad Manning must have exercised to come to those fateful decisions. My hope is that ultimately the whole world will understand the depth of his heroism, and I pray he regains his much deserved freedom.
This is the first good news we’ve heard since the horrendous incarceration of Pfc. Bradley Manning, whose only crime was that of having a deep moral consciousness and sense of humanity that was so impacted such that he could not but try to do something to expose the truth.
What I have never been able to understand, in addition to the fact that he is paying a huge price for so-called “whistleblowing” the truth, is that the information released via Wikileaks, was that which HAD ALREADY OCCURRED, so how could the government contend that he was a danger to national security? The news and the video were acts that had transpired already, so the people of Iraq were certainly already aware of them, as are others of our acts which are already known to the victims, whether in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. These acts could hardly be deemed national security “secrets.” We, Americans, of course, didn’t know what had happened until Wikileaks.
Our government has become an absolutely lawless one, using Bush-like documents to cover up all wrong doings (war crimes) by us in these wars (and elsewhere, like right here in the good ole’ US of A). But the mere creation of legal documents designed for such purposes cannot negate the national and international laws. Wrong is wrong!!!!!
Everything in this country has become perverse in just about every way you can think of.
The world is rooting for Bradley Manning and is watching! Likewise, Julian Assange!!!
It’s fascinating to read these responses, and heartwarming too.
Isn’t it odd how there can be so much upset about two men who showed the world US soldiers murdering civilians, and we hear so little about those murderers and the consequences of their actions.
The impetus for the criminal behavior of our soldiers in Iraq and elsewhere was, I believe, set in motion long ago by the likes of Rumsfeld, who urged the forces to “take off the kid gloves” (in Iraq), and by the likes of Major General Geoffrey Miller. I think the soldiers were encouraged to do whatever (not spelled out, of course) by higher ups period. This does not excuse the soldiers from the responsibility of their behavior, nonetheless, although, most have paid no price whatsoever for their depravities.
Bradley Manning has been tortured by our government for reporting murders and rapes by American soldiers. It would seem that our government and soldier’s who deplore these behaviors, would want more upstanding soldiers such as PFC Bradley Manning to represent our country. President Obama should be ashamed of what he has allowed to take place when he could have stopped it at any time. President Obama’s remarks about Manning were just so wrong. Wonder how he would feel if his daughter’s were treated in this manner? Shame on our government and our President. Manning deserves the Nobel Peace Prize and Obama’s should be revoked. Hes hardly a man of peace since he see’s no wrong in the innocent victims his Drones are taking out!
We rejoice at will good news in your court case. You should be free. You’ve done our country a great service at a terrible cost to yourself.
Bradley Manning is among many political prisoners in the U.S.. Others political prisoners include Edward Poindexter and Mondo We Langa, Gary Tyler, and Lenoard Peltier.
Bradley’s accusers deserve to be where he is.
For many of us, he always will be a national hero.
Keep up the good work. We are all counting on you bradley!!
Be strong
If there’s a vestige of ethics left in this country, Bradley Manning will be freed magna cum speed, with perhaps compensation for his mistreatment at the hands of the military.
Wonderful News! Bradley you are a hero and have inspired the world.
I pray that truth and justice will win through in the end. I am appalled at the way the American state has treated this young man whose motivation in exposing the wickedness of others was the kind of human decency I wish everybody would have.
Why Bradley Manning is and has been treated so harshly? While they bring a Chinese whistel blower put him on pedstall and give him all comfort provided for a dignitary, but put Bradley in solitary confinement and expose him to unhumane treatments. What crime has he committed except exposing the truth?
Enough is enough bring this nightmare to an end
It dawned on me later that after having written a comment, I neglected the use of “alleged,” regretfully.
Thank you for all your ‘ hard ‘ work. We are strong in number and because of that, we are powerful……
I used to think that the US Defence Forces stood for integrity, truth, ethics and honesty. Apparently NOT!!!!!!!!!
Bradly has suffered far too long, with total lack of normal legal rights applied to him. It is shameful and now that there is an opening of (small so far but a beginning) of legal justice, I hope this will continue and as much (or little) as possible, redeem the image of US justice.
PFC Bradley Manning and Mr. Coombs,
Hang in there guys, it’s a slow process. Pick apart every aspect of what they throw out there. Make them prove every little thing they are charging. It appears very tedious… you are doing great! You are not alone, I am with you, here in the wings, and you’re both in my heart 100%. Rootin for ya’s BIG! God Bless You!
Bradley, your many supporters here in Australia look forward to seeing justice prevail, and hoping you receive the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize.
As another of Bradley’s Australian supporters, I would like to say I agree completely!
This man is a hero and is treated worse than a criminal–it is a shameful turn of events
My prayers are with this young man who I believe is being railroaded but our government.At this time I can’t send any extra money but I am donating on a monthly basis. Tell Bradley there are many ,many people keeping him in our prayers and we Believe in him. God Bless everyone helping him.
It sounds to me like the prosecution committed several REAL crimes, like perjury and obstruction of justice.
Let’s see some criminal charges against THEM!
It’s time for some accountability from this fascist government.
Mr. Obama said he stands for transparency and rule of law. I hope now after the ruling he won’t just talk about it but really do it. Truth may be embarrasing to the administration but it is still the truth.
My best wishes for this brave young man is sent from China. Although it is not possible to stop those warmonger in US by anyone’s personal strength, I believe his efforts will make a lot of restraints on them in future, which means they would drive to the wars with much more difficulties. He deserves to be respected as a hero by people who loves peaces all over the world. I really hope he will survive from the persecution. May God bless this young man and all people who help him.
I remember hearing on PBS that Brad Manning’s father thought the Army would “straighten Brad out.”
But in my opinion the opposite has happened. Manning brought integrity and moral wisdom to his job, and upheld the oath he took as a soldier.
I don’t believe he did what he did to “betray” anyone. I think we were being betrayed and he moved reverse that betrayal by bringing truth. Thrown into a war he did his best to straighten out a terrible situation he saw.
God Bless Brad Manning, the soldiers who support him and who support a peaceful future for our country in the world.
I am in complete agreement with your post, Cindi.
Our governments reaction to PFC Manning’s strong sense of duty and honor is exactly what you would expect from something that through time has become totally rotten and recognizes nothing but power.
For years we were told that it was just the anomaly of the Bush years, but Obama’s embrace and in some cases expansion of those earlier abuses should be final proof that only something dramatic like governmental collapse leading to an awakened citizenry will change the disastrous course this nationhas embraced.
I just note below where a person can send some money so one could feel even a tiny part supportive of these good patriots?
Hi James, Not sure I understand your question, but anyone interested in contributing to Bradley’s defense fund can do so here by clicking on the DONATE button at the top of the main homepage.