Update 2/21/12: Obama’s continuing war on whistleblowers, Assange’s lawyer’s public remarks on PFC Manning’s trial

President Obama's war on whistleblowers

Last week, RT covered Obama’s continuing and unprecedented war on whistleblowers in America. The clip below includes the new provisions of the ironically named ‘Whistleblower Improvement Act of 2011 (H.R. 2483)’, which makes exposing wrongdoing more difficult, an interview with State Department whistleblower Peter van Buren about excessive American secrecy, and a review of Bradley Manning’s trial and treatment.

The new Whistleblower Improvement Act provisions:

  1. Requires a whistleblower to first report information to employer before going to a regulatory agency.
  2. Requires to SEC to notify the entity before commencing any enforcement action is taken
  3. Legalizes retaliation by company against whistle blowing employee.
  4. Removes incentives for whistleblowers previously guaranteed by Dodd-Frank Act.

Julian Assange’s lawyer gives talk in Sydney, “Don’t shoot the messenger: WikiLeaks, Assange and Democracy.” In her remarks, Jennifer Robinson discussed how PFC Manning is being overcharged and mistreated to pressure him into implicating her client:

Australians need only look to how [Bradley Manning] is being treated within US prisons to understand what will happen to Julian if he ends up in the US.

Bradley Manning has been subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment in breach of international standards, causing international outrage. At the hearing in the US just before Christmas, it was Bradley Manning’s committal hearing, his defense lawyer Mr. [David E.] Coombs stood up in opening and sought to recuse the investigating officer. Why? Because he is an employee of the Department of Justice.

He sought [to] recuse him on the grounds that the Department of Justice had an ongoing criminal investigation into Julian Assange. Therefore his employer had an interest in Bradley Manning making a plea bargain in order to criminally implicate Assange.

In closing, he said that the way in which Bradley Manning has been treated, the way in which he has been overcharged — let’s not forget that Bradley Manning is facing 150 years plus life in prison, there is a potential death penalty for the aiding the enemy charge that was introduced just six months before the pretrial hearing — that overcharging is designed, in Mr. Coombs’ opinion in his submissions before the court, to put pressure on Bradley Manning to implicate Assange.

Coombs’ request for the investigating officer’s recusal was denied. In his closing remarks, Coombs implored the IO to drop the ‘aiding the enemy’ charge and reduce the remaining charges to come up with a deal that would put Manning in prison for 30 years. The IO, however, recommended all charges be forwarded to court martial. (Read more…)

U.S. Senate candidate supports whistleblowers. David Levitt, running against incumbent Dianne Feinstein for a California seat in the U.S. Senate, attended Friday’s Whistleblowers Conference at UC Berkeley. According to SFgate.com, “Levitt believes strongly in protecting whistleblowers such as WikiLeaks and other journalists who expose corruption — especially when, as even Defense Secretary Gates has confessed, the harm they are accused of causing is ‘overblown’.”

The incumbent he’s challenging, Dianne Feinstein, is notorious for supporting bills that erode civil liberties. For example, Feinstein was an original co-sponsor of a bill to extend the USA PATRIOT Act. (Read more…)

4 thoughts on “Update 2/21/12: Obama’s continuing war on whistleblowers, Assange’s lawyer’s public remarks on PFC Manning’s trial

  1. GOD will punish them for what they’ve done to Bradley Manning,and this new thing he’s passing about whistleblowers,I guess they didn’t think or didn’t care about products getting out to the public that could be defective,the Bradley Manning working working in these factories,wouldn’t be able to do anything.Even if it’s a car and could cause an accident,Sh! be quite cause the retarded government said so.

  2. Well, it’s back to the old ‘money is the most important thing in this country’. The government does not need whistleblowers like Bradley Manning. Since the U.S. has broken international laws by torturing Mr. Manning, who only wanted transparency in government and a better and moral world, well what else can I say? Who said, ‘Absolute power- corrupts absolutely’? It seems like there is no justice for the anti-war people of this world. I STILL WANT TO GO TO LIVE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY. ICELAND SEEMS GREAT TO ME. What a shame Julian Assange has to suffer too.

  3. I call often for the Polotical prisoners the U.S. has locked up, including Manning, Concentration Camp in Guantanamo & last British cleared prisoner-Shaker Aamer, U.S Agent Kiakou for telling the truth. I also call for the following two prisoners who had important information kept out of their trials, including that the FBI & CIA held them hostages, Native American protected himself on the Pine Ridge Reservation & Afia Siddiqui brought to U.S. after her &her children were kidnapped & held for more than a year.

    I will not vote for a War Criminal for Pres. nor a want a be & will vote for the Green Party Candidate instead of the Democratic-Republican Super PAC Reps. It doesn’t really matter what the Rep.-Dem say before the elections, but rather what they have done to harm our country after thy are elected.

    I hope lots of honest and caring people will run for office this next election. I also hope more people will support their local Green Party, peace and Occupy groups.

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