
Upcoming Events:

Bradley may be locked up, but we aren’t! — Now is the time to move Bradley Manning into pop-culture status! Artists around the world will be using their creative powers for truth, accountability, and justice, by bringing Bradley Manning into public spaces.  Join the movement and host an event, or contribute to one already planned, here.  There will be concerts, art installations, street theater, and more. The web is also free! Share your paintings, posters, music and videos online in every possible venue —  we will be showcasing art here.

  • You can learn more about Bradley Manning Solidarity Weekend and download a guide here.
  • To submit art, send your images, videos, or links to art (at) bradley manning (dot) org.  Please tell us how you would like us to credit your work, and send us a link if you would like visitors to see more of your work elsewhere.


Images and Paintings

collateral murder interpretation

An interpretation of the collateral murder video, C.T. Brown

see more images and paintings


Music and Videos

“Bring a Torch,” a song for Bradley by Cabin of Love

See more music and videos