Update 12/30/11: A message from Bradley and his family; ‘Intellectual cowardice of critics’

Fort Meade support rally

Fort Meade rally for Bradley, 12/17/11

Message from Bradley and his family

“I want you to know how much Bradley and his family appreciate the continuing support of so many, especially during the recent Article 32 hearing. I visited Bradley the day after Christmas–he is doing well and his spirits are high. –Bradley’s Aunt Debra”

The intellectual cowardice of Bradley Manning’s critics

By Glenn Greenwald, Salon.com. December 24, 2011

After imprisoning Private First Class Bradley Manning for eighteen months, the U.S. Army last week finally began the preliminary stage of his court-martial proceeding, and that initial process ended on Thursday. Manning faces over 30 charges; the most serious — “aiding the enemy” — carries a death sentence (though prosecutors are requesting “only” life in prison for the 24-year-old soldier). The technical purpose of this week’s hearing was to determine if there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full court-martial proceeding; the finding (that there is such evidence) is a virtual inevitability. Manning’s counsel, Lt. Col. David Coombs, spent the week challenging the Army’s evidence, suggesting that his client may have suffered “diminished capacity” by virtue of his gender struggles and emotional instability, and finally, forcefully arguing that the leaks were an act of political conscience and that the Army has severely “overcharged” Manning in an attempt to coerce incriminating statements against WikiLeaks.

Read the full article at Salon.com

Photos from Fort Meade


14 thoughts on “Update 12/30/11: A message from Bradley and his family; ‘Intellectual cowardice of critics’

  1. When, as a Decorated Vietnam Combat Marine and Veteran, you realize that the true “Enemy” is sitting within the White House and Pentagon, it is hard to comment on what is being done to Bradley. The charges of “aiding the enemy” seem contradictory, for Bradley, a hero, has exposed America’s Enemies for whatever reasons he may have done so. If investigations were forcefully and peacefully opened with regards to the White House historical abductors and military protegè over past historical events, conflicts, wars, Trade Tours, Pewarl Harbor, and on; than America would be repossessing Its Government from the enemies within who have violated all principles and ethics that are the supposed Foundation of Our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Human Rights. Should the Government proceed against Bradley, I would suggest a full National and International Demand of third party investigations into the World Trade Center, the advanced knowledge within Government White House occupiers and the Pentagon concerning the attack on Paerl Harbor which they conveniently ignored to allow the attack and gain American support, the questionable incident that launched America into the Vietnam War, the planned sinking of a US Naval Vessel and further inland attacks on American Targets designed to push American support towards a war against Cuba, the CIA’s part in the Arab Spring and if Osama Bin Laden was not, in fact, a CIA operative along with members of Al Quaeda, and on: experimental procedures being historically performed on uninformed US Armed Forces (maybe Bradlley also), which have destroyed their lives for as long as they physically breathe… etc. etc. etc. There is sufficient proof that Obama’s documents are falsified: Thus he is not officially Commander in Chief and this should negate all / any military lawas and procedures under his regime… and make Bradley the Hero he is defending America against Terrorism from within the White House Offices and the Upper Echelon of the Pentagon. Read the ‘Official US Governmental Definition of Terrorism”: It fits perfectly the actions of the White HOuse abroad in Iraq, Aghanistan; NATO in Libya… and certainly applies in the past. Have the courage to counter attack peacefully those who are sacrificing Bradley for their own personal self-interests!

  2. To people with a very sick sense of humour, the very suggestion that Mr Manning was suffering from ‘diminished capacity’ in connection with his attempt to bring war crimes to publics attention might be considered funny.
    In that period shortly after WW2, when those of us on the winning side, (and at that time unaware of the pre-trial torture inflicted many Nazi defendants), were indulging in a period of self-righteous congratulations; the suggestion that Mr Manning’s behaviour was anything less than obligatory would have been greeted with the argument that, had he not divulged this information, he himself would share responsibility for those crimes being investigated.
    ‘Diminished capacity’ is clearly a serious affliction to be considered in this matter, and one that evidently applies to those ‘patriots’ calling for his punishment. It is also perfectly clear to anyone not seriously handicapped in the same way, that those same ‘patriots’ constitute a far, far more realistic threat to the national security of the American people than Bradley could ever be accused of, quite the reverse in fact. The fact that he might well be sadistically and systematically brought to the point where he deeply regrets his actions, it remains that Bradley will still stand as a credit to his family and his country, and that threatens no-ones security except perhaps, that of the real criminals in this case.

  3. To people with a very sick sense of humour, the very suggestion that Mr Manning was suffering from ‘diminished capacity’ in connection with his attempt to bring war crimes to the publics attention might be considered funny.
    In that period shortly after WW2, when those of us on the winning side, (and at that time unaware of the pre-trial torture inflicted on many Nazi defendants), were indulging in a period of self-righteous congratulations, the suggestion that Mr Manning’s behaviour was anything less than obligatory would have been greeted with the argument that, had he not divulged this information, he himself would share responsibility for those crimes being investigated.
    ‘Diminished capacity’ is clearly a serious affliction to be considered in this matter, and one that evidently applies to those ‘patriots’ calling for his punishment. It is also perfectly clear to anyone not seriously handicapped in the same way, that those same ‘patriots’ constitute a far, far more realistic threat to the national security of the American people than Bradley could ever be accused of, quite the reverse in fact. The fact that he might well be sadistically and systematically brought to the point where he deeply regrets his actions, it remains that Bradley will still stand as a credit to his family and his country, and that threatens no-ones security except perhaps, that of the real criminals in this case.

