Update 5/17/12: Photos from Bradley Manning contingent at NATO protests
Michael Thurman, of the Bradley Manning Support Network and Courage to Resist, is in Chicago, representing the Bradley Manning contingent of NATO protesters. He and other supporters are preparing materials and recruiting demonstrators for this weekend’s march against the NATO summit. He fills us in on happenings in Chicago:
We assembled the visuals for the contingent yesterday and still have more to work on today. We had lots of fun painting and stapling the banners. Last night we attended a book talk on “The US vs Bradley Manning” authored by Kevin Gosztola. It was very educational, insightful and informative. Kevin is an exceptional writer who has been following the Bradley’s case very closely. We tabled handed out stickers, got petitions signed and talked with the attendees at the event about supporting Bradley. Everyone is excited for the contingent on Sunday. We are going to go get ready for it.
Please join us tomorrow night, Friday May 18th, at St. Luke’s Logan Square 2649 N Francisco in Chicago as singer/song writter and Bradley Manning supporter David Rovics headlines an evening of music, spoken word and more celebrating resistance. We will be tabling for Bradley Manning there, come say hello!
Michael sent these photos on the progress of preparations, including Kevin Gosztola discussing his book on Bradley, music events spreading the word about his case, and Bradley Manning banners and supplies:

Writer Kevin Gosztola

Free Bradley banner

Bradley supporters in Chicago

Bradley supporters preparing banner for upcoming march
Good work!