Update 2/25/12: Roger Waters supports Bradley, Logan Price reports from the arraignment, protests for Bradley

Students in Korea send photos of their protest. Here is their translated version of their message of support:

23 February, In front of U.S. Embassy at Seoul.
Organized by University Students of NANUMMUNHWA

‘The United States recognized war crimes and make Manning released’!

Nanunm Munhwa (University Students wing) is gravely concerned by the manner the case against Bradley Manning has been filed and the use of coercive technique and terror. Nanum Munhwa also believes that the arrest and his ceremonial trial on such grounds will only add to the continuation of the war on terror.

NanumMunhwa’s university student wing demands that Bradley Manning be released immediately as per the US Constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression and movement. It is to be noted here that his alleged actions helped motivate the democratic Arab Spring movements, shed light on secret corporate influence on U.S. foreign policies, and most recently contributed to the Obama Administration agreeing to withdraw all U.S. troops from the occupation in Iraq.

Nanum Munhwa further recalls that acts of torture and ill-treatment are contrary to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and shall be punishable with individual criminal sanctions.

More photos are available here.

Roger Waters supports Bradley Manning! In a note on Facebook, the former Pink Floyd singer asked friends and fans to join him in supporting Pfc. Manning, continuing:

I have often stated my belief that each of us has a human duty to stand up to errant authority.”My country right or wrong” won’t wash anymore.

Bradley Manning knows that, he is a very brave young man, who in my opinion deserves his nomination for the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize.  He is symbolic of the growing resistance to the Military Industrial Complex that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us of.

Bradley is doing this for all of us, and for all our children, and our children’s children.

He must not stand alone.

Please raise your voice in his support.


Earlier this month, in an interview with Rolling Stone, Waters observed: “Wikileaks is a fundamentally important thing, and we should not allow it to go away.” (Read more…)

Logan Price documents “Bradley Manning’s Quest for Justice” in the Guardian. Price recaps his experience in the courtroom during Manning’s arraignment and the next steps in Bradley’s fight. He also mentions discussing Manning’s case with President Obama, who exerted undue command influence by declaring Manning guilty (to Price, on camera) well before the trial. This issue has yet to be addressed properly in court. (Read more…)

Demonstrators in Santa Cruz

Demonstrators in Santa Cruz demand Manning’s freedom. Holding signs pleading an end to ‘collateral murder,’ investigation of war crimes, and Bradley Manning’s freedom, demonstrators made their presence felt outside the Santa Cruz, CA court house. They issued the following statement:

Bradley Manning’s case should serve as a wake up call for everyone in the USA and, indeed, the world. As a Whistle blower/ Conscientious Objector – Manning allegedly gave information to Wikileaks about War Crimes committed by the USA in the names of the 99%. We must stand up for what is right! Manning has been tortured, denied due process, persecuted, and even deemed “guilty” before a trial by President Obama.

Santa Cruz, CA

Create an event of your own here, and we’ll provide some Bradley Manning materials and help publicize your action. (Read more…)

My name is Dymchatyi. I am a sixteen year old part-time student and full-time activist. I support Bradley because he gives us the tools to open our eyes, to realize what is actually going on around us, the see the truth, and I respect that extremely so.

Send us your photo of solidarity today.


4 thoughts on “Update 2/25/12: Roger Waters supports Bradley, Logan Price reports from the arraignment, protests for Bradley

  1. I’d like to ask our military a question to see if any of them have a backbone to answer.What will you do if your government starts telling you, that you were going to have to fight your own friends and family,would you still be the governments puppets.The government has passed a law that says they can assassinate anyone including your friends and family if they say he or she is traitor.Will you military still follow them.This is a shock question to get the military troops to think and to use their own brains God gave them.Who ever reads this if you have friends or family in the military ask them this question and tell them not to lie to themselves.

  2. I Bradley Manning, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).The rest of the military took this oath,and we do have a domestic enemy(President Obama and the rest of the government)we have the evidence.I think it’s time the rest of the military follow Bradley Manning’s example and take down President Obama and his corrupt government.

  3. I am Glad to see The First Signs that the World is getting tried of President Obama, and the United States. In the World Wide Support of Pfc Manning, and his Selection for the Nobel Peace Prize. The World has Started to Voice their Supposition. It will be harder for the U.S. Army to make an example of Manning for exposing the United States for what they really are War Criminals.

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