  4. I fully agree with F.Gregg Meagher –”the true “Enemy” is sitting within the White House and Pentagon”… Free Bradley Manning — he is a hero!

  5. He should be released on a simple habeaus corpus. The new effective NDAA unrestricted martial law cannot be applied to him ex post facto. Does anyone in our government speak any Latin?

  6. Bradley is only 24 years old and has already impressed the entire world! He is an inspiration to everybody who wants to live in a free democracy, in which TRUTH is valued.

  7. It’s a simple case of a whistle-blower being persecuted by the organizations[our government's and military's illegal and unconscionable activity] he exposed! ALSO ILLEGAL! There’s no justice in life!

  8. I am not aware of any Wikileak revelation that has jeopardized national security-except in so far as exposing abuses of power that political, corporate and military leaders would rather keep secret-so as to “protect” the public from the truth. When someone that reveals such information is persecuted to the extent Manning is-it confirms the rightness of his motives and the value of his work.

  9. If America wakes-up, it will start DEMANDING from their Senate and Congressional Reps, and the United Nations investigations into and prosecution of those exposed via WikiLeaks. That is if the Global American Population is till America?

  10. You know what that real problem is here? And, seemingly no one has the courage to say it to America: Americans, other than less than 1% (and here is where the 1% wins as a majority) are complacent cowards: Afraid of rippling their decaying slavery; afraid if standing-up face to face with their politicians (who by the way work for the people: afraid of being unpopular; afraid of having to be involved; afraid of being the Americans who built and pioneered America itself; and, finally, afraid of themselves. Sad, but true! Now, due to the cowardliness aforementioned, the 99% is going to quietly hide their heads in the sand and let Bradley, who defended them spend his life in prison. While they let the WAR CRIMINALS in Washington and the PENTAGON push America into another War in support of THEIR TERRORISM! America was once a land of the free… the 99+% have sold it comfortably and cowardly out! Washington’s criminals allowed Pearl Harbor to be attacked (knowingly) to promote their war; the Vietnam War was launched on Washigton’s falsified attacks in the Gulf of TOnkin; and the Twin Towers were the latest sacrifice (or assassination is better) of American lives for promoting the “War on Terrorism”; and now, just like the non existent “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq (a nation of peoples now left in destruction and worse than with Saddam) > aka (false documented) Obama is pushing for his Elites another “War on Assumption”; just like he legally has put into effect: anyone who does not accept their game is a terrorist in the USA. Prayer and candles are great fr those who cannot do other: they don’t have a telephone or pen and paper to write and constantly call their local State members of the Washington Mafia that has not arrested those guilty of the crimes exposed by Bradley; but instead have violated human rights, committed war crimes, violated America’s Constitution and Bill of Rights, against Bradley, The one who did things honorably ad with courage to defend America’s 99+%! I served in the US Marine Corps (active duty) from 1964-1970. Vietnam / DMZ / TET Offensive in 1967-1968, decorated: We keep losing our children, grandmothers and grandfathers, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, friends and good neighbors, because we are ignorant enough, and cowardly enough, to not face-up to Washington’s corruption and empirical war games, in which, those who die… are disabled… lose their loved ones = are only numbers for them on a planet they desire to reduce the population by about 6 billion ‘Beings’. Facts! If, I knew what Americans were going to be today; or if I had the facts about Washington’s Historical assassinations of Americans to provoke their wars: Believe me, I would not have participated in a mercenary war for future “cowards” back home, who complacently do nothing to protect and defend those who do… do something to Protect America and It’s Values. Israel is pushing for the war against Iran. Check out who were the owners of the ‘Twin Towers’! Check out witnesses that overheard one of them give the order to bring down his Tower! Go on! Courage! Pass this message on to me okay: America’s 99+% of complacent cowards wake-up! Defend Bradley! Defend the home of Our Children! You are allowing America to become a dictatorship and you don’t have the stamina to live under one!

    For all those supporting actively Bradley? Thank you. You have my sincerest respect! For those who are doing so conveniently at home? Get physically involved on the telephone, fax. PC to Washington… Congress… Senate… the United Nations… and on! For those who are doing nothing? You are not True Americans, instead you are just complacent couch potatoes within the society, and self-examination will lead to cowards, in the end.

  11. The truth is that Bradley Manning is a true hero and should be rewarded not persecuted.Bradley exposed the real war criminals and they are hiding their war crime’s behind the national security act.The truth is that Bradley exposed the true Terrorist that have betrayed the United States, the country that he was defending by exposing these war criminals that were betraying our country.Bradley is a compassionate and loving patriot and justice will not be served until he is free.Free Bradley Manning.

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