Update 5/14/12: three weeks in Wales, protest in Pasadena, and the Army’s reckless overreaction

WISE Up in Wales

Three Weeks in Wales: Bradley Manning Solidarity Tour.’ In April, WISE (Welsh Irish Scottish English) Up for Bradley Manning held 3 weeks of events to bring awareness to Bradley Manning’s case, spreading information and demanding his freedom. Today WISE Up’s Genny Bove reviewed the series of actions, from events coinciding with the play, ‘The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning,” to public protests with speeches from antiwar veterans.

Relatedly, you can see May Day actions for Bradley in London, including a short protest video and several photos.

WISE Up’s sustained set of actions, thousands of miles away from where Bradley remains imprisoned, is a testament to the widespread influence Bradley has had. People all over the world, as far apart as Los Angeles, Spain, and Australia, have been inspired to speak up for the Peace Prize nominee. WISE Up has played a big part in the international network of those advocating for Bradley. (Read more…)

Pasadena supporters plan recruitment center protest for Bradley Manning. On May 24, members of Free Bradley Manning So Cal will protest at the Pasadena military recruitment center at 1513 E. Colorado Blvd, from which they’ll march to Pasadena Memorial Park to discuss a June candlelight vigil in solidarity with Bradley’s next court date (June 6-8, in Fort Meade).

The event is under the ‘Occupy Los Angeles’ umbrella – another indication that protesters of U.S. injustice see Bradley as a symbol of the persecution of the week in exchange for the protection of the powerful. Well-known war criminals retain immunity will the one accused of bringing light to war is on trial facing a life sentence. (Read more…)

Author Denver Nicks: charging Bradley with ‘aiding the enemy’ is a “reckless overreaction.” Nicks explained that he believes Bradley released information in the interest of transparency, hoping to counter the extreme secrecy that keeps the horros of war in the dark.

“Leaks have become commonplace in this country due to our excessive secrecy,” he says.

Further, Nicks details the hypocrisy of putting Bradley on trial while ignoring the endless leaks of classified information to American newspapers by senior White House officials:

“Are we going to start charging every official who leaks classified information, from the President on down, with aiding the enemy, or its civilian equivalent, treason? Charging someone with aiding the enemy for, basically, communicating with the press, needlessly endangers our free-press traditions by taking a perfectly good military regulation and applying it to a situation for which it was clearly not intended.”

The White House routinely leaks Top Secret information that it wants to highlight to advance its own policy interests; meanwhile it aggressively persecutes someone for allegedly releasing less secretive information (all ‘Secret’ or lower). (Read more…)

"I am anonymous, and we are Bradley Manning. We deserve truth and justice in its unadultered form, free of twists and mis-information. Supporting Bradley is supporting the WORLD."

‘I am Bradley Manning’ photo campaign!

One thought on “Update 5/14/12: three weeks in Wales, protest in Pasadena, and the Army’s reckless overreaction

  1. I wish I could say ‘I’m Bradley Manning’. I’m afraid, few of us would have the courage of that young man. Most people don’t have the courage to be different, even if the price is not as horrific as Manning has to pay. No, I wish I were Bradley Manning, but it would be an honor I’m not sure I deserve.

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