Host a dinner party to support PFC Bradley Manning!
Join people around the world for an evening of dining and discourse about the importance of supporting accused whistleblower PFC Bradley Manning.
Be a host:
Hosting a dinner party can be a simple and fun way to raise awareness and funds for the Bradley Manning Defense Fund. Friendly conversation over dinner is a great opportunity to reach out to connections who might not already know about Bradley Manning’s plight.
To sign-up to be a host, set a fund-raising goal below. This is the amount that you are hoping your guests can contribute. We’ll provide you with tips and suggestions, and a brief video featuring an appeal that will explain the urgency of supporting Bradley’s defense fund–so you don’t need to worry about making the pitch by yourself!
Feel free to be creative with your party. Maybe a BBQ or an after dinner gathering would work better for your circle of friends. If September 9 or 10 doesn’t work for you, set a date that does.
Yes, I will host a dinner party for Bradley Manning! Please send me a link to the exclusive video, and tips for organizing the party.
[contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"]The Bradley Manning Support Network is powered by people around the world volunteering countless hours to educating their communities about what is at stake regarding Bradley’s upcoming military court martial proceedings: Truth and accountability vs. a culture of secrecy and fear.
While our network is people-driven, a campaign of this magnitude is not without significant financial expenses. These costs include: fully funding Bradley’s selected civilian legal team, producing and internationally distributing campaign materials, contractors for media and technical work, and a minimal staff to facilitate grassroots action. Now that appears the military will drag out the prosecution of Bradley over the next nine months or so, we need to ensure that we continue to build our campaign as to give Bradley a fighting chance for justice. We’ve already had sixty dinner parties around the world that have played a crucial role in helping to sustain this effort.
How it works:
After pledging your goal (above), the first thing you should do is download our online invitation and fill in the sections for Host, Date, Time, Location, RSVP information, and Additional info like parking logistics, etc. Then you can attach it in e-mails to your invitees.
You’ll be sent a confirmation e-mail with more information, and a link to a video you can show your guests featuring a statement by famous whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg, who released the Pentagon Papers.
Aim to have at least twice as many RSVPs as people you hope to have at your party, because it’s common for some expected attendees to cancel for unforeseen reasons. You can choose to invite community members, or limit the dinner to a small gathering of family and friends. If you wish to expand your invite list, consider doing outreach to local organizations with similar missions, putting up flyers with event and RSVP information in coffee shops and other public places, and posting event information on websites that offer public calendars.
The donations:
Please have your guests donate by check or money order, payable to our sponsor, “Courage to Resist.” Note “Bradley Manning Defense” on the memo line.
All funds raised should be mailed to:
Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave #41
Oakland CA 94610.
Your tax-deductible donation made here to Courage to Resist / AfGJ, in collaboration with the Bradley Manning Support Network, will be earmarked for the defense of Army Pfc Bradley E Manning.
Courage to Resist is a program of the Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ), a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code.

Thanks for your support. We are all Bradley Manning.
Many thanks for ur card. I wish u all the best for support Bradley Manning. Like to send some Money for that to U. Cause its bad that u have no Paypal Konto for it. So I cant send the money to U.
Best wishes
Claus, Essen – Germany