Update 5/30/13: Massive support for Bradley as court martial nears

makeart200There are 3 days left to join the online mass shout out/Thunderclap for Bradley Manning. Thunderclap is a service that schedules supporters posts so that we can all announce our support for Bradley in unison. The action is scheduled to go off on June 3rd, as the court martial begins. Sign up today! Every person counts! 

On June 1 there will be a mass demonstration for Bradley Manning at Fort Meade. More than a thousand supporters have RSVP’ed and buses have been organized from numerous cities. Click here for bus information.  This event is expected to be the largest of the campaign. 

Then on June 2nd, supporters are invited to attend a panel on Bradley Manning and the media in Washington DC. Pentagon Papers whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg, Government Accountability Project director and DOJ whistle-blower Jesselyn Radack, Center for Constitutional Rights president emeritus Michael Ratner , and former State Department employee Peter Van Buren will discuss how WikiLeaks and the Bradley Manning trial have impacted journalism. The panelists will examine how the information released by Bradley Manning helped shaped the public’s understanding of war, diplomacy, and government secrecy, and the way the press reports on each. They’ll explore how the government’s unprecedentedly broad interpretation of “aiding the enemy” in prosecuting Bradley Manning gravely threatens press freedoms in the United States.

More and more international actions are being organized for the International Week of Action June 1-8th. Click here to view the entire list.

In other news, David House, who helped found the Bradley Manning Support Network, received some vindication in a government settlement that will have the government destroy all data it unlawfully seized and copied from David House’s notebook. The Boston Globe reports: 

“House said Homeland Security agents questioned him about his political work and beliefs, then took his laptop, camera and USB drive. In his lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, House accused the government of launching a ‘fishing expedition’ in an effort to find out who was supporting Manning, who is accused of leaking classified information about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.” 


“According to the settlement with House, the government has agreed to destroy any data it retrieved from the laptop and other devices agents took from House.

The government also agreed to hand over copies of reports of the investigation into House.”

Read the entire article here. 

3 thoughts on “Update 5/30/13: Massive support for Bradley as court martial nears

  1. I support Bradley Manning because he had the courage to draw attention to the war crimes being committed in our name, and is paying the price for it. He has endangered no troops, but his actions have saved many lives, including those of our own soldiers. He is not a traitor, he is the kind of hero who comes along once in a generation.

  2. What planet are you all from? No one ever heard of Boston. Those brothers said they did what they did because of the atrocities again Muslims. Of course the disclosures from Wikileaks fueled their hate, which created these home grown jihadist.
    Bradley Manning is responsible for this Boston massacre, where our fellow citizens were killed and manned for life.

    If he wanted to blow the whistle, Mr. Manning had Congressmen and Senators to go to. He did not have to break the law and hand the material to a foreign entity, who in facts hates the USA.

    The same can be said for the stabbings in London and France.

    Sorry to say, Mr. Bradley is not only a traitor, he is a murderer.

    • To Roger King : You obviously have a lake of brain cells.

      If you do think that, whatever the issue, going to your senators can do anything for you, then go back to your couch and watch your favorite brain washing mainstream medias.

      But please, stop trying to think. You can’t, and you just proved it.

      To make it short (and simple for you) :
      Civil rights and freedom have ALWAYS DECLINED significantly as the people were beginning to blindly trust their government.

      This is history.

      All the laws are not made to protect the citizens. If you go the “legal” way to blow the whistle, don’t expect a 100% chance to make your voice heard.

      This is facts.

      The video released shows innocent people being killed, kids included. You can clearly hear how the military guys are, almost, enjoying the moment.

      This is criminal.

      The US military is not there for the reasons they told you. Study instead of buying what you’ve been fed. By the way, I am French, and you shouldn’t talk about what you don’t know.

      You are ignorance.

      My country went to Libya for the same dark reasons than the US. I am not proud of it, and i do think it’s criminal of us too.

      But i do believe that the US people are more than great. They begin (as we do here) to realize, thanks to heroes like Bradley. The people always win in the end.

      They are hope.

      So change your mind as quickly as your IQ permits it. Because right now, you are part of the problem.


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